Chapter 49

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     Nikki and I both split their signature Fettuccine and Chicken Parmigiana for dinner and were complimented with a Wild Cherry Gelato Pie with a candle for him to blow out. The waiter then brought the bill and he grabbed it. "Hey no no no, I'm not going to let you pay!"
     "Isabelle, it's fine. I can pay for dinner."
     "No, it's your birthday, it's on me." I insisted. Nikki sighed and handed me the check. I opened it up and my heart sank. I tried to hide my fear by not reacting to my eyes but my breath said it all. I hesitantly reached for my beg but Nikki spoke.
     "Isabelle, please. It's okay, just let me pay."
     "Nikki, this check is over two hundred dollars- we didn't even get appetizers or any sides! How the hell is it so expensive?" I whisper.
     "My two drinks alone were a hundred and twenty dollars. Just give me the check." He said reaching across the table. I reluctantly handed it his way and he snatched it out. "Okayy. One-fifty for the drinks, fifty-eight for the food, twenty percent of two-O-eight is... forty-one, sixty." I threw my face in my hands and wanted to die in that moment. "And that comes to a grand total of two-forty-nine sixty."
     "Jesus Christ" I whimper.
     "Iz, calm down. It's all okay. Just act normal, we don't what them thinking anything about us." Nikki pulled out his credit card and placed it in the book for the waiter to pick up. As we waited for the waiter to return, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed and ashamed that I couldn't pick up the check. We're both struggling to make ends meet and just scraping by each month and I hated to burden Nikki with our financial problems, especially on his birthday. I could tell he was annoyed that we can't typically afford these things but we both know we're trying. Hopefully the present ill give him later will make up for this.
     "Well on the bright side, you look great." I bat my eyebrows at him causing him to blush.
     "Finish your drink and let's get the hell out of here."

     The drive was mostly quiet aside from Nikki being eager to find out what else I have in store for him. Little does he know what I had the boys do. Walking up to the front door, I could hardly contain my excitement. I smiled as I opened the front door to reveal the boys... just sitting there?
     "Hey" Tommy nodded. Mick just waved and Vince just blew the party horn in his mouth.
     "What the hell guys! You didn't decorate? I told you guys to say surprise him, not just lounge around his living room.
     "Hey, I put a party hat on AND used the noise thingy. I was the only one actually trying here." Vince smiled sarcastically.
     "You guys suck, you know that?" I say throwing my bag on the table.
     "You both look very fancy though. Makes me forget that we're broke." Tommy added.
     "How was dinner?" Mick asked
     "Expensive" Nikki and I simultaneously sigh.
     "Someone get me a drink" I say lounging in the chair next to Vince. Nikki pours me a glass of whatever we had on the table and brought it to me. "Thanks, babe" I whisper.
     "So are we going to do presents now or what?" Vince said eagerly. Nikki smiled and got excited.
     "Good ahead guys." I smiled too.
     "I'll go first." Mick said handing Nikki a tall rectangular box.
     "Hmm wonder what this could be" he threw the wrapping paper on the floor and open the box to reveal a bottle of
     "Vodka" we all said at once.
     "It's his signature gift!" I expressed
     "Everyone gets a bottle. Nothing more nothing less" Mick replied
     "The reason he gives the same gift to everyone is that he doesn't care enough to actually learn people's interests enough since he isn't truly interested in anybody" Tommy added and we laughed.
     "My turn" Vince got up handing Nikki a pharmacy bag.
     "I see you put a lot of thought into this" he said sarcastically. Opening the bag, Nikki stifled a laugh and didn't know whether to be disappointed, grateful, or offended. "Condoms? Really?"
     "That's technically a present for both of you!"
     "Oh yeah? And how's that?" I said
     "They're flavored!" Nikki sighed and threw my hand in my face.
     "Anywayyy, here's mine" Tommy said.
     "T-Bone! Dude, this is so cool, I've been wanting one of these!" Nikki said excitedly.
     "What is it, babe?"
     "Yeah, what is it babe" Vince said mocking me.
     "A walkman!" he cheered. We all ooh-ed and ahh-ed and the thoughtful gift.
     "Iz, your turn" Tommy whispered, hardly containing his excitement.
     "Hmm? Oh yeah." I swing my legs from the chair armrest and set my drink down to head to the spare room. "Alright, no peaking.." I say emerging from the room.
     "Holy shit!' Vince exclaimed.
     "Isabelle seriously?" Mick said in shock.
    "Shhh" I said setting the gift down in front of Nikki. I move out of his way "Okay, open up!" Nikki's eyes go wide and his jaw drops. He is at a loss for words just looking at the case knowing what is inside.
     "I- isabelle.. Are you kidding me?"
     "Go on, open it!" Nikki slowly opens the case lid to reveal the black and white striped thunderbird bass. His hands fall to his mouth and he can't even choke out a word. He carefully pulled the bass onto his lap and messed with it to get a good feel. Vince and Mick were both beyond shocked and Tomyy stood in the corner with a proud dad smile on his face. Nikki then placed it back and came up to me.
     "Isabelle-" he choked "How much was this?" he whispered.
     "Don't worry about it" I whisper and smile.
    "Guys, this was an amazing birthday, thank you." he said pulling everyone in for a little group hug that didn't last for more than three seconds.
     "Why don't you go change and then we'll head out" I tell Nikki. He skips off to the bedroom and closes the door. I pull the guys back into a huddle "Can you guys seriously help out with the checks tonight though? That thing was fucking expensive." They all silently agreed then I followed into the bedroom to change into a shorter dress. Nikki and I both walk into the living room. "Shall we?" I exclaim.
     Nikki replied, lacing his arm through mine "We shall!"

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