Chapter 43

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The week of the tall, talented, super duper sexy bass player's birthday is here. Despite Nikki's Mr. Scrooge mentality, I still decorated the house for Christmas and indeed went all out for it. If you're wondering how 'all out" im talking about, Nikki instisted on sleeping at the old apartment but then I yelled at him and said, "If you sleep at that apartment tonight, you'll be sleeping there permanently." So.. that got pretty intense, BUT all that bullshit aside, I need to go pick up Nikki's birthday present, and who else but Tommy to have come get it with me. I go pick up Tommy from his place and we make our drive down sunset boulevard. "So, where are we going?" Tommy asks.
"There's this music store not too far from here. Back in June, I went to this place and talked with a few people. I put in an order for a custom Hamer Thunderbird and it took six months to get. Perfect timing, am I right?"
"You got him a custom bass? How much did that even cost!"
"More than I had at the time. I scraped together all I had to make a down payment."
"And you ordered it months before you even started dating?"
"I guess you could say I had a feeling..."
"Leave me alone, will ya?"
We pulled up to the music shop and paid the meter. Walking into the store, I noticed a poster for one of the boys' shows hung up on the bulletin board. "Looks like Nikki stopped in here too." I tell Tommy while pointing to the wall.
"Aweesomee" He yelled walking closer to the wall to get a better look. "Look how good I look, man!"
"You guys are so full of yourselves."
"Mostly Vince" He replied.
I walk up to the counter "Hi, I have a pick up for Helter" I tell the man.
"I'll be right back." He tells me. When he comes back he lays down a custom road case that has "Motley Crue" and "Sixx" embedded on it then pops it open to reveal the black and white striped Hamer Thunderbird Bass.
"Holy shit" Tommy and I said simultaneously.
"He better marry you after this" Tommy added.
"I know.. This is fucking awesome"
"So after your initial down payment, with the bass and the carrier, with tax, your total comes out to $3057.95" My heart sunk to the ground. This isn't right. Even Tommy tensed up.
"Iz, neither of us have that combined, what are you going to do?" Tommy whispered in my ear.
"I uh, I thought I had discussed a payment plan..." I say shaking.
He flips through the paper he had in front of him "Ah, yes I see right here." Tommy and I sigh in relief. "Your plan has you paying $254.83 monthly over the next twelve months."
"Yeah that sounds more like it" I sigh again as I get my card out of my purse.
Tommy whispered in my ear "Not to sound like a creep but if I were Nikki and you got me this present, you would get so much fucking head from me." I choke on my breath and try to laugh so I don't embarrass myself in front of all these people. Tommy stepped away, chuckling in the corner. I shake my head at him, still resisting my laugh.
"Here you are, Miss" the clerk said, handing me my receipt.
"Thank you very much, have a great day!" I grabbed the case off the counter and fetched Tommy from the corner. We pull up to the apartment and I bring the bass with me. "So where the hell am I going to keep this?"
"Is there anywhere in the house you can find it from Sixx?"
"I don't know, which is why I'm thinking of keeping her here for the next couple of days." I suggest.
Tommy grimaces "Remember when you used to live here?"
"Remember the absolute wreck this place is every weekend?"
"I was the one usually cleaning it up, so yeah."
"You really want to keep the very nice, thoughtful, expensive gift here?"
"Can we please just put it in your closet till Thursday? I'll pick it up that afternoon and hide it for the night."
"You're lucky I love you" he kisses my forehead.
"You're the best" I sigh.
"My Christmas present better be better than my birthday present." He rolls his eyes, referring to the shaving kit I got him.
"Take the hint T."

After stashing to guitar in Tommy's closet, I drove home to see a car I didn't recognize in the driveway. Cautiously walking in the door, I hear loud talking and laughter from Nikki, and another voice I haven't heard before. "Nikki?" I shout.
"We're in the back!" He responded. I locked my bag in the bedroom and then walked into the backyard to be met with a quite scary-looking man. Nikki is intimidating but this guy was worse.
"Um Hi..." I say trying to be polite.
"Isabelle, this is an old friend, and bandmate of mine, Blackie" He introduces me.
"Hi, im Isabelle, nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand.
"Great place, you have here! Glad to see Nikki did something good with his life."
I nervously laugh. "How did you guys say you knew each other?"
"Me and Blackie were in a band together before I made Motley."
"Yeah we were in London together but that eventually fell apart." He added
"Oh cool cool.. Can I get you something to drink or.."
"I'm all good for now- though not to sound weird, but have I seen you before?"
"Oh no..." I know exactly what he is about to say.
"Do you happen to work on Sunset?"
"Oh no..." I say with nervous laughter.
"Have I seen you at The Body Shop.."
"Oh good Lord- how.. Embarrassing" I say covering my mouth with my hand.
"Aww well isn't this awkward!" Nikki sarcastically cheers.
"Nice going Sixx, you fell in love with a stripper!" he goes to high-five Nikki, which he shamefully does.
"In my defense, we met months before she took a job there."
"I used to work the front desk at a hotel on the strip. And it was Nikki's idea that I applied there too."
"What! That was before we were dating! That's not fair!"
"Ok well it was nice to meet you, Blackie, Nikki I'll start on dinner." He kisses my forehead before heading inside.

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