Chapter 51

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     Blackie gave some insight, but not exactly what I thought. All he said was how he was playing with different last names for show purposes. I stayed up all night on the couch trying to figure out what's true and what's not. It's driving me insane and I can't take it anymore. I drove to our old apartment and woke up every cat and dog in the complex. "Open this door now!"
     Tommy came to the door rubbing his eyes "Isabelle? What the fuck, it's three in the morning!"
     "Close the door." I said pushing past him.
     "What's going on?" Vince said emerging from the hallway.
     "I am being lied to and somebody is going to give me answers!"
     "Lied to about what?" They ask.
     "What is Nikki's real name?" Neither of them respond. "You guys know? And you're not going to tell me?"
     "Isabelle listen.." Vince started    
     "It's not our place.." Tommy finished.
     "Somebody better start giving me some fucking answers!"
     "We don't have the answers" Vince replies.
     "Well, then you're an even bigger liar than Nikki because you're lying to me too!"
     "ABOUT WHAT?" Vince snapped.
     "You have a child!? We were sleeping together for months and quite frankly, if it wasn't for Nikki, I would have stayed with you but you never told me you had a child with another woman!" Vince froze. He didn't know how to respond.
     "Isabelle that happened in high school.." Tommy intervened
     "How the hell did you know that?"
     "We went to high school together.. We were kinda friends. I remember when he dropped out to take care of him."
     "God, how much do I not know about you people!?"
     "Were you seriously going to stay with me?" he asks softly. I swing my head in his direction and am left speechless. "WELL, ARE YOU GOING TO ANSWER ME OR NOT?!' He shouted.
     "I-... I didn't mean to say that" I hang my head low.
     "You know what, get the hell out of my house!'
     "But Vince-"
     "GET THE FUCK OUT!" he shouted, startling me.
     "Tommy?" I pleaded
     He walked up close to me and rested his hand on my shoulder "It might just be best for you to go right now.."
     "You know what, FUCK ALL OF YOU!" I scream and slam the door. I walked out of the apartment complex, tears streaming down my face. The cold air stung my cheeks, but I didn't care. I felt numb inside. Why all the fucking secrets? How could Vince have kept something like having a child a secret from me? And what about Nikki's real name? Am I the fucking problem at this point?!

As I drove down the empty street, my mind raced with thoughts and questions. I could hardly see through the empty street. I picked up the speed, not even realizing I was about to run a red light. I try to swerve "Shit!-"

     *Distorted voices*
     "I have a young female, two broken ribs, scarring, bruising, and eternal bleeding in the abdomen." I hear as white lights flash through my barely open eyes "Prepping for the OR". Everything goes black again.

Nikkis POV

     Where is this woman? She's been out all morning... *Phone ringing* "Yo"
     "Hey T, have you seen Isabelle? She's been gone all morning."
     "Mm noo... wait- did she come home last night?"
     "She came here in the middle of the night did she not come back?"
     "What do you mean she left last night?"
     "When was the last time you saw her?" Tommy started to freak.
     "When we went to bed at 11!"
     "And you haven't seen her since?"
     "No dipshit that's why I fucking called!" I yell
     "Hang tight, ill be over in a minute-" The line dies. Within five minutes Tommy comes busting through the front door, almost knocking it off the hinges. "Sixx- hey!" he breathes heavily.
     "Do you know where she is?"
     "Her car's not in the driveway!"
  "Hey- captain obvious? No need to point out shit I ALREADY KNOW!"
     "Nikki... man..." he takes breaths in between his words. "She knows.."
     "Knows what!?"
     "She knows you changed your name."
     I'm at a loss for words "how?"
     "I don't know but she wasn't happy about it. She also found out that Vince has a kid."
     "Who told her I changed my name?"
     "I swear man it wasn't me." Filled with rage and distress I have no other choice but to go out and look for her. We drive around Hollywood for about an hour and a half with no luck. "Hey, man.. Why don't we take a break and get some lunch, then we can go back out and look for her alright?"
     "Whatever" I mumble. We pull up to some dive bar and see a telephone poll knocked to the ground."
    "Holy shit dude, look at that!" Tommy scoffs in amazement at the sight. We get out of the car and walk up to the city worked trying to clean up the destruction. "Hey man, what happened over here?" Tommy asks.
     "Someone ran a red and a pickup rammed into them causing the car to knock down the pole." No.. it can't be.
     "Do you know what kind of car it was?" I ask
     "Im only the clean-up crew. Sorry man."
     "Was anyone injured?"
     "The car was wrapped around this thing- I'd be surprised if they even lived."
     "You don't think it could be..." Tommy whispers. We stare for a minute then both bolt to the car.
     "Dude I don't know where I'm going!" Tommy says turning over the engine.
     "Hospital!" The drive felt like hours and my heart was racing faster than Tommy's grandma driving. "Can you hurry up at all?"
     "One of us is already in the hospital and could be dead, we're not next!". Tommy dropped me off at the main lobby doors and I ran as fast as I could down the hall.
     "Sir- Sir!" a woman screamed.
     "I'm looking for my girlfriend, I need to know if she's here!"
     "Ok, let's take a breath, calm down. Come with me, ok?"
     "Yeah, sure." I continued to breathe heavily.
     She sits down behind a computer. "Name of the patient?"
     "Isabelle. Helter"
     "Okay.. she was admitted to the ICU at 4:05 AM, taken into OR at 4:11, and is in recovery now."
     "So she's alive?"
     "Yes, sir." she responds
     I let out the biggest sigh of relief and am on the verge of tears. "What floor?"
     "She is currently on floor 3." I bolt to the elevator but Tommy catches it too right before the doors close. We run to the counter and immediately ask for her.
     "I'm sorry sir, family only."
     "SHE DOESN'T HAVE A FAM- excuse me, she doesn't have a family." I say more calmly yet sternly.
     "I can let her know that you are here when she wakes up, but for now, I cannot let you back there!"
     "THAT IS SUCH BULLSHIT!" I slam my hand on the desk
     "Sir, if you do not calm down, Im going to have to get you escorted out."
     "Fuck this" I mumble.
     Tommy grabs my shoulder and leads me to the waiting room "Come on man, at least we know she's okay."

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