Chapt 12

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Like the gates of heaven, my mind romped with joy, my subconscious with her hands raised towards the sky as Xyle stood beside the breakfast bar. He stroked a soft paper towel over his toned skin, leisurely removing the beautiful decor I gave him.

His lips were slightly parted as his eyes never left the spots he was trying to reach, seeming so focused on what he was doing.

He is so deep into the removal that he hasn't noticed my staring, which is a great thing. He wouldn't be able to call me out on it, or partake in an awkward gaze after I've been caught.

I walk past him and enter my vast kitchen, rummaging through the fridge to find anything appealing. Nope, still nothing. I close it and stand. Pulling a hand to my head, I scratch at it and turn myself around to look at him again, but he's already looking at me.

The wiping of his skin slows down. "Have you seriously not gone to the grocery store yet, Celeste?" He asks.

I don't want to answer him but it seems as if I should. I shrug and turn my entire body fully towards him, watching as his gray eyes look as if they want to sigh with heavy exasperation.

"Have you just been eating out for an entire week?" His tone and body language makes it seem as if it's one of his worst fears. He makes eating out seem disgusting. I shrug again.

"That's it. We're going grocery shopping" he pulls the paper towel away from his body and tosses it into the trash can before making a slow beeline for the living room couch. He grabs his gray shirt and scrunches it up to throw over his head.

"And I don't give a damn about the paint on your clothes" he continues. He slides the shirt down his arms and leaves me to stare at him. He's actually insane if he thinks I'll let him drag me into a grocery store with the way we both look. It's as if we've been rolling around in paint.

I stand back, leaning my lower back against the counter and crossing a leg over the other. I am in no position to seem as if I am ready to move, in which I'm not. Grocery store right now? Grocery store without changing into something more casual and not painted on? I'd rather be in line for fast food again.

He fixes his shirt to the best of his ability and swipes at the dried up yellow on his dark jeans before craning his neck to look over at me. For a few seconds, he stares at me and when I don't move he starts his journey towards me. In just seconds he is in front of me with his height hanging over me. He doesn't even give me time to act as if I want to protest before he's taking me by the hand and pulling me towards the door.

"My clutch" I yelp, snatching my keys off of the center piece as we past it. My clutch falls to the floor and rests onto its new spot.

"You won't need it" he gives me a puzzling smile as he pulls my front door open. Does he think he's super rich? If he does, he must know that I have money for my own groceries. I step out with a frown as he takes my keys and locks the door before pulling me towards his mysterious car. He opens the door and I climb inside before only catching a glimpse of the lower half of his face as he closes it. Moments later he's inside with me.

He starts his car and reverses out of the driveway before he switches gears and start forwards. I sit there with a frown on my face for a moment but he doesn't bother. I sigh. Still, he doesn't ask me what's wrong. I squint my eyes. Turning to him to see his face, I learn that his eyes are glued to the road.

"You seem focused" I say, pressing my lips into a thin line.

He rolls his lips out as he nods his head. "I thought you'd like that given that you actually drive with both hands on the wheel at all times" he says, raising both eyebrows for a short moment.

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