Chapt 04

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My heart swirls into small feelings of pain as I watch Caliver, his face growing as red as a tomato. It is highly embarrassing to be treated like this in front of others, even if it's family. It shows his little respect he has for his father, which makes me drop my fork onto my plate. "Excuse me" I say, pulling my chair out and leaving the dinner table. I slide the glass doors open and make my way through the large home, looking for any sign of him. The house is quiet, like always.

I cross the intimate living area that is dimmed with lights and find myself at the top of the corridor where his room would be.

His door is closed, as expected. Somehow, he was able to take a good amount of space, probably striding through the hall with those long legs he has. The peds of my feet make a chafe sound as I grow closer, and that isn't the only thing I can hear.

Glass collides to the floor just on the other side of the wall. It nearly scares me and makes me stray away from coming to see what was going on, although it isn't my place. Knock knock. I press my knuckles against the wooden door twice before it swings open, it's air nearly pulling me.

I stand up straight, looking at him. He blinks down at me.

"What do you want?" His tone is the harshest I've ever heard, and it honestly does more damage to me than the name calling he's done last night and this evening. He voice is thick, angry, and the spiraling in his eyes cause mine to burn.

I blink, looking down and away from his eyes as if it were a sin to look into them. With my eyes darting away from his, I open my mouth. "I came here to check on you. You seemed really angry" I admit, gnawing on my bottom lip and twiddling with my fingers. I fold one in front of the other, and then my pinky towards my thumb. I press my pointer against the palm of my hand. I press my hands together, and then pull them apart.

"I'm fine" he says sternly.

I don't believe his words. I lift my head a bit, pausing the movement of my hands and look into his room. Broken glass lies there in pieces, both large and small. I shake my head.

"You broke something?" I whisper. He's crazy. This isn't his home, nor is it my father or his father's. They both rented this place so we could all spend time together, not so he could come here and damage someone else's property.

He exhales, his chest decreasing in size. I lift my head even more, seeing him as he cranes his neck to see exactly what I'm talking about, as if he hadn't done what he did. He turns back to me and I pull my head down again.

"I didn't try to" his tone is thinner, and his voice isn't as loud, but still I call his bluff. He means to tell me that in a fit of a rage he came here and 'accidentally' knocked a lamp from the nightstand? He's not as clumsy as he was anymore. He's lying.

"I really didn't try to, Celeste, not that it's any of your business. I closed my eyes for a brief moment and I collided into the stand. The lamp fell and shattered across the floor. But don't worry Goody two shoes I'll replace it". I look at him with an eyebrow raised.

"You don't get it" I sigh.

Confusion takes over him. "What? What don't I get?".

I swallow, rolling my arm out to gesture at the mess he's made. "It's not about if you'll replace it, it shouldn't have been broken in the first place" I say, pulling my arm down. I shake my head. How could he have been so messed up to not see the principle of the situation? It wouldn't need to be fixed if it were not broken.

"It was a mistake, Celeste" he uses my name for a second time and it causes me to feel a shift in energy between us. This... this boy who's grown into a man who shields himself... he needs more than broken glass to help him see the severity in his actions.

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