Chapt 22

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My eyes widen at the sight of him. I feel as if my eyes deceive me, but in a good way. My heart picks up it's pace and begins to thump as I watch him exit his car. His car had always been cleaned and spotless so I wasn't surprised, what I focused on was him. He looked different, and most definitely delectable.

When he finally stands up straight I can see his full height. I wonder if he knows I have a thing for a man in a suit? I watch him intensely, my eyes glued to him as he comes closer with his head hanging low. There's a change in his hair. I can tell from here. I look down to his dark attire and the ache between my legs threaten to make it all about our pleasure right this second, forgetting out date. Our first date. Of course I didn't want that, but the thought of it sounded good. His dress shoes look to be freshly polished, and I just know that his sweet, masculine smell lingers within his clothing.

He lifts his head and places his eyes against me. It's like my world stops for a brief moment. He staggers his movements as if he hadn't expected me to be outside already, but I had seen his car from the living area window and just couldn't wait a second longer to see him. He left me this morning after a brief kiss. He had explained that he had to get a few things done today before I had him all to myself, and I'm guessing this is it.

His gray eyes swarm me, but they don't feel like a mob of angry bees. It feels like a million and one warm hugs, and I want to feel it forever. He seems to gain his sense after a few seconds and he approaches me with a confidence look. He tilts his chin up, but keeps his eyes low. There's a smirk on his face.

"Good evening—"

"You got a haircut!" I interrupt him by mistake. I want to tell him I'm sorry, I'm just a bit excited. He looks to have trimmed his hair a bit. It looks amazing. I pull my hand to my face and hide my mouth, not wanting any more outbursts to interrupt what he has to say. Surprisingly, he just smiles a sweet one.

He steps closer to me and pulls my hand down, clasping it in his. "I didn't think you'd notice. She didn't cut much of it off" he informs me. He slides his thumb across the back of my hand and I feel I have goosebumps at the small gesture. He's the only man to have ever taken me by the hand.

"Of course I'd notice. You look different, and it means a good thing. Some people get haircuts and it makes them look very unattractive" I look at his hair.

He chuckles lightly. "Oh God, good thing I look good, right?".

I nod. "Yep. You should try your luck after we get back" I look into his eyes. I notice that his cheeks now have rosey red spots. It makes me giggle inside. Has this really got him flustered?

He clears his throat and closes his eyes briefly before opening them again. "You look amazing... I mean you always do but today you look... n-not that you look any less on any other day, I just really like your face... I always do of course, of course you are stunning, but I can't breathe right now... well to be quite honest you always take my breath away... you look perfect" he stammers over his sentence and it makes me wonder why he's so nervous.

I step closer to him and because of the heels I have on I am able to press a kiss right onto his lips, so I do, taking well advantage of this opportunity to silence him this way. He stops his sentence and looks down at me. "Thank you, I like your face, too. Now, if we can, can we get going? I've saved up an appetite for this".

He nods to me before stepping back and raising his hand to give me a bouquet of red roses. I was so smitten that I hadn't noticed it in his hand. I take it and adore the beautiful petals.

I look up at him with a smirk. "Red roses are for lovers".

"Isn't that what we are? Well, after I take you on this date. I recall you not answering to being my girlfriend because of the lack of dates" he starts to guide me towards his car. He pulls the door open for me like a gentleman, like always.

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