Chapter 2

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Meanwhile with Nikki and Tommy
"Tommy get your skinny ass out of the fucking cart, i'm not going to push you around like some 8 year old!" Nikki yelled to Tommy.
"C'mon dude! We could set up some mannequins and go shopping cart bowling!" Tommy exclaimed back.
"You're the one who said we needed to come here to actually get stuff and now you want us to get kicked out too?" Nikki said. Tommy just looked at him blankly before hopping out of the cart. "Thank you." Nikki said sarcastically. "Why do we even need to get this shit. We don't eat anyway.. and when we do it just comes back up after drinking all night."
"Because we have a new roommate coming in and I don't want her to think we're fucking poor and don't have anything to eat or drink beside Jack and Bud. Fuck I mean we don't even have clean water." Tommy said while picking up a case of water.
Nikki just shrugged his shoulders and continued. "I mean I guess but why do we have to buy food for her?"
"Because she is moving in, meeting new people and has to live with us three assholes. I just want her to feel comfortable and at home." Tommy said sincerely.
"Why her though" Nikki said seeming hesitant to the whole idea.
"She needed a place to stay. She sounded sweet.. and fucking desperate. She didn't even check the place out she just asked how soon can she move in." Tommy said picking out some snacks and such.
"What does she look like" Nikki said emotionless.
"I don't know I never met her" Tommy said looking at fruit snacks.
"This chick better be hot." Nikki said grabbing some granola bars. Tommy just smiled and laughed at Nikki.
*45 Minutes Later
"Alright your total is $132.56" said the cashier lady.
Nikki and Tommy just looked at each other with wide eyes and turned to each other. "Tommy what the fuck dude. We can't fucking afford that!" Nikki said whisper screaming.
"I know I know!" Tommy whispered frantically. Tommy then snapped his fingers. "Nikki go fuck her."
"WHAT!? WHY ME" Nikki said whisper screaming again.
"Cause your Nikki fucking Sixx dude. Just go fuck her or something man." Tommy said whispering and slapping his shoulder.
"You're fucking dead kid" Nikki said with a stern look on his face and turned back around. Nikki took a deep breath and put on a smile. "Hey there sweetheart..." She just smiled at him and they quickly walked away.
"Aight a boy Sixx!" Tommy yelled as they walked away. Nikki just flipped him off.
*10 Minutes Later
Nikki walked back to Tommy looking pissed. "Put the shit in the back and let's get the fuck out of here before she comes back." Nikki said sternly.
"That good huh haha" Tommy said sarcastically.
"She's a fucking bitter dude. Let's go."
*Isabelles POV
"Yeah this is going to work out just fine" I said smiling widely. Next thing I knew the door flew open and two tall men with dark hair came tumbling in with bags of groceries.
"Damn Vince you move fast" said a man with long wavy hair.
"Oh guys this is Isabelle. Our new roomie" Vince said happily. One of the men stoped and the other didn't even take a second to look at me and just kept walking to the fridge.
"Hey Isabelle, im Tommy. We spoke on the phone." Tommy said sticking out his hand.
"Hi Tommy it's great to finally meet you. I appreciate you letting me move in so quickly."
I said shaking his hand.
"Yeah of course we're happy to have you. It seems that you have already met Vince..." Tommy said looking at Vince who just raised his eyebrows with a smirk on his face. "And that's Nikki over there." "He's kind of an asshole." Tommy whisper laughed.
"Oh yeah cause this asshole just went shopping and bought her all this food and had to fuck the cashier chick cause we can't afford this shit so you better god damn appreciate it- " Nikki stopped dead in his tracks when he turned around and looked up to see this sweet, stunning girl sitting and laughing at his words. "Uh.. sorry. Uh I- I'm Nikki" he said moving his hair out of his face, sticking out his hand and slightly smiling.
"Isabelle.. It's nice to meet you, Nikki." I said slightly blushing back.
"Oh shit! Nikki saying sorry and shaking her hand? He might as well shove his tongue down her throat" Tommy whispered slapping Vince's chest with the back of his hand.
     "Huh?" I asked not hearing what Tommy said.
     "Oh uh nothing nothing" Tommy said shaking his head and putting away the rest of the groceries. I just looked at Tommy confused.
     "So Vince said that you guys were still figuring out the room situation..?" I asked just to start some conversation.
     "Are you fucking kidding me!" Nikki yelled looking at Vince. "I told you im not sharing my room! Tommy is moving into yours!"
     "Oh cmon man you have the biggest room why can't you share." Vince asked annoyed.
     "Because my god damn name is on the lease and you're in my band and I have no problem with that going away" Nikki said sounding pissed.
"Band?" I thought in my head. "Of course these guys are in a band."
     "Don't worry about it Vinnie boy, I don't snore." Tommy said putting his arm around Vince.
     "Why can't she just share with Nikki, he's got the most space!" Vince said throwing his arms up causing me to raise an eyebrow at the conversation.
     "Vince!" Nikki yelled.
     "She's a girl! We can't make her share a room with a guy she doesn't even know. She needs her privacy." Tommy said sincerely and then looked at me and smiled. I just smiled back.
     "Is this a bad time to mention I don't have a mattress or any furniture..." I say with a grimacing face.
      "Uh yes.. yes it is." Tommy said with perched lips. "Ya know what, tonight i'll sleep on the couch, you take my bed and in the morning we'll go get you a mattress."
     "Are you sure it's ok?" I asked not wanting to make things difficult.
     "Yeah absolutely! You can start putting your stuff away. I emptied the dresser so you can put your stuff in there. I'll clear out the closet for you too. The room is down the hall last door on the left." Tommy said with a sweet smile.
     "Thanks Tommy" I said getting up and wrapping my arm around his back.
     All the boys went to grab my bags for me to put in the bedroom. When Tommy and Nikki were out of ear shot I called over Vince. 
     "Hey Vince"
     "Yeah what's up?"
     "What we talked about earlier... can we just kinda keep that between us?" I asked him quietly
     "Yeah of course don't worry. You're dirty little secret is safe with me baby" He said winking before walking off down the hall. Gotta say.. the guy does know how to leave me speechless.
     Walking down the hallway I pass the bathroom on the left and two other rooms on my right. I walk in to a small but definitely do-able sized bedroom. I really didn't need anything more than this since I don't have much anyway. I sit down on the bed, lay back and put my hands over my face and rub my forehead.
     Tommy walks back into the room to grab the last bit of clothes from his closet. "Hey Iz you good?"
"Yeah i'm fine" I said sitting up. "Just... taking it all in." I sighed.
"Well if you need anything just ask. We're happy to have you so please feel at home." He said smiling.
"That's really sweet Tom, thanks again."
Tommy walked out and I just sighed again. I am happy to be here and very thankful that they are taking me in so nicely. I get lost in thought before I hear a knock on my door.
"Hey we're gonna order take out from this Chinese place for dinner, you good with that?" Tommy asked
"Yeah sounds great!" I say with a soft smile before he walks away.

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