Chapt 34

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I make it my goal to visit my grandparents when the sun rises and I finish with work.

Seeing someone after a prolonged leave of absence makes my heart jittery. As I place my eyes against the tall man with gray hairs sticking out of his chin, my lips curl into a smile that mirrors his warm one. My lips thin, and his teeth show as he stuffs his left hand into his pocket. I walk up the gravel, feeling the rocks crunch under my feet, and when I'm finally close enough, he takes me by the arm with gentle force and pulls me in for a tight hug. My mind and body fills with serotonin as I hug my grand father. There's nothing better than hugging a grandparent. "I missed you, baby doll" he says out loud.

I smile as I wrap my arms around his body to hug him. I'm sure my mother gets her crazy nicknames from this sweet old man. "I missed you too, I hope I didn't wait too long to come see you. I'm busy most days" I say. He releases me and smiles.

"Busy with boys? I'm sure whoever it is isn't too good to come along on a visit" he raises an eyebrow. "I'm just kidding, that's neither here nor there... come in, let me get you something to drink. Your grandmother picked some lemons from the tree out back and made lemonade" he says quickly, turning around and pulling his screen door open.

I smile nervously, though he isn't looking. He lets me inside before him and I am brought to the smell of lemons. They make my mouth water. As I can hear the screen door close, I begin walking deeper into the house, looking at the many pictures from long ago. It's like a family museum here.

"I want to know about what you've been doing lately, sweets. Amina tells me that you've moved into a big house. I meant to come by" he tells me, walking into the kitchen and pulling the fridge open.

I nod. "It's been a few months, but yes, I moved. If you'd like to come by one day I'll make you something sweet to enjoy" I pull one of the old bar stools out and take a seat onto it. He reaches into the cabinet for a fresh glass and rinses it off.

"I'd love that, and a few months? Has time really been flying that fast?" He asks.

I smile a bit. "I think so". My time with my new found happiness seems to have only existed for such a little time. Never would I think Xyle and I have been dating for a while now. It feels like yesterday when we called a truce, now we're in each other's beds each night.

He pours me a glass. "Your father tells me you've been avoiding his calls. Are you forgetting about us?" He asks.

I frown. "No, and he calls me early in the morning. I can't even open my eyes that early, and when I give him a call back, he doesn't answer. I'm trying to keep in touch but it's hard trying to manage everything. My business is great, and my personal life is a lot. Maybe we should all have a family outing?" I suggest.

He smiles, sliding my glass to me. "Don't let us get in the way of living your life. We've had you for twenty three years, it's time you start working on what makes you happy... just don't forget about us. Give us a call, send a letter, anything".

I giggle. "I may think about that next time. You live an hour and thirty away from my place".

His eyebrows crease. "Allow me to help with gas—"

"No, grand father, my tank was filled this morning, I don't need any gas" I say, suddenly remembering that it's been a while since I've had to stop for gas.

He shakes his head. "No, you caterpillar. Gas costs money, and I don't want you to spend too much trying to see this old man".

I frown. "I came here because I love and missed you. I promise my tank is fine, I don't even refill it myself".

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