Chapter 52

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     "Miss Helter? Can you hear me?" I heard a female voice.
     "Everything hurts" I mumble.
     "Miss Helter you were in a severe car accident. Do you remember anything?" The nurse asked.
     "No" I start to cry.
     She read off a clipboard "It's very normal to cry after waking up from anesthesia. You have two broken ribs, bruising on multiple parts of your body, multiple scars from shattered glass, and internal bleeding from the impact. You're lucky to be alive. You were very close to severe spinal and neck injuries."
     "Where's my car?"
     "Im assuming it has been impounded. Based on your condition, the car is probably totaled. Not to alarm you, though there will be officers here to see you."
     My sore eyes shot open as she walked out of the room. No no no no no!

Nikki's POV

     Waiting for what felt like an eternity, I saw two police officers walk up to the desk. "Tommy-" I hit his chest, waking him up.
     "Isabelle Helter please?" They ask. My ears go wide open.
     "Room 324" she responds. I shot up out of my chair and run past the officers to make it to the room before they do.
     "Isabelle!" She turns her head towards me, her eyes filled with tears. I rush to her side and hug her tighter than I have anyone ever before. "You're ok.."
     "Actually I have two broken ribs, can you let go?"
     "Shit I'm sorry. I had to get here before they do."
     "Please tell me it's not..." they emerge through the door "...the cops" she says in fear.
     "Miss Helter, we have some questions for you." One of them says.
     "I want a lawyer!" She blurts out.
     The officers sigh. "You can call your Attorney if you'd like."
     "What if we can't afford a lawyer?" I ask knowing damn well we can't pay this hospital bill either.
     "We can get her a public defender but that will take a while and we really need to speak with Miss Helter now."
     "She isn't going to say a word until we have a lawyer, so call the District Attorney's office and get this poor woman a lawyer!" I say standing up.
     "Nikki-" she begins to speak.
     "Isabelle- do not say another word. I mean it." I say looking back at her. "Until then, she will lay here in recovery and speak to no one." The officers walk out and I let out a sigh of relief.
     "Yeah, babe?" I say with deep breaths.
     "I'm sorry"
     "Don't be sorry for a damn thing." I sit down on the bed and hold her hand.
     "I'm probably going to go to fucking jail Nikki.."
     "For what?"
     "Speeding, running a red light, causing thousands in damages to the other car, destruction of government property, not paying medical bills-"
     "-and probably failing to show up to court because I don't have a fucking car anymore. Plus we don't have insurance and that guy is probably going to sue me for everything I have."
     The house will be foreclosed, and everything in it will be repossessed by the bank. My credit will be ruined-"
     "ISABELLE!" Well, that got her attention. "It is going to be all okay... we are going to get a public defender and everything will be sorted out. We're you drinking by any chance?" She shakes her head no with tears flowing down her face. "Good. They probably took your blood and we can prove that there was no alcohol in your system."
     "I should have never even left the house. Now I'm taking you down with me."
     "It will all turn out, don't worry right now. Just leave it to me. It's important that you recover right now." She slowly nodded her head and closed her eyes. "They got you on morphine huh? Maybe we can ask for some of that to go." I laugh causing her to smile as she nodded off to sleep. Once she was knocked out, I went out to find Tommy staring at the vending machine. I put hand hand on his shoulder and stood next to him.
     "I called the boys. She alive?"
     "Yeah, but we're probably going to die on the street if we don't figure out how to pay the bills coming our way."
     "That bad?"
     "That bad.. Ya know, for once in my life, I have no idea what I am going to do."
     "Well if you need to move back in with us, I'm telling you right now that you ain't gonna get your old room back."
     I smiled at his response, only for a second though, before my mind runs back to the shit show that I'm now in. "No offense, but I don't I really want to move back in with you guys."
     "None taken." Tommy gives me a sympathetic look. "I get it, Sixx. But just know that we're here for you if you need any help or support. We'll figure something out together."
     I nod, appreciating his understanding. "Thanks, T. I know you guys have your own problems and I don't want to burden you with ours."
     He shakes his head. "Nikki, you and Isabelle are like family to us. We've been through thick and thin together. We'll find a way to get through this. Maybe we can charity show or reach out to some organizations that help people in tough situations, but then actually use the money to help her. There has to be something we can do."
     I smile weakly at his suggestion. "It's not a bad idea but what kind of good samaritan organizations are going to want to work with people like us?"
     Tommy laughs, knowing Im right. "Oh come on, let's not panic yet."
     "Actually, we do need to start panicking..."
     "Why's that?" he asks
     I sigh regretting what I'm about to say but I believe that if you always expect the worse, the true outcome will not seem as bad as it is. "Because Isabelle is probably going to jail after this."

Isabelle's POV

     After meeting with a lawyer, being questioned by the police and three days in the hospital, they finally release me.
     "Okay, Miss Helter. I see here that you did not list your insurance?"
     I whisper " I don't have insurance"
     "I'm sorry can you say that again?"
     "I don't.. Have.. insurance" I turn my head embarrassed.
     "It says here that you are currently employed though, you should have insurance under them."
     "Not where I work."
     "Where is it that you work?" She curiously asked
     Really man? "I work at a gentleman's club" I hang my head.
     She doesn't respond, clearly uncomfortable about bringing it up. "Sir, do you have an insurance that I can put down? This is quite the bill to pay out of pocket." Nikki shook his head no.
     "Can I see the bill?" Nikki asks. She hands it to him and he almost faints.
     "How much is it?" I ask.
     Nikki's breath is heavier than I have ever seen and starts to laugh, scaring me. "This is over half a million dollars." he manages to push out, covering his mouth. Me, I almost also fainted and tears flew down my eyes with just a blink. She whispers very softly to us "Ok. Here's what I can do. Every year the state loans each hospital a certain sum of money for patients that are unexpectedly brought in that homeless people, psych patients, and others like that use. I couldn't help but notice the array of officers going in and out of your room these past couple of days, and if you truly do not have the money to pay this bill, the hospital can take care of that for you."
     Me and Nikki both nod our heads rapidly "You have no idea how much money we don't have and this would be the biggest blessing in the world and- and-" I can't even say a word more from how emotional I got in the moment.
     "Im just going to have you sign a form, and then you'll be on your way out."
     Nikki and I walk with our arms hooked around each other's waist and his head rested on top of mine. He helps me into Tommy's van and takes us home. Finally.
     The second we get into the house, Nikki starts pounding back shots of Jack Daniel's. "Do you really think that's the best idea right now?" I wince sitting on the couch.
     "I'm going to need some liquid courage for what I'm about to say." He hisses from the alcohol burning in the back of his throat.
     "I know you know." He says taking probably his tenth shot.
     "Me..." another glass down. "Frank Feranna."

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