Chapt 10

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"Miss Abano..." I could hear the man's deep voice right behind the door. I didn't hesitate to walk towards it and pull it open as I knew that it was Dacre. I guess a small part of entering the state's contest was having your muse there in person.

"You should come meet the other women. I will be taking photos of you all together soon. It's best that you get acquainted with them". I was more than ecstatic to meet the women he wanted to introduce me to. I had thought about it for a minute as I ate breakfast on my couch, not wanting to be bothered by anyone. I was so consumed with my thoughts that yesterday was all I could think about. It's been a short while since I've last spoken to Xyle. Why the hell has he gone mia?

I nodded as I stepped away from the door, fully stepping out into the corridor with Dacre as I pulled the door closed. "That sounds great" I smiled. I couldn't help my happiness.

We both said nothing as he began to lead me down the dim corridor. There was only a few lights connected to the wall that lit the area.

"You should know that things may be a bit delayed. I have a bunch of pictures to do, I have to edit, and make sure I meet the requirements, I'm working pretty hard. I thought I'd let you know" he told me as he held his hand at the lower part of the door. I gave him a passive glare as I walked past him. He knows I never complain or rush, especially about his work.

I walked into a room filled with women. Some tall, some shorter than others. Blondes, brunettes, red heads. Some with long and slender legs. There was much variation from the women, but they all had one thing in common. They were beautiful.

They were each dressed differently, different hair styles and makeup patterns. I had expected this. No one would expect for all women to be the exact same, I know I didn't.

Dacre stood beside me, and the women seemed to fix theirselves within seconds. It was as if they wanted to look their very best in front of him, which was normal for women, I just hoped they didn't have a motive. None of us are his type.

The women all turned to the front of the room where I was and they didn't even bat and eyelash at me. They were only looking at the beautiful man beside me.

"Afternoon. I told you before that I would introduce you to the newest muse on our team. Her name is Celeste. Celeste Abano" he turned his head to me for a quick moment and the women all looked at me. Muse on his team? Is he of a higher profile than I am aware of?

I waved a quick hand and a smile before he continued talking.

"I know we have a lot of work to get done today- the photo shoot and practicing, but I'd like it if you all introduced yourselves to her, make her feel at home".

He was barely even able to finish his words before one of the women stepped away from the crowd. She had rosie cheeks, dark blonde hair, and perfect eyebrows.

She didn't hesitate to come close to Dacre, pressing her finger against his bicep as she looked at me, narrowing her eyes and shooting me a mean glare.

"But-" she took her eyes from me and placed them against him, tilting her head up to reach his eyes "you said we wouldn't get any new girls".

I hadn't even been here for twenty minutes before someone decided that they didn't like me.

"I always make exceptions for the best" he pulled her finger from touching his bicep and placed his palm on my back. "May I add that she is a very good friend of mine. I hope you guys fall in love with her aura as I have".

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