Chapter 39

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   *Phone rings*
"Hi Tom, it's uhh... Nikki"
"My god, it's so good to hear from you.."
"Yeah umm.. how are you? How's Nona?"
"We're all good here. Your grandma has been dying to hear from you though." He replied in a disappointed manner.
"I-is she around? Can you put her on? I really need to ask her something" I spit out as quickly as I could.
"She's at the market right now."
I close my eyes and go silent for a moment "well then you please tell her I called?"
"Of course, Frankie"
"OH MY GOD- how many times do I have to tell you!? IT'S NI-"
"PIPE DOWN YOUNG MAN! I know... it's Nikki... But you will always be your Nonas little Frankie!"
"Tom.. please..." I plead.
He sighs on the other end of the line "I'll let her know you called."
"Thank you."
"Goodbye, son." The line goes dead. What-fuckin-ever. He didn't need to be such a dick about it though. Screw this, I'm going back to bed. Sneaking back into the room to not disturb Isabelle, I slowly shut our door and crawl underneath the covers.
She groans my name. "Just go back to sleep, baby" I said quietly.
"I want to go look at cars today"
"Cars? How- wha- why?"
"I saw this El Camino I want"
"El Camino? What is this- the cartel?"
"Oh, ha-ha" She rolls her eyes.
"Seriously. We sank all our money into putting this place together. Can we wait to get a new car?"
"I just wanted to see if I even like it!"
"And what if you do? I know you... you'll want to get it. Remember when we went to the pet store and you promised you just wanted to play with the puppies and cried when I told you no? That's why we should wait to look at cars until we can actually afford one. Let's not get our hopes up." I unwillingly lectured. She grunts and rolls to the side so that her back is facing me. I roll my eyes and cuddle her from behind. She can be as mad at me as she wants but she will not resist the cuddles damnit! "I love you baby" I whisper in her ear. She responded with a grumble that sounded something along the lines of "I love you too" making me smile. "How about I make you breakfast?"
"No! You'll burn down the kitchen! I'll do it." She said jumping out of bed quicker than the time I almost burned down the kitchen in the apartment... whoops.

Isabelle's POV

God, Nikki learned to flambé the kitchen once and now he thinks he's a chef, my ass. Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I am completely unprepared. The stores are probably out of almost everything so I gotta get a move on if we're hosting. "Breakfast is ready!" I yelled.
"Coming!" I heard in reply.
"See how nice and clean the kitchen is right now? It wouldn't look like that when the place is burnt to the ground." I look sternly at him.
"Oh my god- it was one time!" he said with a mouth full of food.
"One time too many," I replied sitting down and rolling my eyes. "We need to go to the grocery store today. I want to go soon."
"For what?"
"Thanksgiving dumbass! I was gonna cook a whole meal and shit"
"Sounds great, and you're a phenomenal cook, but- well first, tell me exactly how much you have in your bank account."
"Uhhhh one hundred and thirty-eight dollars and seventy-four cents." I fake and wide smile.
"So we'll all pitch in! Plus you know I like to be cheap when it comes to shopping."
"Oh yeah... cheap." He motions to the house.
"This was an investment! Plus I cut a deal with the landlord, so there's nothing to worry about"
"Yeah cause you probably... *mumbles*"
"Excuse me? What the fuck did you just say to me?"
"Nothing just forget it." He said getting up from the table and placing his dish in the sink before locking himself in our bedroom.
I scoff in disgust "the fuckin nerve that man has. He wants to see a whore, I'll show him a fucking whore" I mumble angrily. I stomp my way to the bedroom and pound on the door "Nikki Sixx, open this fucking door, RIGHT NOW!"
"Hi, how can I help you" He smiles sarcastically. I push him into the room and fall on top of him as he falls onto the bed. His hands run up my sides as I grip his hair. He pulls away "Seems like there's been a pattern here, I piss you off and you come crawling on your knees practically begging me to fuck you." He said with seductive eyes. I go back to kissing him and he flips us over to my back. He pulls away yet again "Up. On your knees." I unconsciously obey and get on my knees in front of him. He takes his fingers and slowly lifts my chin so that I'm looking into his eyes. "Take your eyes off me, and I push harder. Got it?" I nod my head slowly as he grips my chin. Quickly removing his boxers, he pulls a hand full of my hair back, making my head shoot up. "I said eyes on me, princess. Or you'll be punished." I'll be the first to tell you, I couldn't keep my eyes open with how far back he already was, in the best way possible of course.

"Do you need help out of the car sweetie?" He asks opening the door for me in front of our old apartment.
I hiss as I shift my body weight "I got it" trying to push myself up. As I walked like a severely sunburned person up the stairs, Tommy wasted no time greeting me at the door with a big hug.
"Isabelle!" He said cheerfully.
"Hey Tommy," I said in pain.
"Are you ok? What's wrong? You sound like you're dying!"
"Oh she'll be fine" Nikki smirked from the corner.
Bumping Nikki's fist, Vince whispered in his ear "Ha! Nice work man!"

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