Chapter 44

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     Blackie left right before I finished dinner. Not gonna lie, he scares me. He seems very nice but the way he dresses and looks just intimidates me. Nikki can scare me sometimes, which I actually kind of like, but this guy looks like he can kill somebody with just a punch. Nikki walks back into the kitchen and goes for a quick slip of food "No!" I slap his hand.
     "Owwwwwa" he whines.
     "Five minutes okay?"
     "So, what'd you think about Blackie?"
     "He uhh, he seemed nice."
     "You scared of him?"
     "Noooo" I deny setting the table.
     "He's a nice guy. You should be more scared of Mick than Blackie"
     "You could have at least told me about having company at the house" I say making Nikki a plate.
     "He surprised me! What was I supposed to do?"
     "I don't know... just shut up and eat, will ya?"
     "Speaking of which, where do you want to go for Friday night?"
     "Oh come on, it's your birthday, you should choose!" I say sitting down
     "How about Musso and Frank's?"
     "Where's that?"
     "About 20 minutes away on Hollywood Boulevard. It would be quicker to take Foutain Avenu instead of Sunset"
     "Is it nice?"
     Nikki scoffs "Yeah, it's fuckin nice. I would need to wear a suit into that place or they won't let us in."
     I gasp "We're going there!"
     "Why? You wanna see me all dressed up?" He smirks.
     "You have no idea how long I've been dying to see you in a tux.." I gasp again "Can you wear an all-black tux!? Like a black tux and black collared shirt? You would look soooo sexy.." I say practically drooling.
     "Keep it in your pants" he rolls his eyes. "Also, remember the album release party is on Saturday."
     "Saturday? Night?" Shit. I sigh and drop my fork on the plate
     "Please do not tell me you forgot.."
     "I- I can call and try to get someone to cover my shift-"
     "Forget it." he cuts me off. Nikki got up from the table and started to walk away.
    "Nikki! Come back!" I shouted but it was no use. He already locked himself in the bedroom. "Great" I sigh. "Just fucking great." I finish my dinner... alone... and clean up the kitchen. Nikki's right to be mad. This is a big big big thing for him. And I forgot. I need to call John.. *phone ringing*
     "This is John." he answered.
     "John, it's Isabelle."
     "What can I do for ya?"
     "I cannot come in on Saturday."
     "Uh-huh. And whys that?"
     "I'm.. well... my grandma's funeral is Saturday" I lie.
     "Oh, my, I'm sorry to hear that. My condolences."
     "Thanks for understanding John."
     "No problem see you tomorrow." He hangs up the phone. I sigh in relief and take a drink. I grab a glass of water and try to open the bedroom door, but dipshit locked the door and I can't get in. I knock on the door "Nikki? Can you open the door please?" I hear nothing from the other side so I took a paperclip and picked the lock. "Baby?" I set the glass down on the dresser and noticed a plate of coke on the vanity. Nikki was passed out on the bed so I carefully checked his pulse and it's light but it's there. Getting in bed and holding him from behind, he flips and pulls me into his chest, assumingly unknowing. We fell asleep for a few hours and I woke up not long after 1 AM, absolutely parched. I was so fixated on getting my water that I didn't even notice Nikki wasn't in bed. As a matter of fact, he wasn't even in the house. I looked in every room inside and out and he was nowhere to be seen. I couldn't even think about who to call because I could have no clue where he might be. Eventually deciding not to call, instead, I grabbed a pillow and blanket and set them on the couch. Then I grabbed a glass of wine and put on a movie, deciding to wait up for him instead. I start to browse through the paper and fall into the job listings. "Boring. Nope. Already doing that... oh here's one! Nevermind." This sucks. I continue flipping through the paper, but my mind keeps wandering back to Nikki. Where could he be? What if something happened to him? My heart races with anxiety as I try to push those thoughts aside. I take a sip of wine and try to focus on the movie, but it's useless. I'm too worried to enjoy it.

     Hours pass and it's now well past 3 AM. I start to doze off on the couch, but suddenly, I hear a noise at the door. My heart races as I quickly get up and tiptoe toward the door. I take a deep breath and open it slowly, expecting the worst. But it's just Nikki, stumbling through the door, clearly drunk. He smells like alcohol and cigarettes, and his hair is messy. I can't help but feel relieved that he's okay, but also angry that he left without telling me. "Nikki, where have you been?" I ask, trying to keep my voice calm.
     He looks at me with a blank expression, clearly not registering what I'm saying. "What? Oh, I was just out with some friends," he slurs.
     I roll my eyes. "You could have at least told me. I was getting worried about you."
     He shrugs. "I'm fine. Don't worry about me. You don't need to wait up for me."
     I shake my head, too exhausted to argue with him. "Just go to bed. We'll talk about this in the morning."
     "Mm no. Actually, I do want to talk about this. Right here. Right now."
     "I don't know if that's the best idea. It's really late and we both need some rest."
      He started to yell "Why? It's now or never right? I know you've been talking and think we have communication issues. Not to mention you've also said you think I have trust issues. To Vince! And you wonder why I may have trust issues?"
     Oh no.. this cannot be good.

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