Chapt 24

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As I absentmindedly pull the hem of my loose dress down and flatten my hands against it, I hear the sound of Xyle's cellular device buzzing inside of his pocket. I grow shy, feeling as if I am invading something personal. It's pretty late in the day for someone to just be calling about something that matters. Then again, I am reminded that he is my boyfriend.

I pull myself out of my stupid trance and focus my eyes on him who is just now lifting from taking my blanket from the grass. He bawls it up and stuffs it to the crease of his left arm as he reaches for his phone. Pulling it out, he throws me a very small glance before sliding his thumb across and answering. "Hello".

His tone is harsh. I gaze in trepidation as he listens in to the call for a moment. In just seconds, he's walking back to me and reaching his hand out for mine. I walk along with him as I know we are leaving now. "You could get to the point. I would rather not talk with you right now" he tells the person.

I try not to be a nosey bug, but I can't help but find myself as a fly on the wall. We are soon approaching our cars. I attempt to get inside of mine but he stops me with a gentle hand at the small of my waist.

"I'll see what I can do, but do not call me otherwise. This could have been discussed over text" he pulls the phone away from his ear and ends the call. He stuffs it into his pocket.

When he brings his eyes to me I give him a small smile. "I sure hope whoever that was wasn't already having a bad day" I say. We've spent so much time alone together that I've forgotten how mean he could be.

His lips press into a thin line. "It was Caliver. He says he's behind payments for the house, needs my help".

I frown, stepping closer to him and brushing my hands against his arms. "That sucks. I thought they owned that house" I say.

He nods to tell me that I am correct. "He does, but I don't think he's handling things as he should" he says with a tone of disapproval and disappointment.

"Are you going to help him out?" I ask gently.

He nods without a further beat, not caring to think about what to say next. "Of course. He's a piece of shit, but a piece of my mother is still there. I'll pay as long as he needs if it means we can keep the one thing my mother and I were happy in" he tells me. It makes me sad to hear, especially knowing the two never moved out of that house after his mother passed. I know nothing about how she passed, but I know I wouldn't want to step foot into a place where one of my parents died.

I give him a sweet smile as I squeeze his arms. "That's such a selfless thing to do, Xyle".

"I'm not doing it for him" he says without a beat. "I'm doing it so he doesn't lose the house forever. I'll buy it from him one day, I want to keep it. I'll fix it up, I'll keep it well managed. It holds beautiful memories... so selfless may not be the word to use. Careful may be a better one".

I stay silent as I look at him. That house really means a lot to him. Though, I do not understand how he could bare living in such a place with dark memories. I'm sure what he remembers is a great amount, but something as traumatic as her passing there is too much for me.

I have nothing to say, now. I slide myself to the side and pull my car door open. I'm about to get in when I turn to look at him. His eyes wonder from my backside and up to my eyes. I narrow my eyes before raising an eyebrow. "Nothing you've never seen before" I tease. "I'm going home. You can either join me or go to your place alone. I'd understand if you wanted to".

He lifts his arm and runs a hand through his hair. "Actually, I was thinking we could have a change of scenery for tonight. I don't recall you ever seeing my place".

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