Chapt 14

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My body rests peacefully on top of the pale blue pool chair sitting a few feet away from the edge of the cool waters. I look briefly to the blue sky, watching as the white clouds slowly make their way past my view. After a few seconds, I briefly look down to the book that is spread in my lap. I've heard that books shouldn't get much sunlight, but it's far too pretty to not enjoy the suns rays of energy.

"If we had known you were out here that would have saved me some time. This place is massive. My feet hurt already".

My relaxing afternoon is interrupted at the sound of Nelia's voice. I close my book into my hand and sit it down beside me onto the small table that holds a fresh glass of ice water, and pull myself out of my very comfortable position. I had plans to just relax all day after an entire week of hard work, but of course a woman can only dream.

I internally groan as I pull my feet onto the ground and inside of my white outside slippers. I see the raging brunette, and tall man walking beside her. I'm happy to see he's wearing a pair of shoes that don't include a chain on it. They're so loud.

"How did you get into my house?" I ask, reaching to the side and taking my glass. I place my lips around the straw and drink some of the chilled water down my throat.

She smiles, shrugging and holding a white glass bowl in her hand. "Key under the flower pot. You're too predictable" she tosses a grape into her mouth and happily chews as she makes her way over to where I am. I'm surprised that Dacre stops to tend to the beautiful plants growing in the small garden.

My eyes squint as I don't have on shades to shield my eyes from the ravishing sun. It's really working over time today. "I put that there to help the owner still be able to enter if I lose the first key" I say with a sarcastic undertone. It's not there for my guests, it's there for myself.

"Whatever" she munches "I so badly needed to see the inside of this place. It's decorated beautifully. Your drapes are pretty and don't get me started. How were you able to put those colors together inside of your kitchen? The green cabinets and and beige countertops are the most beautiful I've ever seen. Maybe you should have went to school for designing" she says.

I smile as I take a sip of water. "Thank you. It is my dream kitchen and maybe I should have. Although I'm sure the business route was the best thing for me, given that I own an entire ribbon line". I wouldn't have been able to get far without the knowledge I've gained.

She hums as she pulls a grape from the stem. "Your couch is pretty too" she adds.

I playfully scowl at her. "Yes, and you were supposed to come over when I first moved here but you didn't. I guess Dacre is the only real friend I have" I play as if I'm mad and she fakes a frowning face.

"I've been so busy. My little brother is starting school this year so I've been helping my mom shop for him since she has no clue what to get him to make him look cool. But I'm here now" she says, but it still doesn't change a thing.

"What if I had a housewarming party? One of my greatest friends not being there would have wounded me deeply" I put my lips back around the straw, but isn't able to drink anything because of her face. It makes me laugh to see her pout. I pull the glass away and sit it down completely.

"Seriously. Don't make me feel bad. Plus it's not like you really needed me here. Dacre says he helped with boxes". At the mention of him he appears beside me, his lips colliding into my cheek for a soft kiss. He murmurs a small 'hey' as he takes a seat beside me.

"Yes, Dacre was here, but emotional support from my two best friends would have been great" I eye Dacre who's curiosity gets the best of him as he grabs my glass. He sucks the water down and sighs as if it was his relief.

"Were you sad to leave your old apartment?" She asks.

I nod, shrugging a bit. "It was my first home when I moved away from my parents. I've stayed there for a long while, it was my everything" I admit. It didn't look like much when I first moved there but over time I started to decorate and make it look like a home. With the house I'm in now, I have full range to do whatever I want to it so I'm really doing all of the things I wanted to do before.

"Yeah, we have some good memories in that apartment" Dacre chimes in, setting my glass down onto the small table.

I smile a bit as I look at him. "Like you coming there at three am, drunk out of your ass?" I recall an old memory.

He lightly chuckles. "My mother would have given me shit for months if I came home drunk one night. I'm still so proud of myself for thinking to come to you, and actually getting your address correct" he tilts his head "but good memories like the time where you got so wasted that I had to hold your hair back so you wouldn't ruin it as you puked your insides out" he says.

I cringe. Not a very good moment for me.

"Or like the time you got a new tattoo and made us treat you like a newborn baby because you could barely take the pain" Nelia says to him.

He playfully rolls his eyes. "Or the time where you almost shit yourself after eating four tacos" he says and I can't help but laugh as Nelia's face grows serious.

"We all swore to secrecy so you should not bring that up. I swear if you ever tell anyone about that I will fucking come for your entire life" she says.

He raises his eyebrows. "Calm down, de mierda, I won't tell anyone. I wouldn't want you to ruin my brand, especially with how good it's doing" he says.

Nelia squeals and places the glass bowl onto her lap before clapping her hands. "Tell her, tell her, please, oh my goodness I can't hold it in" she screams.

It startles me for a moment. "Tell me what?" I look to Dacre with a serious face.

He smiles. "A company saw your photos and they want you to model their brand" he says. Model? My brows knit together. I'm not sure how I would even look modeling for someone. The pictures for Dacre are a different story, but I'm sure I could try.

"Here's the thing though..." I turn to Nelia at her words. "It's a lingerie company" she winces.

Never would have thought she'd say that.

"They agreed that nothing would be too explicit, but if you do this you'll have to understand that your body will be on display as you walk down that isle" Dacre tells me.

I inward sigh as I think about it for a moment. I wouldn't allow them to have me do anything that showed too much of my body. I think this might actually work.

"I don't see what could go wrong with it. Maybe I can promote my brand as I walk" I smile.

Dacre nods. "Maybe I should give them a call back?".


"Stay still, baby. Put your legs down"

 Put your legs down"

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