Chapt 45

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"Baby, where are you?" She asks me, eyeing me through the screen of my phone. The black interior of my car is what gives me away.

I watch her facial expressions shamelessly, absolutely adoring the way she was made. Her eyebrows softly furrow after her question, causing slight wrinkles on her forehead. Her lips pout, in that bratty way. Her lashes fall long over her eyes.

There is nothing in the world that could ever tire me off having a view as the one I have now. I love seeing her face before I close my eyes at night, and I love waking up to her face and cold feet swarming my warm ones in the morning. She makes me feel good just by simply existing. She doesn't have to do a single thing. She doesn't have to talk, or move, she just simply needs to be there and everything will be alright with me and my fucked up mind. She's the calming waters to my inferno.

"Out." I give her the vaguest answer I can conjure, not wanting her to know a single thing about what I'm doing as she may try and convince me otherwise. I can already hear her voice as it will raise a few octaves.

I stare at her through the screen. When my words register into her mind, her puzzled face grows deeper. Her soft eyebrows harden even more, and her eyes get a certain glare. Confusion and desperation laces her mind and soul. It looks damn good on her, despite me knowing what may come out of her mouth next may not be too nice. She tilts her head to the side a bit.

"Out?... where?" She asks, keeping her eyes placed on the screen.

I softly exhale as I bring my right hand to my neck. I thought wearing a regular shirt and not a dress shirt and dress pants would make it impossible for me to feel as though my collar was a bit tight, but I see that despite the clothing, she makes me feel it. I tug at my collar, thinking in the back of my mind I'll regret how loose it'll look when I take it off.

I scratch my neck, too, probably turning the skin red. "I'm out. Outside. My car is parked outside." I tell her. It's not a lie, if we're being honest. My car is parked outside. I am outside.

I can see it before it happens. Her chest increases in size and makes her body rise further from the bed as she is lying on her stomach. Her nostrils softly flare, repeating something it does when she's slightly irritated. Her brown eyes roll, similar to the way they do when I'm fucking her, and she tightens her jaw.

"Baby," she whines a desperate for information whine. "I want to know where you are." She tells me, but I've already known that since I answered her call. I don't want to tell her where I am. It will create too much space for convincing me otherwise.

I nod, voicelessly telling her that I am aware of what she wants and that I may adhere to it, but I won't. I furrow my eyebrows to mirror her facial expression.

"I just told you. I'm out." I answer her at the same as I reach over and press the button to my car. The engine dies down in a quiet way. I click the seatbelt holder and let it unravel into its place before I adjust myself in the seat, spreading my legs and slouching down a bit.

She rolls over in bed, now holding her phone above her body. Her breasts look amazing. She's only wearing a thin camisole. She knows what that does to me. She does this stuff to fuck with me, I'm sure of it. Again, I eye her shamelessly, looking below her eyes at how her hardened nipples poke through the shirt. She's either turned on or cold. I swallow, feeling myself harden in my pants. Fuck, she does this shit to me.

"Well... how long will you be out?" She asks. I pull my eyes back to hers to see that beautiful brown glare in her brown irises. She looks almost innocent, almost. There's no telling what's roaming her filthy mind right now. My filthy girl.

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