Chapt 39

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He must really want this.

I smile a bit. "What about those appearances and business meetings?".

He shrugs, taking me by the hand. "I'll make them in time for what I have planned. Do you want to use protection or not?"

My insides flutter. "The doctor will have to check me. It will be inconsiderate to have you inside of me during my checkup."

We walk down the dim corridor. "I don't have to come inside of you. I'd like to come somewhere else, if you'd allow me to." We enter his room and he lifts me to place me on the bed after shamelessly removing all of my clothing in a heated rush.

"Yes, Sir." I whisper. And just like that the mood is heightened.

He doesn't say a word as he lays his body down beside mine.

He pats his chest.

"Let me eat your pussy, baby. I want you on my face."

My eyes widen as I look at the man laying on the bed across from me, not understanding where he's gotten his charismatic skills from. He easily ropes me in with the words that fall from his tongue. I've never sat on anyones face before. I am easily intrigued.

I lift myself, being overly cautious as I swing my leg around his head. I don't want to hurt him. What if I accidentally kick him, or knee him. Oh God, what if I'm too heavy?

He slips his hands underneath my body and places his palms against my ass as he brings me closer to his face. "Want you to make a mess of my face, Persephone. I don't want you to hold back. Ride my face. I want you to do it with no mercy." He whispers to me.

My mouth flies agape when he forcefully pulls me onto his mouth, immediately lapping his tongue around my slit and sucking in my arousal. My clitoris is overly sensitive due to his torturing teasing in the kitchen. He lets out a deep groan as he tastes me.

This overwhelming feeling of pleasure begins to brew inside of me. I try to silence my moans as I bring my hand to my mouth. He stares up at me the entire time, not once looking away. My hips shift on his face as he hits a spot that makes me cry out his name. He wraps his lips around my clitoris, sucking me in and wetting me as he goes. My moans release and I pull my hand away, placing it over his eyes. I throw my head back, my body inhaling as much air as I can take.

"Mh—mh." he groans. I can't stand the eye contact he wants to keep. It makes me shy.

I pull my hand away, keeping my chin tilted towards the ceiling as he pulls my weight onto his face.

His lips feel precious underneath my own. I pant, feeling my release coming for me like a train. My hips begin to move back and forth. He lets out another groan.

My hips create their own rhythm against Xyle's tongue. With him flicking it against me and me moving my hips against him, I shutter. I can feel the pressure deep into my core once my release builds and I call his name. My body grows weak and I fall beside him a panting mess.

I can feel the pressure deepen the bed as he lifts himself up. "I've missed having those lips on mine. Now please, let me fuck you." He leans down to collide his lips into mine. The taste of my sweetness sends me for an erotic overload. I push my hands into his hair and pull him closer to me, taking in as much of him as I can. I moan into the kiss as he deepens it.

He pushes his tongue inside of my mouth and explores me for a brief moment before pulling back but keeping his face dangerously close to mine. I whimper from the lost of contact.

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