Chapt 43

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The sweet sound of heated water dripping down onto the floor of my shower slowly seduces me away from my angelic sleep. My eyes open and my consciousness slowly begins to gain. The large window filters in the sunlight that beams down on my beautiful house. It reigns across my skin and leaves a glowering tan that illuminates the entire left side of my body. I inhale deeply and pull away from my stomach and turn onto my back.

I look down at myself, noticing that the hem of my shirt has become risen and leaves my body to be on full display for whoever wants to see it. Beside me the sheets are still messy and Xyle's pillow still has a small indentation, telling me that he hasn't been gone for long. I slide my hand across the sheets and feel the warmth from his hot body. I'm happy he changed the sheets a few days back, they smell so delicious. Almost two weeks free of sex.

I'm unaware of the time. It could be anywhere from six am to eight. He always rises earlier than me. I close my eyes again, not to sleep, but just to rest a bit. I am completely content with the way I feel in this moment. My sadness still strikes, but with much comfort, I feel like myself again after fifteen days. I'm sure my subconscious is more than thankful for my sudden pull.

The sound of the door opening makes me open my eyes again. I turn to my side as I pull my hand up, resting my elbow onto the bed and my head in my hand. Xyle comes inside, holding his cellphone up to his ear. He's completely shirtless, and showing off the beautiful tattoo resting below his right peck. The strings from his pajama pants are loose and hanging down the middle. Gosh, he has such gorgeous legs. His hair is all disheveled and his eyes are low. He still looks sleepy.

He pulls the door up before running his long fingers through his curly hair, sighing a bit before inhaling. He clenches his jaw, his eyes turning dark for a second before his lips part.

"During my absence I requested the stats be sent elsewhere... I would hate to return to work today and find such a shit show... This is monotonous.... I'll arrive soon."

I gawk mindlessly at him, wondering how I ever got so lucky. He's superb at sex. He is caring. He is so gentle and patient. How is he all mine?

He blows air through his mouth as he listens in. His eyes close and he tilts his head backwards. Oh my. The sight of his sexy Adam's apple. His hair falls back, waving perfectly and following his movements. Jeez, the veins in his arms.

"I am a firm believer in not making the same mistake twice. The team needs to be gathered sharply at twelve to discuss mistakes... remember that word, monotonous." He says matter-of-factly, raking another hand through his hair. This time he keeps his hand there, gently gripping it.

He's always so nicely trimmed. His under arms are groomed neatly. How is this so attractive? Maybe it's my sudden burst of happiness, but I want him so badly.

He inhales, lifting his head up straight, but keeps his eyes closed. He splays a hand across his stomach, covering the birthdate in Roman numerals that rest right below his right peck.

"I'm not familiar... Black is fine... yes, tomorrow. I'll need Tyler and the rest of the security team... Yes, he will be joining, it's part of my reasoning... how are the stats now... positive or negative..." he opens his eyes and scans the room for a quick second before placing his eyes against me.

He does a cute little double take before staying put. His eyes scan my exposed hip and his breathing seems to change. "I am sure of it. Have him double check..." he now talks in a rushed tone, but doesn't let his eyes leave me.

"Fine... make the call and have everything ready by the time I'm in..." he pulls the phone away from his ear and finally pulls his eyes away from me. He ends the call and peaks up at me with a wonky smirk.

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