Chapt 37

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The smell of lust and love drowns me in the comfort of Xyle's heavy arms.

With nearly his entire body, and his thick sheets disheveled around me, I find it hard to stay asleep. The sound of his heart pulsing pounds my ears with a sweet sound, but it is all that I can hear. I wish he was awake to stare back at me with those intimidating gray eyes. Instead, I am left to face the darkness alone. The window across from where we are holds only the sweetest sounds of the rainfall falling from the sky. Soft, but still enough, it begins to paint the seal with its beauty.

My eyes lazily travel against a single raindrop slowly making its way down the clear glass. It moves down the pathway on its own before it joins one and they slide down together.

I turn away from it and look at the ceiling, now noticing the craft embroidered into the ceiling. I'd argue that the shapes look like tiny Angels, but I'm sure my mind can be challenged in a few hours once I wake in the morning.

I grow sleepless as I lie there in bed, so I pull a hand up to his arm and pull it off of my waist. He doesn't move an inch as I do so, moving the heavy thing off of me, but the moment I lie it down to rest onto the mattress, his subconscious notices and he pulls his arm back up and reaches around until he resumes his position once again.

I smile at him for a moment before I realize I can either play this game with him, or bite the bullet and just move. I do. I pull myself out of his bed and place my feet onto the floor.

I wish I had slippers here. I pull my arms close to my body and hug myself as I walk into his large kitchen. Fishing through his many cabinets in hopes to find a box of fresh tea despite his telling that he doesn't drink it, I pull each cabinet open and smile gracefully as I see a box. The seal is still intact. I pop the box open and take out a single bag. I use a small pot to boil water since he doesn't own a kettle, not wanting to ruin the fresh coffee grounds inside of the coffee maker. The water boils quickly and I pour it inside a mug and add a bit of honey.

I sigh relief, closing my eyes as the taste swarms my tastebuds. There's nothing like hot tea to help you sleep after a restless night. I hold the mug close to my nose to enjoy the smell of lavender as I walk down the corridor whos lights automatically turn on at my movements, and stop before I can even get down far enough to reach closer to the bedroom again. It had never occurred to me that Xyle would have books lying around, but he does.

The book has no title or marks to make it clear what the name is or what it is about. I take it and turn myself back around to go to the couch. I pull my legs over and stretch them out as I open the book to the first page, seeing the name Eleanor Bridges. I flush, feeling as if I'm invading her privacy. I close the book to keep me from gazing further, and just as I do, I feel the burning sensation of his eyes on my body.

Shameful to look up at him, I keep my head down as I let my eyes roam upwards. He stands there as tall as he is, and in his eyes I can see that he is tired. Curious, I lift my head to see his face fully, and his eyes are hooded. He brings a hand to his eye to rub it. "You got out of bed. I felt it."

My heart flutters a bit. I nod. His eyes gaze all around me. "I'm finding it hard to go back to sleep. A unknown caller woke me and I can't seem to fall asleep again."

He pulls his hand down and swallows. "Come back to bed. I'll help you fall back asleep."

I flush again, feeling heat rise to my cheeks. "Im sure I'll need a short break from your promiscuous activities." My legs still ache from stretching to allow him to take me against the door like hours just before now. Each time is a hassle with him, but what we did only encouraged my body to ache even more.

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