Chapter 30

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In the morning, Merlin was helping Arthur dress for the day. Putting his jacket on him, as you would when aiding a child. "You still not learned how to dress yourself?" Morgana teased.

"You don't have a dog and fetch the stick yourself. No offense, Merlin"

"None taken"

"Prince Arthur, you didn't finish your breakfast," Hunith mentioned out of concern for the prince.

"Didn't I?" I roll my eyes. Someone makes you breakfast in a situation like this, you eat it, no matter how it tastes.

"Come on, eat up," Morgana prods. Pretending to eat it, Arthur hums before handing it to me. I just shake my head in disbelief. Believe me, I know it doesn't taste the most appetizing but she is trying.

"Right. Let's get going. We need wood, and a lot of it" Arthur orders Merlin and I, as I finish the bowl of food. I handed the empty bowl to Hunith with a grateful smile.

"Of course," Merlin answers.

Just as we went to leave, Hunith caught Lin and I's attention as she said,"He must care for you a great deal"

"Arthur'd do the same for any village. That's just the way he is," Lin justified.

"It's more than that. He's here for you," she looked at both of us.

"I'm just his servant," Merlin replied as I remained quiet, acutely aware of the fact that Arthur does care deeply, even if he tries to hide it. Too ashamed of what his father might think of such vulnerability, as well as afraid of how others would perceive it.

"Give him more credit than that. He likes you"

"That's because he doesn't know me. And if he did, I'd probably be dead by now," I gently rested my hand on his shoulder and shared a look with Hunith. She always seems to know her son so well, as well as I. When we first met, it was as if she could see what I was feeling and thinking written all over my face. I suppose it is the gift of a mother to know her children well... she makes me feel as though she sees me as her own.

"You don't really believe that, do you?" she asked. Lin only walked out the door after meeting his mother's eyes once more, hurt filling them. How he wishes to tell Arthur the truth. I can't imagine the fear, pain, and stress of living everyday like that. "How about you, my darling girl?"

"Hmm?" I snap out of my distracted gaze.

"I've seen how you two look at each other"

"What do you mean?" I asked, surprised and a little caught off guard.

"Sweetheart... I can see how you care for him, and as he does for you," she grabs both my hands,"there's something there. I believe you feel that," I met her gaze with vulnerability.

"He is my friend and of course I care about him, I spend most of everyday with him. Merlin and I are his personal lackeys" I brush off, knowing he cares about both of us, we are friends to him too.

"You know what I mean... it's different between you and him than what it is with Merlin. He and Merlin are friends-"

"Not that they both would ever admit it..." she looks at me as I interrupt with the sarcastic comment,"sorry" I send a flustered smile.

"I've seen how he steals glances at you when you're not looking and the way you stand beside him when others speak poorly of him"

"Hunith, he's a Prince and I am just me... besides, he is meant to be with someone else," I glanced down, thinking of the romance between him and Gwen that I witnessed through a screen and how I longed for my own love story like that.

She used her finger to tilt my chin up until I met her eyes,"Don't give us so easily"


In the hours that followed, we had gathered all the men of the village to train with Arthur. "I won't be able to teach you everything there is to know about fighting with a sword, but you can learn the basics: the stance, how to parry a blow, how to land your own" He spoke loud enough for all to hear his words. He held his own sword as he demonstrated how to perform basic defense and offense techniques. He yelled out counts of four and gave the men pointers, advising them to watch where their feet were. Morgana, Qwen, and I stood to the side as we sharpened swords. Our eyes remained on the scene before us.

"There's no way they're going to be able to hold Kanen off" Morgana spoke in concern. I took a deep breath, attempting to ease my anxiety for the days ahead. She's right and despite what will follow, I am still deeply worried for these people who were my neighbors for months. They had been nothing but kind to me. Even if they had their opinions about me, it never affected how they behaved towards me.

"Men aren't the only ones who can fight," Gwen reasoned.

"I agree, but Arthur will be hard to convince. He would worry about their safety and would be blinded by their gender" I spoke.

"You'd think he'd learn by now, after all the times I used to beat him at sword play as children" Morgana spoke with sass and annoyance lacing her words. I could only let out a small chuckle despite our situation. Never have I doubted the truth of it, Morgana has always been just as capable with a sword as Arthur; whether he wants to admit it or not. Unfortunately for us, he was raised by a man filled with pride and bitterness. The Prince is a man of honor first and foremost, but sometimes that can get in the way of things like this. As I continued to sharpen swords just the way Gwen showed me, I glanced over at Morgana with a small smile of pride for her confidence.

Arthur called out a few more counts before turning his attention to Matthew, "Mathew. I want you to organize sentry duty to keep an eye out for Kanen and his men"

"Be glad to"

"If there's any sign of attack, I want you to ride straight back here. I don't want you fighting all on your own," Arthur's gaze was concerned and gentle, but his voice was that of a commanding officer. Matthew replied with a simple nod.


During a break in training, Morgana, Gwen, and I made our way to Arthur. He was getting a drink from the well. "Looks like the battle's already fought and lost," Morgana commented.

"They'll toughen up," the Prince replied.

"They need to," Qwen spoke.

"How are we doing on weapons?"

Morgana spoke this time,"There isn't much, but we should be able to scrape together what we need" I took a deep, centering breath. Okay, here's our shot... I hope I can get through to him. Gwen and Morgana had appointed me spokes person because they claim I would be best able to get through to him in spite of his arrogance and pride.

"It's more than just the weapons that we need, Arthur. These men aren't soldiers, and without a lot longer to train, I fear they will be out matched against Kanen and his men..." I bit my lip in nervousness as I spoke this next part, "We think the women should fight alongside the men. It is their home too and should be allowed the chance to defended it"

"It's too dangerous," He reasoned.

"We wouldn't be in any more danger than any of those men out there and we need the numbers"

"I cannot allow the women to be put in danger. That's final," he spoke firmly as he walked off to continue training the men. Men who are sorely out experienced and in far more danger without the added strength that comes with a larger number of people on their side. How can he be so bull headed sometimes as to not see the logic behind our request? After everything that has happened these past few months.

As the day came to an end and we all were attempting to sleep in our allotted spots on the floor, the girls and I laid awake. We were discussing our joint worry for the village. How could we not, with all that was in store. "We don't stand a chance" Gwen's voice was hushed but filled with concern.

"Arthur can't see that. He's too stubborn" Morgana reasoned, having grown up with the man in question.

"Why do you think he came here?" As they spoke I just listened, too worried and tired to speak coherent thoughts.

"The same reason we did: Merlin and Scarlett. Arthur may act like he doesn't care, but he wouldn't be here if he didn't" 

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