Chapt 23

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The small coffee shop didn't have many people when I arrived over a half our ago. There were only two baristas, an old lady sitting with a cute dog, and a man in a suit who sat at the table far in the corner with an apple laptop taking his view. Now, it has become more of a spot that is filled with chatter and new faces.

I sling my tote onto my shoulder with my right hand, and take my now lukewarm cup of coffee with my left. It's my fault that the coffee isn't as hot as it was, well partially.

I initially planned to stay for just ten minutes when I first got here so I ordered a cup of coffee and a small donut. I definitely overstayed my own welcome being here for forty five minutes. I just felt as if I needed to take a breather, a reality check, time alone. I really needed to think. What the hell got into me last night? I just can't wrap my head around go it. The passion, the throes of exhilaration, and the hot, steamy enthusiasm that coursed through my veins was something I've never felt before.

I let him see me naked.

I let him go down on me... for Christ's Sake. And it felt good.

I felt as if I was on fire last night, but it wasn't the kind of fire I ached to get away from. It was the kind of fire I wanted to feel, a fire I wanted to touch. And he let me. He surely was better than the dream I had experienced, like he said he would.

God, I wanted more. Is that wrong? I'm sure he would be more than happy to know that I really enjoyed myself, but what if I ask and he feels it's too much? He didn't much engage in any touchy-feely moments after what happened, maybe he doesn't care much for things like that. I thought he'd want more but instead he joined me inside of the shower without making it sexual despite what we did, and held me close in bed.

I want to be wrapped inside of his big arms right now. Even with the feeling of being choked by his biceps, I wouldn't want anything to change. I felt secure. He made me feel secure.

Which is why I've zoned out numerous times as I occupied my time with my phone and coffee. I pulled up an app where I read books on my phone, but couldn't read anything because of the flashbacks I was having. His head between my legs. His tongue touching me in a spot that needed so much love. The angelic faces he made when I touched him, and asked how he likes to be touched. He truly is so beautiful.

It felt so odd to say goodbye to him this morning. A part of me, a broken part of me, wanted to think that he would avoid me at all costs now. The other part of me knew he'd come back to me like he's done all the other times. My mind attempted to fill with rotten piece, but I knew we both had important things to do for work today. Though, I wished we would have been able to lie in bed all day, naked, and tussled inside of the thick sheets.

Reality mocks me as the sound of the bell chimes, alarming all guests and employees that someone new is coming in. I hope everyone enjoys their coffee. I stick my phone into my tote and leave the same door someone just arrived in. Soon, I am looking at my small car and unlocking it to pull myself inside. Once comfortable, I hear my phone buzz. When I look, I see a picture of his face and suit jacket, along with a message.

Xyle<3: I'm sitting in a meeting. Pretty bored, but only when I focus and not think of what I did to you last night.

I can't help it. I bite down on my bottom lip as I read his hot message and scroll to look at the picture once more. Every single thing about him is highly attractive. His jawline has got me all flustered. I type back.

Me: I've been trying to start a new book. I read along for a bit before I started to think of you and then my screen went blank because it was idle.

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