Chapt 06

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I place the last piece of elongated tape down onto the creases of the box where the two flaps up top meet. This is the last box. I had been putting off with this box because it was specifically meant for the dishes I'd take to my new house. Glass plates, cups, and utensils all sit inside with nice wrapper to keep them safe from being broken on the ride there. I press it firmly and pull myself off the floor as I can hear Dacre's voice coming down the hallway, his voice echoing as he reaches the porch.

"Dios mío, mama, I'll call you back. How do you expect me to be a good helper if you won't let me leave? I'll have to hang up now". When he reaches the doorway I see him pull his small phone away from his ear. He shakes his head, his long black hair spilling over his forehead as he does so. Blinking his eyes, he sighs and looks as if he's exhausted with the phone call.

He switches his phone to vibrate, pulling the small tab on the upper left of his device, and tucks it into his pocket. He puts on a warm smile as he notices me already looking at him. He's the first to arrive today.

"Early morning, Celeste" he tells me as he steps over the threshold. I notice his big bulky boots, black and shiny. I've never seen a silver chain on the side of one's shoe but he makes it look good.

I nod, knowing well that I've been awake since five this morning. Most of my things were already packed and moved thanks to my father doing it for me, and now I just needed to get the rest of my essentials, which I thought wouldn't be much until I arrived home. I didn't bother unpacking my suitcase because it would defeat the purpose. I immediately began boxing up the dishes and lingering clothes inside of my soon to be old bedroom.

"Yes, it is a early morning, but a great one. My keys were inside of my mailbox so I'm ready to leave this place. I'll just need you to help me carry these boxes to my car" I tap the box right at my feet. It is a larger box, one bigger than the rest of them. If I had to take it to my car myself I would have just slid it across the ground until I reached my car and hoped that a big man would be willing to be a good samaritan to help a woman out.

He licks his lips, coating them with wetness as he walks towards where the box is. "My mom asked about you at dinner last night" he stalls picking the box up, opting for just looking at me.

I smile. His mother, Saylis, is a wonderful woman. She's super sweet and she makes the best blueberry pie. I hadn't even known blueberry pie was a thing until her, and I'm glad I know of it now. It's become one of my favorite treats.

"Did she?" I ask.

He nods, a blush creeping on his face as he pulls his hand to his neck. "She said that she likes you... a lot, and that she wants you over for dinner one day this week if you can. I know that you're busy a lot with your ribbon company so you don't have to- it was stupid of me to even ask, I know well that you're a busy woman" he chuckles lightly.

I want to place my hand over his mouth to stop his rambling. It's just dinner, no need to be afraid of asking. It's a light suggestion that will be taken into consideration. As long as she makes me that delicious blueberry pie.

"No, dinner sounds like a great idea. I love your family, it would be nice to come over and spend time with you guys. I'm actually honored that she likes me enough to invite me again" I smile, turning briefly to pick up the roll of tape from the floor. I sit it on top of the box that's labeled 'duty'. Inside I have things like more tape, nails, and wall stickers.

His smile rises as I turn to see him again. He lets out a nervous laugh and sighs. "Yeah, she rarely invites people. I sort of think she believes you're my girlfriend" he tells me.

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