Chapt 32

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He looks like a whopping breath of fresh air as he sits at the round shaped table dressed in his work attire, despite him not working this afternoon. I don't know if I'll ever tell him this enough, but the black button shirts and dress pants are always a godly pair. It makes me grow hot within seconds, and my goosebumps start to make the hairs at the back of my neck rise from the heavy and unsolicited tension. I adore him in linen suits, but this look with only the shirt and pants makes me grow all breathy. I hadn't even taken much time in the restroom, yet he found enough time to order something to drink. A peachy liquid sits in a round glass in front of him. My eyes widen as I take in the sight of his right elbow pressed onto the table, his arm up and the pad of his thumb touching the prickly hair on his chin. His face is more than relaxed. He looks to be mindlessly thinking.

I gawk over the fact that he is so well groomed. Even down to his shoes, that are so clean and look to be freshly waxed. There is no lint nor creases in his attire. He never has stains on his clothing. His dress pants are always nicely fitted, never too tight, never too loose. My feet lift, my shoes clacking against the floor and making a small sound as I make my way over to him. He doesn't notice until I'm a few feet away from the table, and almost instantly, as if he had been trained for many years to do so, he stands himself up and walks around to pull my chair out, using one hand to place at the small of my back.

"What are you drinking? It looks wonderful" I murmur as I take my seat onto the white chair with a very soft, gray cushion that is as gray as Xyle's eyes. I can feel myself being adjusted closer to the table. I am stopped only inches away from it, and my eyes plant back onto his peachy drink. It holds only three ice cubes inside. It seems enough to coat the drink evenly with its coldness.

He pulls his hands away from the chair and takes a swift step aside. And he doesn't move, allowing his body to linger beside mine as he waits there, gently and quietly, not ushering a single movement either. My left ear moves a bit as I feel my brain try to comprehend what his intentions are, but I can not, so I am forced to stray my gaze away from his peachy drink and look to my side and up to him, catching the sweetest glimpse of this angelic but sharp curves on his jawline, the sticky stubble growing from his skin, and the harsh but cool gray color in those gray irises. I look quick enough to see his pupils dilate bigger, causing his gray irises to become thinner.

Without a second thought further from either of us, he lifts his left hand and connects the gentle body part to my face. It's big enough to cover the entire right side of my face, and he swipes his thumb across my skin, sending a trail of feverish tingles to it. He is everything I've ever imagined. His face softens to the deepest of depths before a heartwarming smile curls onto his face, gentle as can be, and more than sweet. He stays like this for a few seconds, and I fear my vulnerability. I don't think it's safe to call it vulnerability anymore. I don't fear him hurting me, I just feel an overwhelming feeling of complete shyness, which causes me to recoil my own actions. Still, he waits for it.

He waits for me to stop being shy with him, and I do. I fully open my eyes and allow them to shamelessly gaze into his eyes, knowing there is nothing but love held between them.

"You look like an Angel... and I am drinking something from their summer menu. Would you like to try it?". He pulls his hand away from my face and it sends a ring of coldness to where his touch is lost. Still, I ignore it, and opt for answering what he's just asked me, knowing I wouldn't want to miss out.

I hum to him, watching as he turns himself around and walks to his side of the table. He takes a seat and reaches over for his drink, and picks it up before giving it to me. I pull the clear glass to my lips and take a sip. The sweet taste instantly fills my tastebuds, and makes me close my eyes, making me wish I could taste this forever.

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