Chapt 35

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My eyes swell heavy with irritation as I reach over into the glove compartment of my car. I really hadn't wanted go when Celeste mentioned coming here, but here I was. I would rather be as far away from Caliver as possible, but I did not want her to be alone, though she wouldn't, I just wanted to be with her. I pull it open and grab a fresh black tie from it, somehow being oblivious to the fact of its absence around my neck until I got inside of my car. I close the compartment and begin to fix the tie as I look down to my phone that has only buzzed with the emails from business dealings, none from her. It isn't like her to ignore my calls, forgetting the stunt she pulled two days ago when she hung up on me mid conversation, so I was a bit on edge.

I press the button to my car, turning it off, and push the door open. Tyler is only parked a parking space away, and he stands near the left headlight, greeting me as I exited. "Mr. Huxley. I must alarm you that Miss Abano just entered the premises." he says. My eyebrows furrow, not understanding how she could miss the two of us. I told Tyler to let me know if he saw her, in hopes I'd be able to kiss her just once before we entered, high in desperate need for her touch. She's been avoiding me.

"Did she see you?" I close the door and hit the locks before putting a hand into my pocket to secure my keys.

He nods his head once. "I'm afraid so." My expressions fall flat as he mouths the words. I don't like the way they blush at each other.

I take his words in account, nodding my head and walking past him to gain closer entry towards the large door. Maverick sure did know just the correct way to make an impression. I'm still a bit confused about the whole auction thing mentioned to me, because this surely looked like something different but I didn't have enough care in the world to see what the event was for in reality. I dressed accordingly, my suit dark blue because of the attire, which was my usual when working anyways. There is a man dressed in similar attire who's lingering by the door. My head nods to him once as I walk through the doors, hearing a series of chattering mouths fill the air. Definitely not a scene for me, but I'm only here to be with Celeste. Even if it means having to steal a glance at her cute ass in front of her family.

My eyes gaze along the way everything looks. Maverick maybe had someone to plan this event, it looks like something he paid someone to do. The floors are freshly waxed and showing their light brown color. The tables, all round with a color beige that oddly resembles the colors of Celeste's drapes, cloth is spread atop them, a single bouquet flowers at the center. Walking in deeper, I see a large opened space, surely meant for dancing, and there is a small bar with an older gentleman standing at the left side of it, bending to grab something from the shelf below. Maverick has a bit of taste. He's outdone himself with this evenings event.

It felt a bit odd being around a bunch of people I didn't care to hold a conversation with, especially since I hadn't wanted to be here anyways, but the longer I stood there unsure of what to do, the ache for Celeste rose high in my chest. The feeling of interminableness want sparks something in my throat, but I push it down, taking breaths in as my doctor taught me to do.

One. Two. There. Four. Five.

My number was always seven, but five seems to help me more.

My blood seems to cool down and my vision gains clear again. I turn my head as the muttering sounds of a voice picks up. A bastard— excuse me, Caliver walks in with a stunning woman on his arm. Her hair is that gorgeous brown like my mother's, her figure slim, and her fingers blinged out.

Her smile is as bright as can be, and as for the dipshit she has holding her arm and controlling her every movement, his is as well as he mirrors her expression. She probably gave him some money or something. His eyes go all around the room before I pull my hand up, scratching the space underneath my lip as I try my hardest to whip around to avoid him, but the woman's blue eyes glimmer as she sees me, and she doesn't hesitate to whisper something quick into his ear before she stalks toward me, her hips swaying in that expensive fabric she's wearing.

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