Chapt 26

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"Please, Xyle" I suck in a large, whopping breath of air as I tilt my head towards the back, letting my head rest on the delicate comfortable pillows. "Please, I feel so much — Im so — ah". He kept the steady trail of his flattened tongue on my skin, giving me the feeling of his burning energy running straight into me.

He cocks his head back to take a look at me, the first look he's given me since he's been touching me. He's drags out a pleased facial expression, a bit of a smirk coating his lips, but he keeps them pressed into a thin line to intimidate me. Consider me so intimidated. He slowly slides his tongue back between those soft pink lips, and closes his mouth. His stare is deliciously scary. I can see his eyes darken by the second, and I'm unsure if he's a bit angry with me, or maybe he's extremely turned on by me.

I swallow as that very low and half showing smirk turns into a smirk that can clearly be seen. The right side of his face curls up into a devious smile. He knows he's intimidating. I pant a huge breath into the air as I can feel him rise his leg further up. He plants his knee between my legs and with the way he nudges, I know that he's trying to force them agape. I oblige, wanting a feeling of relief. God, he's making me ache and he's only kissed me — teased me gently with his eyes would be a better saying.

My eyes widen with admiration as I look above me to see him there. I'm so thankful for someone like him. I will never, ever want anyone else above me after him. Xyle is the only one. The relief I temporarily feel when he presses his knee into my sex is almost making me see stars, and he only does it for a second. My eyes pinch closed as I think I will finally have some source of relief. The aching stops only for a moment, and as he pulls away, I am back to feeling the rippling throb between my legs.

"Please!" I yelp, stifling out my stubborn aggression and aching need for him to give it to me. I need his legs pressed onto my hot, wet sex again. I need his tongue there like the last times. I want his fingers inside of me. I just want a relief. No one ever deserves to be tortured the way he's torturing me. It's like he has my clitoris in a vice grip with his teeth, and with every one second that passed by, he sinks his teeth into me and threatens to rip me apart. That's what being teased by Xyle feels like.

It's embarrassing to say that I feel some sort of relief when he chuckles. His warm, sweet, and minty breath fans against my skin, falling from his mouth and that delicious damned cherry lip balm he wears to keep his lips well moisturized. Like most of his body — well all, it is warm and it makes me think things I shouldn't think right now. His beautiful, pink lips curl into an even deeper smile, a smile that lets me know that he knows he has gotten me right where he wants me, where I want to be.

"I've got you wrapped around my finger, don't I, Angel?" he whispers, but he already knows the answer. He just wants me to say it. He wants me to voice to him that he does have me wrapped around his finger. He wants me to look him in those deep, spiraling, gray eyes and tell him the word yes. The ease in his voice assures me that he is aware of what my answer will be, and that he has nothing to fret. He doesn't have to fear with me. Fear doesn't exist when we're together. Our fears collide and find elsewhere to rotten. There is only passion and loving commitment with the two of us. No fear. No lies. No hurt.

I'm still aching, wanting to squirm with need. His gaze is the most intense I've ever seen in my life. He's everything to fear, yet I feel safest with him. Nothing can hurt me when I'm with him. The air goes silent, no one speaking, yet it's so loud and it needs something to feel the void. My lips part as I stare up at him, probably looking ridiculous and big eyed.

I nod into the quiet air, badly wanting his lips to come down onto mine, basically crashing with force. Somehow, I feel as if it is harder for me to breathe. I fight asphyxiation. I blink and swallow down the choking silence as I prepare myself to speak back to him. He's asked me a question. I should answer him.

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