Chapter Sixxty Four

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*If you have not already heard the demo to Looks That Kill, I highly recommend doing so before reading this chapter*
     Tonight the band had a rehearsal at our place. I don't usually mind when they are all here but it's harder for me to walk around without getting catcalled every time I step out of the bedroom. "Hey hot stuff, wanna grab me a drink?" Vince whistles.
     "Im off the clock Vince! Im not serving shit to no one." I continue walking with a smile on my face.
     Nikki laughs and chimes in "You may be off the clock but you can still come sit on my co-"
     "WOAH! Easy there cowboy!" I cut him off. "We have an audience and as far as I know that haven't paid so they're not getting a show." Nikki joking stabs his heart from my response and dramatically falls off the stool. I laughed at Nikki clutching his chest on the floor and so did the band.
     "Alright alright- Iz, we thought you'd like to hear a song we've been working on."
     "Oo ok!" I make my way around the rearranged furniture and take a seat on the couch. Nikki gets back in his chair and they all settle down, ready to begin the song. Mick starts playing a very soft and elegant riff. A riff that's all too familiar. I furrow my eyebrows and it clicks. "This is Stairway to Heaven!" I call him out.
     Mick immediately stops playing and the band chuckles "Just messing with ya kid" he tells me. "Alright, for real now. Whenever your ready Tommy."
     "2,3,4" Tommy begins playing a very upbeat rhythm with a nice blues swing to it. I'm enjoying it until it feels familiar too. Are these idiots serious right now?

     "This here's a story about Billy Joe and Bobbie Sue" Vince began singing.
     "Are you fucking kidding me?"
     "Two young lovers with nothin better to do"
     "Im going to kill all of you..."
     "Than sit around the house, get high, and watch the tube"
     Well, the least I can do is enjoy this. I leaned back crossed my arms and just watched these assholes play a song that's not even theirs.
     "And here's what happened when they decided to cut loose,
      They headed down to, ooh, El Paso"
I decided to join in the fun *clap-clap-clap-clap-clap*
     "That's where they ran into a great big hassle
      Billy Joe shot a man while robbing his castle
      Bobbie Sue took the money and run"

     I laughed at all of them going "who-who-who" like fucking owls and they stopped playing the song. "Aw man, it's over?" I sarcastically whined.
     "What you don't like Steve Miller Band?" Nikki asked
     "I like Motley Crue a little better so can I hear something from them now?"
     "Ok ok. I think you'll like this one but please keep in mind- it's just a demo- so don't be too mean. I know you have your opinions."
     "What the fuck is that supposed to mean!" I smile. Nikki just winks at me and diverts his attention to his bass.
     "Alright. Looks That Kill- 1, 2, 1, 2, 3-" Tommy starts. Mick begins playing a raunchy guitar riff and Nikki is heavy on the bass chords which caught me a bit off guard. Vince sings off the sheet he has in his hand. It sounds ok. It's still a rough draft so I wasn't expecting anything over the top fabulous. I liked the verses, the chorus was good and the ending needed to be cut completely. They finish the song and all look at me for my comments.
     I'm silent for a moment and shift my sitting position. I lean my head on my forehead "Have you ever thought about playing some AC/DC at all?"
     "Aw, what the fuck Isabelle- you didn't like it?" Nikki asked with a sad expression overtaking his face.
     "No- I did like it!" I responded though Nikki didn't seem to believe me. "I'm serious Nikki. I did. I'm just scared to give any comments because Mick might want to hit me over the head with his guitar" I grimaced.
     "The most ill do is say "fuck you" and move on." he replied.
     "And that's how it should be" I smiled.
     "You can be honest Iz" Nikki told me.
     I sighed "Fine. Ok first, I like the groove to it- the sound is really good, makes me want to turn into a really provocative pole dancer which I'm assuming is all of your underlying goals. The chord progression is nice and overall I think the music is good. I like the lyrics in the verses- both of those were really good, the chorus is nice but the only thing I'd change is the repetition of  'that kill' after saying 'looks that kill' I think it's too much and if you had a pause in between it would let the listener get a really nice feel of the rhythm of the music behind it-"
     "Ok, I'm going to stop you there and say I am not changing that" Nikki interferes.
     "I'm not saying you have to but you asked for my opinion so that's what I'm telling- anyway, Mick. I love you so much, you know that?"
     "Just fucking talk princess, I don't have all day for your bullshit."
     "I would never tell you how to do your solos because I know you always pull through and make them amazing, so you probably already know what Im about to say- I think you came in too quickly with the solo and it was too heavy for the start of it. Of course, I know you'll tweak it when the song is complete so that it fits more properly but maybe have Tommy do something with his drums so that your solo can be introduced in a very smooth flow."
     "Have you ever thought about working for me?" Mick asks.
     "Only if you pay me as much as the club does"
     "I tip you enough already let's not get crazy here." he remarks making me smile
     "Ok, after the solo, I like that part directly after the solo where the sound changed a little before going right back into it. Lastly- Vince... Vinne... barbie... Nikki, sweety- that entire last part needs to be cut- that was worse than Vince in bed." I grimace again.
     "Heyy!" Vince yells
     "Isabelle what the fuck!" Nikki adds.
     "Sorry babe" I mouth back
     "All I'm saying is that extra vocal shit at the end is unnecessary. Just cut it off right before that and the song is golden." I smile in hopes Nikki doesn't make me sleep on the couch tonight. I smirked at their reactions. "Hey, you asked for my honest opinion," I replied, shrugging playfully. "But seriously, guys, the last part just doesn't fit the song's overall vibe. It's like trying to force two different puzzle pieces together. The energy and flow are off."
     Nikki shifted him his seat, contemplating my words. "Okay, okay, we'll take that into consideration," he finally conceded. "We value your input, Iz."
     "Good, because you should," I teased, crossing my arms with a playful smirk. "Now, are we going to keep jamming, or are we calling it a night?"
     Mick, always the serious one, chimed in. "I think it's time to call it a night. We've made some progress, and we can work on the song some more tomorrow." The rest of the band agreed, and we began to clean up the makeshift rehearsal space in our living room.

     As we tidied up, Nikki came over to me with a mischievous smile. "You know I can't resist you when you talk professional n' all" he wrapped his arms around my waist and leaned his forehead against mine.
     "You couldn't resist me even if I was wearing an inflatable duck costume" I smile.
     "Why don't you be a good little duckling and I'll meet you in the bedroom" he smirks. I blush at his indication and unwrap his arms from his embrace. Just as I am about to walk away he grabs my arm and pulls me back. "And also... I want you only in your birthday suit." he winks and softly pushes me away.
     "Yes, Daddy Ducky" I respond biting my lip and retrieving back to the bedroom, closing the door behind me.

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