Chapt 13

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Xyle reaches into his back pocket for his wallet as the cashier reads us the total of five hundred dollars. I wince at the price but he doesn't even bat an eyelash. His wallet, that was laced with silver trimmings, held a series of cards. He pulled one out and proceeded to pay the total before retrieving it back to it's original place. He grabs the handle of the kart and pushes it.

I let my imagination wonder for a bit, thinking about how hard he could grip something with those large hands of his. They're pretty, his nails are filed short, cuticles in tact, and a clear coat of polish on each nail. He seems like a well manicured man.

I get so distracted in my thoughts that only his voice brings me back to reality when he slides his hand across my back, right at the center to move me away from the car that's going too fast to be inside of a parking lot. I look up at him, seeing his subtle reaction, and it isn't a nice one. He scowls harshly. "Slow the fuck down you fucking idiot" he grouches. He lingers for a bit to see if the driver will give him a reaction but when he doesn't we begin to walk again. He shakes his head, thinking about it deeply.

"Asshole's gonna hit someone one day. This is a parking lot. Not the interstate" he mumbles. He pushes the shopping kart near his car and comes to the passenger side to open the door for me. Without a word I climb inside and sit to put my seat- belt on as he puts the groceries into the trunk. He only does this for a few seconds before he's coming back and opening the passenger's door.

"If I had known I would be taking you grocery shopping I would have driven a different car. My trunk isn't so big, you'll have to hold these" he says and starts to load the groceries in.

My eyes widen as he sits numerous bags at my feet and onto my lap. I feel like a person in the movies who's face is pressed onto the window due to how much stuff the car holds. He puts the kart into the little place where all used karts go and gets inside.

"Why get a car with such a little trunk?" I ask, glancing over at him as he switches gears and drives onto the street.

He briefly looks at me. "Why get a new house and not go grocery shopping within the first few days?" He taunts.

"I actually haven't had any time to do it. I've had to be there for the deliveries of my furniture, that added to doing things for my personal life, and attending a shoot for Dacre" I admit. By now all of my furniture is inside of my home but this week was hell having them reschedule because of the difficulties with previous costumers.

He looks back at the road, pulling his indicated down to make a left turn. "It's a good thing I was able to help" he sounds like a man with genuine sincerity. I take a small breath in.

"I'd like to cook for you" I mumble quietly, afraid that he'd refuse. It's the least I can do since he's spent all this money on me.

"Huh?" His eyebrows knit together as he looks at me once he gets the car straight. He didn't hear me.

I shake my head. "Nothing" I lie. I'm far too embarrassed to repeat myself.

He turns his sight back to the road and cars ahead of us. "I'd like that" he responds, sending me to quirk an eyebrow up at him. The tightening of the muscles on his mouth assures me that he wants to toy around with me.

"Is there anything specific you'd like? Just note that I am not cooking anything with beetroot" I say and he smiles even more as he removes his right hand away from the wheel.

"I don't mind eating peppered chicken over rice. It's my favorite meal" he says.

I think I could do that. "Where did you first try it?".

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