Chapt 46

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He holds his arm out, his wrists towards the sky as he looks at me. His teeth are pressed together tightly, which results in the clenching of his jaw. His sharp jawline looks sharper than ever seen before. His eyes are hooded and exasperated despite him not being tired at all. His forehead has a small line right along the front due to how he's showing his emotions. Nonetheless, he is scowling, but he looks so damned cute.

I choose to ignore his crappy feeling, knowing he'll regret it as soon as we begin having fun. I look away from his spiraling but calming eyes, and look down to his arm. The one he's holding out to me has a single silver bracelet wrapped around it. It was his first gift for his birthday, something I gave him last night. I am not proud of how much it costed me, but it was so worth it because he looks so sexy it.

Green paper wristbands. I slip the thin cover for the adhesive off and stuff it inside of his pants pocket. He scowls even more, clearly not wanting to be here because of what it seems to him. I hold the paper band under his wrist and connect one side to the other to ensure our way around. I keep my eyes down on his arm despite finishing, admiring the way it looks.

Only for a moment, I gaze at his skin. Soon, I hold my paper band up to him and look into his eyes. My lips curl into a very innocent smile. This entire scenery reminds me of something from a movie. As I booked us for today, I hadn't known there would be games and obstacle courses to play around with. It only made the day more desirable to indulge in.

He swallows down the distaste that rested at the very tip of his tongue and settles for a low growl, but I hear him through the chattering voices and soft music playing in the background. I lift my arm for him. He takes my wrist in one hand and takes the paper band in the other. With one finger, he flicks the tiny paper that covers the adhesive side away. He pulls the band under my arm and connects the two sides together, mirroring what I had done to him.

I pull my arm back closer to me and trace my eyes along the written letters on the band, something he has yet to notice. I smile, happy that he's hasn't read it yet because then it would ruin the surprise and I want to surprise him even a full day after the day he was born.

"A fucking carnival." He mumbles under his breath, shaking his head and looking away from me to direct his slight anger elsewhere. I knew the grumpy man would loath the sight of it, but we haven't even been here long enough for him to be so riled up.

I step around his body to force his eyes back into mine. They meet, and I happily raise my eyebrows. "It's not a carnival. It is a... place." I say, my vocabulary lacking and causing me to be at a lost for better words.

He sighs, pulling his arm up and gesturing towards the games and obstacles around us. "Yeah, a place where people come to play games and listen to music that's too loud for the ears." He says. He looks like a teenager being forced to take a picture.

I tilt my head to the side, my left eyebrow curling upwards and silently asking him to just go along with it. "Every couple that is a good couple needs to have this scratched off of their list." I smile, inhaling and loving the fresh air around us.

His facial expression is severely exaggerated. "Who makes lists nowadays? And we don't need a list. We're a good couple," he looks away from me and sneers at the sight of cotton candy. "I- look at this shit."

Ignoring his dialogue, I step closer to him and pull my hand up to touch his face. I feel the beautiful stubble underneath the pads of my fingers. "I promise this will be more fun than you expect. After all, it's your birthday." I pout, soon smiling again.

He shakes his head, but lets me keep my hand on his skin. "My birthday was yesterday. You got me a cake and everything. I had a lot of fun, then." He says. I'm sure it was fun for him.

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