Chapter 9

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Tommy's POV
I thought that me and Iz get along pretty well too so I agreed to be the first to go and talk to her. I walked over to the kitchen first and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I walked over to the couch and put the water down on the coffee table. She was smiling watching Scooby Doo, of course she is. It's Scooby doo for crying out loud! I took a seat in the space left next to her on the couch. I slowly rubbed her shoulder through the blanket. "Hey Iz." She had a blank expression on her face. I looked around the apartment and saw her keys and shoes on the floor. I know when she left she had a purse with her. "You were mugged..." I said saddened. "And pretty badly." I look down at her now covering most of her face with the blanket. "What did you have in the bag?"
"Makeup, hairbrush, w-" She said with a shaky voice before being cut off
"Wait! Hold on." I ran to get some paper and pen so I can write down what was stolen. "Ok, Makeup- what kind?"
"It was a bag of stuff"
"Wat color was the bag?"
"Just tell me... you gotta trust me."
She took a deep breath in. "Purple."
"Ok purple makeup bag, great. What color hairbrush?"
"Ok. What else?" I said scribbling down everything she's saying
"Water bottle. Blue. Reusable."
"Uhh tampons, advil, a couple pens, and my wallet."
"Shit. What was in your wallet."
"Fuck uhh. Well my I.D, my fake I.D-
"Ha nice..." She just looked at me like 'really' "sorry, continue"
"Credit Card- American Express, $50 cash, I think I had an old school I.D in there too, uhh sunglasses, nice ones too. Oh shit my checkbook was in my bag! Damnit."
"Is this address on any of that stuff?"
"No i haven't gotten it changed yet. Looks like i'll have to now.
I write down everything and set the paper down. "So that's everything that was stolen then?"
"Yeah i think so."
"Well i'm not so sure about that" I said looking deeply into her eyes. She avoided eye contact knowing what i was referring to. "Please." She laid there not speaking for about 5 minutes while i sat with her and watched Scooby Doo. "I'll get you a shirt." I got up and headed back towards Nikki's room.
Meanwhile with Nikki and Vince
"This is so fucked." Vince said to Nikki.
"Seriously." Nikki said dragging his hands over his face.
"I kinda feel like this is my fault"
"Why what did you do.."
"I just wasn't there and I should have been."
"What the hell are talking about?"
"We were supposed to get dinner tonight and I was going to just pick her up from work but she said she wanted to come home to change first so I didn't but I knew I should have."
Nikki sat up "you were going to take her out tonight?"
"Yeah that was the plan"
"When the fuck was that decision made!"
"She came into my room, we talked and I invited her out to dinner. Simple as that"
"Why did she go into your room I erased that no- shit"
"Oh so you're the one who erased it!" Vince said standing up. "You fucking cockblocked me asshole!"
"No I didn't!"
     "What do you mean you didn't? You erased my message!"
     "Well it was probably for the better anyway!" Nikki took a deep breath. "She doesn't deserve this."
     Vince sighed "I know you were stand off-ish about.. well her in general but why are you getting so protective? I mean I get it, she was just robbed and humiliated and it hurts to see but besides that... you. You just. You're not- i don't know, you're just weird."
     "Oh. Thanks" Nikki responded sarcastically.
     "All i'm saying is if you like her, you can have her."
     Nikki's head shot up. "I do not like her." He said denying Vince's accusations. "And I can have whoever I want and you don't need to tell me that I can 'have her' like she was yours anyway! She's not just some groupie we pass around backstage! She's a human being for god sakes! Like one who actually has feelings, has a life besides us, can make her own decisions and doesn't need to be treated like some god damn object!" Nikki said standing up progressively getting louder. He took a deep breath.
     "Whoa there man.. let's just take a seat and chill out and wait for Tommy to come back."
     A bit latter Tommy walks back into Nikki's room with a piece of paper. "Bet's off." Nikki said before Tommy could say anything.
     "Agreed." Tommy said handing Vince the paper.
     "What's this?" He asked
     "A list of everything that was stolen." Tommy said walking to Nikki's closet.
     "Hey hey hey what the fuck do you think you're doing?"
"Getting her a shirt!" Tommy said pulling an Alice Cooper tee off the hanger and walking over to Nikki's dresser and grabbing a pair of basketball shorts.
"You know she has her own clothes right?" Nikki said eyeing Tommy.
"I don't want to go through her stuff!"
     "Oh so you'll just steal mine then!" Nikki standing up and takes the clothes out of Tommy's hands. "I'll bring them to her." He walks out of his room and closes the door. He looks at Isabelle laying on couch snuggled up and hears her sniffles. He can't help but be saddened and pissed that someone would do something to such an innocent person. Nikki slowly walked over to Isabelle. "Hey... I got you some clothes."
      She sat up "Thanks." She sat there awkwardly for a second.
     "Oh right, sorry!" Nikki said before turning around. Isabelle giggled.
     She removed the blanket from herself and put on the clothes Nikki gave her. "Alice Cooper huh." She laughed a little. "I love his stuff."
     "Wait actually?" Nikki said shocked.
     "Yeah i'm a big fan of his"
     Nikki turned around without even thinking about if she was done changing or not and quickly took a seat next to her. "Really? Like seriously?"
     "Yeah, I guess you do too huh"
     "Well yeah you could say that.. what's you favorite album?"
     "Oh geez, there's a lot. I really like 'Welcome to my Nightmare' but I like songs from 'Billion Dollar Babies' and 'Schools Out' too."
     "I didn't know you listened to stuff like that."
     "Well, you never asked."
     "Well" He said mocking me "you could have asked me too"
     She smiled and looked down and laughed to herself "you don't really seem like that "hey come and talk to me randomly" kind of person so"
     Nikki laughed "what's that supposed to mean"
     "Ya know.. just. You seem to rather keep to yourself and let others do what they want as long as it doesn't bother you kind of person"
      Nikki scoffed "Well... I guess i'm not as much of a closed book as I thought I was."
      "Oh please, I'm a women. I can see through anyone and everyone's bullshit. Even yours, though I can't really see your eyes." She laughed a little trying to look through Nikki's hair.
      Nikki got up and stuck his hand out. "Come on"
      "What where?"
      "We're gonna get you cleaned up, come on." She took his hand and stood up off the couch. "The shorts look fantastic on you by the way" Nikki said sarcastically.
     "Oh yeah definitely the next fashion trend. Although there were some white stains on the inside"
      "Uhhhh" His eyes went wide
      "Kidding" she said with a smile
      "Don't-" Nikki just sighed and Isabelle laughed as he turned on the light in the bathroom. He grabbed Isabelle by the waist and picked her up and put her on the bathroom counted as she slightly screamed. Nikki grabbed a wash cloth from the cabinet and ran it under the water. "How did.. why-... what happened tonight.." He ringed out the towel and turned to Isabelle. She just looked down and to the side no answering "Did he make you do something..." he said then placing his hand. She flinched and pulled her leg away from Nikki. "Did he fucking touch you." Tears started to form in her eyes again. "Isabelle." He said sternly. "Look at me" she didn't turn her head. "Isabelle! please. Look. at. me." she slowly turned her head still looking down. He took his finger and lifted up her chin. He placed his hand on cheek and whipped away the tears with his thumb. "Did. he. touch. you." She began to cry harder still looking at Nikki's face. Isabelle could see he was starting to get angry. He grabbed the wet cloth and started to wipe away the smeared makeup off and clean her up in silence. When he finished he threw the rag in the bathtub. "Where did he touch you." Isabelle looked avoiding eye contact. "Isabelle please. Where did he touch you." He said sternly again. Isabelle crossed her legs and squeezed them together. Nikki looked down at the motion and back up at her face. She began to cry again and looked at Nikki who was clearly getting more pissed by the second. He left the bathroom and closed the door leaving her there. "GOD DAMNIT" Nikki screamed; Isabelle could hear the scream through the door. He slammed his bedroom door open "Tommy call Mick. We gotta go. NOW!"

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