Chapt 20

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A loud and abrupt bolt of thunder causes my pulse to quicken, my heart feeling as if someone has just told me the worst news I could ever be told. I open my eyes and learn that the weather prediction was true. As my body slowly regains it self, the stern smell of sweet condensation looms through the wide cracks of my bedroom window. There is even small droplets of rain that has now made its way onto the window post. I inhale my way up and throw my legs over the bed to plant them onto the floor to stick into my fuzzy, comfortable slippers. I've got to close it now since there is apparent thunder. I stand up and stretch my body a bit before going to it, and being mesmerized by how it looks. I've always loved to watch the rain fall, even as a small child, but I was never a fan of thunder. Reaching a hand out, I pull the window down and lock it before sliding the drapes to be closed. I want to watch, but I'll watch from the living area.

I turn myself around completely and grab at my shoulder, the odd feeling to adjust myself rumbling through me. I do, as I waltz myself out of my bedroom, down the corridor, and into the kitchen. There is a little light shining in from outside, but not enough to keep me company so I hit the switch right before I enter the kitchen. I set it to dim before continuing inside. The coffee brewer sits all by its lonesome right beside the box of coffee and tea flavors. I take out a lavender bag of tea, wanting something that would put me back to sleep. I make sure that there isn't any coffee grounds inside of the brewer before starting it and letting it fill my mug with hot water. I throw the tea inside and play around with it before I feel it's good enough for my liking. Turning around, I catch wind of Xyle who's sitting in the chair in the living area. His eyes shine despite the dim lamp he's turned on, and they burn a gaze into my own. I'd forgotten he was here, but I'm happy that he is. I pad my way over to him and stick a hand into his soft, brown curls, raking my fingers over his smooth scalp.

He closes his eyes and allows me to run my fingers through. It gives me some sense of adornment at his small action. "I did not know you were in here. I would have made you some tea" I whisper, watching him under my brown eyes.

He sighs contently as he opens his eyes, those big grays piercing up at me. "Thank you, but it's alright. I never drink tea" he admits. He sways his head to the side, his eyes never leaving mine, though. "Im just watching the rain. It is one of the only things to make my mind feel at ease. I used to do this with my mother".

I stand there, sort of unsure of what to say. He told me before that it was hard talking about her, and I don't want him to think about it more than he already is. I contemplate my options before saying "do you want to do this alone?".

He doesn't say anything as he pulls his eyes and head away from me. He brings his right hand up and gently taps his lap two times. My cheeks heat and a smile rises on my face. I walk around the chair and take a seat on top of his lap, leaning back and holding my mug up right. His skin, smooth like butter, is so heated. If I were cold, I wouldn't have needed anything to warm me up. With my skin pressed against his, and the sound of our breathing and the rainfall only filling the room, I listen to his heart beat as well. It is faster than it should have been, but not as fast as earlier.

"The thing I love so much about rainfall is that it happens whenever. If you had no one to do the weather, or no one who knew the Earth well enough, you'd see that it happened almost unexpectedly. That's how life is. Things happen without you expecting it, and you have to decide weather or not you want to embrace it, or grimace over it. It may take time to get over things, but dwelling over it too long and missing out on the opportunities that lay ahead of you isn't worth it" he murmurs.

I pull my mug to my lips and take a small sip, soon turning to shift my body so that I am closer to him, closer to his heart. I feel that his words of wisdom come from a place of hurt, and I don't want him to feel as if he is alone. I want to comfort him.

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