Chapter 40

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     "Happy Thanksgiving!" Tommy cheers walking through the front door.
"Happy Thanksgiving boys! Where's Mick?"
"He'll be here in just a minute, don't worry 'bout anything." He playfully hit my chest.
"Hey Vinnie" I smile
"Hey, hot stuff" He blows a kiss, making me roll my eyes.
"This place is shaping up nicely, I see you got yourselves your own little bar." Tommy said, looking through our liquor cabinet.
"Can I get you a drink? Seems like Tommy's already helped himself."
"A beer is fine, thanks." Vince said from the couch.
"Happy Thanksgiving dipshits." Mick groaned walking in the door.
"Oh lighten up a bit!" I said, hugging him.
"I would, but I don't smell any cookin'"
"Well... Nikki said he would handle it soooo. We will see whatever that means."
"Well, I brought a pumpkin pie. They were out of whipped cream" He said, handing me the dessert.
"Oh, no worries! Nikki and I still have some left-over from... that's not important- want a drink?" I ask walking to the kitchen.
"As long as you don't put any whipped cream on it" he says under his breath, making me shoot a glare back at him.
The boys and I had some drinks and caught up on life as we waited for Nikki to return, with hopefully dinner, because I have nothing prepared. I usually don't get worried when Nikki goes out but he's been gone for an hour already. My heart starts to race a little faster because he is never late for anything when it comes to me of course. Ask him to be on time for drinks with Vince? Forget it! He'll still be in bed listening to me lecturing him on how important it is to shower, at least once in a while.
"Isabelle! Hello? Were you even listening to me?" Tommy says waving a hand in front of my face.
"Huh? Oh sorry. I'm just wondering where Nikki is." I sigh in frustration.
"I wouldn't get so worked up about it. He's lived on the streets before, literally, and is still standing without a scratch. Have a drink, take your top off and everything will be fine." Tommy suggested.
"Yeah, I gue- wait what did you tell me to do?"
"Happy Thanksgiving!" Nikki cheered. "Isabelle lock the fucking doors and close the curtains!" He whisper-screamed.
"What? What are you talking about?" I shot up from my seat and locked the front door.
"I got us dinner!" He said pulling a bunch of small turkey pot pies out of his biggest coat with a bottle of the cheapest wine I've ever seen.
"Oh.. my.. God.. NIKKI!"
"Instead of a hundred-dollar dinner and hours of your time, I got us dinner for free!"
"And an arrest warrant?" I scold.
"Pop open the oven babydoll" he pecked my cheek. "Dinner will be ready in 20!"
The 20 minutes went by, and so did the next two hours. We devoured the pumpkin pie and Nikki and I finished off the last of the whipped cream later that night. For some reason, I couldn't sleep. I'm not sure if it was the alcohol running through my system or the fact that Thanksgiving is over and that means it's officially Christmas and everyone can get off my case about it, saying "It's not even Thanksgiving yet" and BLAH BLAH BLAH. Once Halloween is over, it means it's the Christmas season! I blame Nikki for being a Scrooge about it. He's seemed to be in the holiday spirit for every other occasion this year, but he doesn't seem excited about Christmas. Even on the Fourth of July! You should have seen the size of the hole in the grass at the apartment! (And the size of the one in the ceiling too). He should be excited. Not only is he going to get so many presents from me on Christmas, but because of the ones, he's going to get for his birthday! I have such a good night planned for him that I would be heartbroken if something happened.
"Stop..." I heard a grumble.
"You're pulling the blankets away from me"
"Oh, I'm sorry hunny." I adjust the blankets and tuck him in like a little burrito. "Guess what time it is.."
"Too early to get up?"
"It's Christmas time!!" I whispered. Nikki sighed and tucked his face into his pillow and pulled all the blankets away from me. "Hey! That's not fair!" A smile appeared on his face and so did mine. "How about I fix us breakfast?" I offered, sitting up.
"No need. My breakfast is already in bed with me." He said wrapping his arms around my low waist. My face heated up bright red and he had me once again speechless.
I took a deep breath in "I-" I hid my smile. "I have to clean up from last night." Nikki groaned at my response as I shook my head. Walking out to the living room, the place was a fucking mess. How the hell did we even cause this? I start by picking up all the empty beer cans and liquor bottles on the floor. "Eh, it's sticky!" Gross.
"Shit! Nikki! What the fuck?"
"For what? Giving you a blow job last night?"
"No, for stealing the blankets this morning." He sticks his tongue out at me like a child.
"Well guess what"
"Chicken butt..."
Literal.. Fucking.. Child... "dumbass." I scoff under my breath. "Dipshit, Thanksgiving is over. That means it's officially Christmas time muthafuckaaa!!" I cheer.
"UGHHHH you're still going on about this?" He groans. "You have a swearing problem, you know that?"
"Uh- says the DRUG ADDICT!" I playfully defend.
"DRUG ADDICT? More like an alcoholic.. Plus coke doesn't count."
I roll my eyes and continue to pick up the trash. "You know I don't like seeing you do that Nikki.."
"That's why I do it when I'm not around you!" he says with a high-pitched voice. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around.
"You know, I don't care that you do that stuff, but did you have to coke crazy last night?"
"I know, I'm sorry. I hate to make you uncomfortable." He says softly. "But in my defense, Tommy's an enabler, and it's all his fault!"
"Funny... that's exactly what Tommy told me about you" I smile with my tongue between my teeth.
"Oh, you're so full of shit! Both of you!" We laugh as he walks away. "And by the way, you don't need to worry about Christmas this year." He shouts from the kitchen.
"Oh yeah? Why's that?" I shout back.
He leans his body on the kitchen doorway and pops open a beer, "Because... we're going down to my grandparents for Christmas."

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