Chapt 44

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I don't think twice more as I walk over to the small but square, end table resting beside the door. I purchased this when I first moved here, having plans to make it a spot to sit my keys, but I feel safer with them in my purse.

I pull my right foot up, heel first, soon grabbing the back of the heel to slip it from my foot. The expensive shoes are nice but my toes are aching to be free. I sit the heel neatly against the wall before doing the same with the other foot. My eyes glimmer with happiness as I see him walking across the floors. He is still fully dressed in his matching suit jacket and suit pants, pale blue tie, and pale blue cufflinks at the ends of his sleeves. He has his right hand splayed across his abdomen, reaching for the the center button that holds the two sides of the suit together. He sends chills down my body with the way he carries himself. So confident, chin up, well groomed, eyes blazing.

His smile possesses me as it rises on his face the moment he sees me. I turn into complete mush, looking like a little girl who sees the really handsome jock she likes. My eyes grow bigger with excitement, and my smile rises to. For a slight moment, we both mirrors each other's facial expressions, looking deeply into one another's soul.

My hunger strikes between, though, and the smell of brewing food fills my nostrils before he pulls be back into a trance.

"Hey, pretty." he murmurs, finally popping the button to his jacket. My chest rises as I look across and at him. Although he is walking with a purpose, he's walking entirely too slow for me. I want him to hug and kiss me already. I've missed him too much today.

His long legs stride him closer to me and within the matter of a few seconds, he is wrapping his arms around my waist to bring me in for a much needed hug. His body relaxes deeply into mine and he sighs as if this is all he's ever wanted. My eyes close for a small moment as I reach up, hooking my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer, hugging me as if he wanted to merge into one with me. At last, we pull away and my hands go to grip onto both sides of his suit jacket as I look up at him.

The texture is beyond nice and feels like something very expensive. It slides softly underneath the pad of my thumb as I study it with a quick pace. "You look nice, baby. You always do" I smile, tugging onto the jacket to make him lower himself down to me.

He obliges, leaning his head down to me, but stalling, hovering over my lips and letting the air from his nose tease me with its tantalizingly sweet breeze. "As do you, Persephone. I couldn't get you out of my head all day. I want to kiss you so badly." he whispers, his eyes invading my own.

I can't help the pull at the creases of my cheeks. He finally stops his stalling and leans his lips into mine, pressing the soft and plump sweetness into my own. My body refuses to hold in the content hum erupting and it releases itself into his mouth.

I tilt my head upwards, wanting to take more of him into my mouth to devour. He tastes so delicious, almost like food. It makes me want to taste more of him. I pull my hands away from his suit and throw my arms around his neck, forcing my body closer to his.

He notices, and smiles into the kiss as he does. It makes our lips separate, but I keep them pressed against him, waiting and hoping for another invite.

"Dinner is ready to be served. It would be a waste of my hard work to just get you in bed the moment you enter the door."

I pour, clearly sexually frustrated. "We can do a quick one."

He lightly chuckles. "I don't like quickies, baby, especially not with you. I want to take my time with you, show you how much I missed pounding into you."

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