Chapter 21

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The Boys POV
"Nikki, wait up!" Tommy says jogging down the street but Nikki keeps walking "Sixx!" Tommy eventually caught up to him and walked by his side.
"What Tom" he said coldly
"Why'd you leave"
"Cause if I didn't, Vince may not have been waking up to see the sunlight."
"Isabelle told me about you two..."
"What's to tell"
"You guys kissed! A few times I heard!" Tommy said hyping him up
"Didn't mean anything"
"She doesn't think so" Nikki stopped walking and Tommy stepped in front of him. "Don't let Vince get to you. You and I both know Vince will say anything to push your buttons. It's a great song and we're gonna do it tonight.
"What do you mean she doesnt think so"
"When we were having drinks? Ya know, the night you showed up shit-faced and made us bring you home?"
"Oh yeah, sorry about that.." Nikki scratched his head in embarrassment
"She likes you Sixx"
"Oh really? She said that?" Nikki scoffed
"She couldn't answer. She was smiling too much." Nikki stayed silent then continued to walk.
"Did he sleep with her..?" Nikki asked sounding sad
"I- uhh.. I have no idea" Tommy said, trying to sound sincere but also hiding the truth. "Let's just go back man.. We can go through the song again and we- we can get out stage shit ready too. Let's get the drum riser together huh?"
Nikki thought for a second "fine" he started walking back with Tommy but of course, stopped at the liquor store before they went back to the house.
Isabelle's POV
"Vince! Stop!" I yelled playfully
"Shhshshsh baby, no need to scream" he said, resting his chin on my shoulder and his arms wrapped around my stomach. He turns me around and pulls my body close to his "what time do you get off tonight" he asked for reassurance
"9" I said tilting my head
"You better be there tonight"
"I've been planning on it all week"
"Isabelle! We're home!" I hear Tommy shout from the kitchen
"Uh- I- I'm in the shower!" I shout back. "Shit" I whisper
"Ok!" he shouts back. "Wheres Vince"
"Fuck" i whisper. "I haven't seen him!" I yell
"Ooh look-y here.. Looks like you've got yourself into a pickle" he says smirking and raising his eyebrows.
"Oh shut up! You're in this too!"
"Yeah but you care if they find out... I'd rather brag about this right to Nikki's face!"
"Why Nikki?" I look at him confused.
"I don't know, why do you care if he knows, huh?" he says with a smug look and a smile
"It's-... It's nothing. ok? Can we please just-.."
"Listen.. It's ok if you'd rather just sneak around. I get it. Plus it's more fun to hide it. Don't feel tied down either. We could be whatever you want"
"Well- what.. What do you want"
"I want whatever you want"
"What if I don't know what I want..."
"Then.. we do what we do aaand see where it goes. It doesn't have to go anywhere if that's what happens."
I close my eyes to take a second to think. "Ok then" I say softly
"Ok. Now if you don't want them to know, you better keep your mouth shut" he says, pushing me against the wall.
"Wha- what-" Im cut off and gasped as Vince suddenly went down on me.
9:52 PM
"Fuck fuck fuck" I say rushing to get changed. I was held back late at work. Linda called and said she was gonna be late for her shift and asked me to hold the counter till she got there. I didnt really have a choice so I agreed but now im fucking late for the show. Tommy called the house and left a message but I don't even have time to call him back. I wanted to curl my hair and finish my makeup but I promised them I'd be there. I tear up my closet, looking for the top I wanted to wear. I was planning on wearing a tan and diamond corset top with leather pants and heeled boots, but that's out the door. I grab a pair of black jeans and a tank top and throw it on as fast as I can. I quickly touch up my makeup and grab my smaller purse. 9:59 pm "Fuck!" I yell. There's gonna be no parking but it's a 30 minute walk. I throw on my booth and grab my keys and race out the door. 10:11 pm. I pull up to the starwood and can hear the music blasting from the building. I park the car anywhere in the lot and run as fast as I can to the door.
"This next one here, is a new one" Vince says into the mic breathing heavily. "We call this one Starry Eyes. Let's go!"
"Ho-ly shit..." I say when I walk in. The place is fucking packed. I gotta squeak my way up front so they know I'm here.
"When she laughs.. She's got the power of a child in her eyes." Vince sings. I push my way past a bunch of people and eventually make my way to the stage. I end up far on Nikkis' side of the stage and can finally take a breather. He's playing hard but looks distracted. He's been looking out into the crowd and probably doesn't realize I'm standing right in front of him. How do I get his attention... I got it! I wiggle off my shoe and throw it at his legs. And I was right, it indeed caught his attention. He did a double take and smiled when he realized it was me.
"Hi" I mouth to him and smile
"Hi" he mouths back with his pearly white teeth.
"Standing alone in the light, you could see her cry with a smile and wink and a sparkle in her eyes..." Vince continued to sing. Nikki winked at me when Vince sang it causing me to blush. I liked the song, it was more relaxing to listen to, unlike some of the real heavy stuff they sang later. Of course, their set was amazing. I didn't know that they were actually this good, I mean I've heard the buzz about them but never expected a turn out like this. Guess I'm not as much into the rock scene as I thought. After they finished the set, Vince said that they were going to take the party back to our place, which I would have appreciated the heads up about. Nikki quickly pulled me out of the crowd so I could go back into the dressing room with them.
"Guys! That was awesome!" I said giving Nikki a side hug since he was still holding onto me. Tommy quickly came over and engulfed me in a tight hug.
"I'm so happy you made it" he said, muffled. "I didn't think we'd see you tonight"
"I know, I know, I'm sorry. Linda called and she said she was going to be late and I didnt have any other choice but to stay, I'm sorry guys."
"Eh, don't worry about it now" Vince walks over and wraps his arm around my shoulder "you're here now, and the real party can start" he shooted me a wink. I glance over to Nikki and see him staring down Vince.
"Mick, you were awesome! I had no idea you could play like that!"
"What do you think? I'm just gonna wing this shit and hope for the best? I aint no bass player!"
"Hey! You wouldn't even be in a band right now if it wasn't for me so why dont you go... fuck off or something, I dont know!" Nikki says to Mick, annoyed. Mick laughs at him getting angry. "Whatever, let's just get our shit, get changed and get back huh?" Nikki says, starting to undress.
"You know I'm still in the room right?"
"So? Why? You wanna see?" Nikki smirks and waves his eyebrows at me. That mother fucker.
"Oh my god! I'll be in the hall" I say and walk out the door. God, I seriously need to get a grip- Nikki Sixx.. you will be the death of me.

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