Chapter Sixxty Seven

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July 6, 1984

An announcement played through the speakers from the stage band "Annnnnnnd now, I introduce to you, for the very first time, MR. AND MRS. NIKKI SIXX!" Everyone cheered and the band started playing "Play That Funky Music" as we made our entrance into the reception hall. Nikki doesn't dance but he sure as hell did when we walked through. It felt like we were in a movie, everyone watching as we made fools of ourselves in front of all our friends and family. Sure there were some "obscene" gestures that I'm not sure if Nona was disappointed in or totally supportive of. We danced our way to the center of the dance floor "And if could all now quiet down to give the special attention to the bride and groom as they share their first dance." Neither of us knew what the dance to but we settled for Bryan Addams's "Heaven".
As we swayed on the dance floor, I thought I would be nervous in front of everyone but I couldn't take my eyes off Nikki the whole time. "I think I finally have an answer to your question, Mr. Sixx."
"If you're saying yes to the marriage proposal, I think I got the hint, Mrs. Sixx."
I smile and laugh "No. It's another question."
"And what question would that be?"
"You'll find out soon."

After the dance, we made our way to the head table where I was excited to finally sit down after being in the dress all day. We were both in need of a drink. They first served the wedding party first so that Nikki and I could finish our meals and greet everybody at this time. Once everyone was served, Nikki told me there was something he wanted to say. Typically speeches were saved for later, but what the hell, it's our wedding!
"Two years ago, I told my wife that I wasn't ready to get married. I was eager for the band to hit big, for the band to actually start making an impact and most importantly, to escape debt and warrants in my name." Everyone laughed. "I told her that it would take at least three or four years for any of that to happen. Well, we have been blessed and it only took one year for everything to start falling into place, and that was when I decided that now is the time to make myself and my gorgeous bride's dream come true. I owe my thanks to the amazing guys I have sitting beside me today and a special thanks to Uncle Oz-"
"OZZYYYY!" the band cheered.
"By supporting him on this past tour, I was able to marry the love of my life, Isabelle Laura Sixx." He smiled down at me. He took his glass and raised it "SALUTE!"
Everyone did the same "SALUTE!"

Then Nikki and I went table to table, thanking everyone for coming which took much longer than expected. I guess that's what you get when you live in the music industry- the obligation to invite everyone you work for.
"Good evening, family and friends. I'm very happy to preside over the only five minutes of the day Isabelle was not allowed to plan. If there's anybody here this afternoon who's feeling nervous, apprehensive, and queasy at the thought of what lies ahead, it's probably because you've just married Nikki Sixx." Tommy jokes, making the crowd chuckle. "Isabelle, I received a special note from Nikki's middle school football team, it reads "Apologies we couldn't all be there today, but good luck with that guy, we found him to be useless in most positions, but wishing you all the best for tonight."
I spit out my champagne "Oh. My. God."
"We've now reached the point in the proceedings when we all get to see Nikki shift uncomfortably in his seat and grip the tablecloth. That's right. I've been asked to give him the bar bill."
Nikki and I try to cover our mouths from laughing, but our faces are too red to hide it. "Jesus T-bone" Nikki laughed.
" I met Nikki back in January of 1981. I was just a kid with a dream who happened to be a huge fan of my best friend. From there we started Motley Crue. A couple of months later, this woman weaseled her way into our lives when she needed a place to live and not ANY of us thought that she would end up with Nikki fucking Sixx. All those amongst you who know Isabelle well will know that she is a wonderful and caring person. She deserves a good husband. Thank God Nikki married her before she found one."
"Oh my god that is brutal." I laugh with a tear forming in my eye.
"Though I do have to say just how lucky you are, Nik. You will leave here today with a wife who is warm, loving, and caring *coughs* and hot *coughs*. And Iz, how lucky you are as well. You'll leave here today having gained a lovely outfit and a wonderful bouquet of flowers." I smile and nod knowing damn well that is true. "In all seriousness, I knew the second they looked into each other's eyes that there was no way they could stay away from each other. These two people are my best friends. I couldn't imagine either of them not being in each other's lives. I can't wait to be the favorite uncle one day."
Vince coughed on the other side of Tommy "Bullshit".
"This here is truly a crazy couple, second craziest next to Oz and Sharron over there" Tommy points to their table where they are both smiling. "Finally, I'd like to ask Isabelle to place her left hand on the table. Ok good, Nikki if you could place your right hand on top of hers. Great. Enjoy this moment Nikki, because it's the first and last time in your marriage that you'll ever have the upper hand. Thank you, everybody!"

Since I didn't have a dad to do my dance with, and Nikki didn't have his Mom, we used Nona and Tom as our dance partners and it felt truly special. Right after cam party time. Never in my life did I think I would ever see Nikki so loose on the dance floor and that is surely a sight I will never forget. Nikki and I carefully cut the cake before we both smashed huge pieces of it into each other's faces. He was the one to pay for getting my makeup done so he justified that he could ruin it too. I didn't mind in the slightest. The bouget toss went as smoothly as it could have gone, and the garter toss... got more sexual than I was expecting. Though we joked about it, I didn't truly expect him to briefly go down on me in front of everyone we know. Not like they could see anyway, the dress covered it. He pulled the garter off with his teeth- so manly right?- and slung it into the crowd of men. By the time midnight fell, Nikki and I were ready for our send-off. The guests crowded around the outside entrance of the hall and wished us the best as we got in the new Corvette Nikki purchased for himself as a wedding gift. We sped off into the night, on our way to a luxury hotel that we would stay in for the night before leaving for Lake Como in the morning.

With the windows down and the radio playing, I finally told Nikki what he's been waiting to hear since 1981. "It was you, Nikki."
"What was me?"
"The answer to your question." I smiled.
"And which question was that?" he asked, looking my way.
"It was you. My favorite roommate."

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