Chapter 28

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Isabelle's POV
     "I smell bacon" I said, shooting up from my sleep. The fact that's what woke me up and is the first thing I said today should probably tell you everything you need to know about me. I rubbed my eyes and adjusted to the light, then notice a bouquet of red flowers sitting on my dresser. "Aww, who are these from" I looked around the vase but there was no card, just a pack of flower food stuff. "Hm" I went to take the vase to the bathroom to fill it with water but I saw a once in a lifetime sight in front of me instead. And that would be, Mr. Nikki Sixx himself... cooking. "What.. the hell.. are you doing..?"
    "I'm making breakfast!" He said flipping the pancake in the pan.
    "YOU-" I pointed at him "making breakfast?"
    "Yeah!" he said with a cheeky smile.
    "You made all of this?" I say with an unconvinced face and point at the plates of prepared pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs, and hash browns.
     "Yeah!" He said confidently.
     "Then why are there take-out boxes from Dennys in the trash?" I say looking down in the bin.
     "NO! Don't look in there!" He yelled running over to the trash bin and closing the lid. He looked at me with pursed lips, knowing he's been caught.
     "It's the thought that counts" I give him a sweet smile, causing him to smile again. "The stove isn't even on!"
     "But it's the thought that counts right!?" He asks mocking me.
     "Whatever Sixx" I shoo my hand at him and begin to fill the vase with tap water.
     "Ah, I see you got my present" He says smirking at me.
     "Aww you got these? How sweet Nikki" I kiss him on the cheek.
     "Well, who else would it be?"
     "The other two guys that live here who also want to get in my pants" I raise an eyebrow at him and tilt my head, then turn back to put the packet in.
     "Well looks who's winning, huh?" He wraps his arms around my waist and nuzzles his head into my neck.
     "Nikki, cut it out" I laugh
     "Make me" I can feel his smirk on my skin.
     I turn around and wrap my arms around his neck "how bout this- you serve me the breakfast you "made" and maybe I'll give you something in return" I smile at him while biting my bottom lip.
     "M'Lady" He said pulling a chair out for me.
     "Thank you my good sir" I said with a shitty British accent. Nikki set down a plate with a little bit of everything and a glass of milk. "Jeez Nik, I can't finish all of this"
     "More for the boys then" he said sliding me a bottle of syrup then sitting down himself. "Tell me something.."
     "Anything- well... almost.. anything"
     "You said.. when we first met, that you moved around when you were younger.."
     "You said you lived in Idaho... Jerome"
"You remember what years exactly?" He asked nervously.
     "Uhh around 73-74" I shrug my shoulders
     "Did make any friends there?"
     "Oh god- I mean not really. There were a few people at school but I never really bothered. I didn't like them much anyway. I do  remember there was a parade when the town got a stoplight though!" I laughed
     "No way- you went to that?!" He smiled
     I looked at him a little confused "Well, I mean.. everyone went to that. I know it sounds kinda stupid but I guess it was "monumental" for the people there." I laughed again. Nikki smiled as well, with an expression on his face that I couldn't quite read. "Why what's up.."
     "Nah no no, it's nothing. Just.. wanted to get to know you a little better" He smiled at me.
"What about you?"
     "Hmm?" Nikki says with a mouth full of pancakes.
     "You said you moved around when you were younger"
     "Oh yeah.. you know how it is I guess"
     "You said you lived in Idaho too, in some small town"
     "Yeah, just for a little bit.. ya know small town potato farm kind."
     "Oh definitely, if I stayed there I would have been destined to marry a potato farmer"
      Nikki laughs "Absolutely! I said the same thing. There was this girl, that for some reason liked me, I mean I was a fucking dork so I have no idea what she saw in me, but she technically was my first girlfriend. She was the girl that I lost my virginity to actually-"
"Wait the girl that was babysitting?!"
"Yeah" He laughs "Yeah it was... kinda weird what happened."
"Oh pleaseee tell me" I whined
"I thought we said that night was no questions asked!"
"Well, it is now" I said mocking him causing him to smile.
"Fine.. so this girl- I mean we would walk to the pharmacy to get like a soda or whatever and hold hands and shit. I mean, we were like 13,14, maybe 15, so I would technically call her my girlfriend. She would call my grandma's place, that's who I lived with in Idaho, and we would talk for just a minute or two but this one she called and said "hey I got a present for you" and I was like 'oh shit she got me a present, must mean I'm doing good' or whatever and I said "could you give me a hint" and she said "the initials are b.j." and I had no idea what that was." Nikki laughed.
"What! You didn't know!?"
"I was young! I was a weird, dorky kid! How was I supposed to?!"
"Anyway, she said "I'm babysitting at this house come over and I'll give it to you" so I went over to that house and when I knocked on the door, she answered it, WEARING THE MOMS LINGERIE!"
"WHAT!" My mouth hung open
"There was no one else home, just me, her, and some sleeping baby upstairs... and that's how I lost my virginity.."
"Oh. my. fucking. god- that's hilarious!"
"Yeah if I didn't get out of that town, me and her probably were destined to start a fucking potato farm together.."
I laugh at his story so more "there weren't a lot of people in Jerome, where I lived. My parents, at the time, made friends with this one couple. They had a daughter and a few grandkids, one of them was about the same age as me but I never met him. Though she talked about me meeting him all the time but I was really really young and didn't want to bother. Though my parents would see this couple all the time and I liked the grandma, since I don't have any of my own, she was like my grandma."
     "Aww that's nice. There weren't many options by me either so.." he shrugged his shoulder.
     "So where are you playing this week?"
     "Oh we're playing at the Roxy on Friday, you should come"
     "When do I not!?"
     "You've missed a few.."
     "I did not!" I said denying it with a high pitch in my voice.
     "10 o'clock?"
     "You can count on it" I said winking before getting up.
      "Hey! You said you'd give me something if I served you breakfast!"
     "Oh like that present that little girlfriend of yours gave you?"
     "I mean I wouldn't complain but..." he dragged out.
     "I gotta do laundry"
     "Oh bull-shit!"
     "I need to do laundry!"
     "Is that my new nickname?" He smirked.
     "Nah, your code is "taking out the trash"." I smirked back.
     "You're mean.." he said in a low voice
     "And your beautiful" I said mocking it
     "And your so getting punished! Come here!" He said getting up and chasing me around the kitchen then pinning me on the couch.
     "Jokes on you... I like being punished" I bit my lip, teasing him. Nikki slightly moves back with wide eyes "What? Cat got your tongue?" I said with a seductive voice. Nikki crashes his lips onto mine.
     "Fuck Isabelle" He moaned softly into my ear then kissing my neck.
     "Nikki..." I say softly
     "Get a room, guys!" Tommy shouts walking to the kitchen, causing me to scream.
     "Tommy get the fuck out of here!" Nikki shouts back.
     "Don't fuck in the living room!... I sit on that couch.." he says eating a piece of bacon.
     "Ok, I gotta go" I say quietly so that Nikki gets off of me.
     "Morning Iz" Tommy says batting his eyebrows and grinning
     I sigh "Hi Tommy" and walk back to my room.

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