Chapter 10

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The Boys POV
     "Tommy call Mick. We gotta go. NOW!"
     "What why what's going on??"
     "We're going bastard hunting! The fucker touched her and i'm not taking that fucking shit."
     "How do you expect to even find this guy? He could be anywhere by now"
     "No dirtbag like this would go too far, he's too fucking stupid to." Nikki said going through his closet. "Just go call Mick! Ok?"
     "Nikki what are you even going to do?" Vince said walking over to see what he was looking for.
     "I'm.. going" Nikki then pulled out a crowbar and a baseball bat. "to kill this fucker."
      "Whoa- Nikki hold up now. We don't even know what this guy looks like"
"So then we go out looking for her bag!"
     " Nikki.. Calm down for a second. We need to think rationally here and not do anything that might upset her."
     "What do you mean upset her? How would killing this son of a bitch upset her? If anything she would thank me."
      "Well you can't do anything without knowing what this guy looks like."
     Nikki then stomped out of the room and back into the bathroom where he saw Isbaelle with her head in her knees and leaned up against the mirror. "Hey hey now.." Nikki walked up to her to put his arm around her and rubbed her back. "No need to cry ok? Everything is gonna be ok. And it will be even better when I kill this dickhead." Isabelle giggled at Nikki's comment.
     "That's very..uhh sweet of you to do but he had a mask on. I never saw his face."
     Nikki sighed. "Nothing? At all?"
     "No.. but maybe something I have could have his prints on it and the cops coul-"
     "Nope- no cops. They wont do anything for you."
     "Ya know my dad used to be a cop right? When he got out of the army he became a cop. And my grandfather was the chief of police years before."
     "Note to self: Never meet your family. Got it." Nikki smiles to Isabelle
     Isabelle laughs. "Well you won't have to worry about that."
     "Well what is it that you want to do" Nikki says looking seriously into her eyes.
     "I.. *sigh* I just want to go to bed."
     "You hungry at all? I heard that you were supposed to get dinner but that obviously didn't happen."
     Isabelle looks down quietly for a second. "Ya know.. I just don't really have an appetite at the moment."
     "Yeah.. yeah, that's cool. Let's just.. Get you to bed then."
     Isabelle gets off the counter and heads towards her bedroom. Nikki loosely follows behind. Isabelle opens the door and Nikki walks in behind. "Heyyyy, would you look at that. You made this shithole look nice!" Nikki says doing a spin to look at the room. "You even got fake plants and shi- ow!"
     "Yeah that's a real cactus by the way." Isabelle giggled sitting down on her bed
     "Yeah I got that.." Nikki said, rubbing his finger. "You should get some Motley Crue posters in here. Really pretty the place up." He raised his eyebrows at her.
"So are you guys like a thing or what's the deal?"
"Uhh well we play at clubs around sunset. Our second show, we actually played at a sandwich shop." Nikki said, laying down on her bed and resting his head on her pillow.
"A sandwich shop?" Isabelle continuously laughs at the fact.
"Yeah.." Nikki giggles. "We actually had to go back the next night and play again because our beer tab was so large-" Isabelle again laughs.
"Thats fucking hilarious."
"It was definitely... something."
"Well on a better note, i'm going to watch you guys at the Starwood this weekend" Isabelle smiles at Nikki.
"I work there ya know"
"Yeah Tommy told me. I've been there plenty of times, I wonder if i've ever seen you"
"If you have, it's definitely as a customer. I'd be the one to cause destruction during the night then get paid to fix that destruction during the day."
"Wait thats fucking awesome. How do you even.."
"Well what I do is look at these handyman gigs in the paper and call and say i'll come in. Its funny i do that too because i probably couldnt use a fucking hammer if you gave me one." Isabelle giggles. "So I clean shit, replace broken shit, prepare the stage for that night's performers stuff before it opens, then when the place is open I get into my buddys car, we change our clothes, then go back in and tear the place up. Next morning comes and I go back and repeat." Nikki looks over at Isabelle
"Thats. Fucking. Genius."
"You should hear the other scams I pull too, me and this guy got these lightbulbs and-"
"NIkki are you in he- hey nikki, mick never answered." Tommy said, barging through the door.
"Yeah whatever, I don't care."
"Oh.. I see. I'll leave you two alone then." Tommy said shooting Nikki a wink.
"What are you- oh my god, Tommy just get out of here."
"Sleep tight, don't let the cockroaches bite." Tommy said, closing the door.
"Are there seriously cockroaches?" Isabelle said, looking at Nikki. He just shot her a side eye. "Nikki.."
"Im not saying yes... but im not saying no either."
"Oh.. my.. God"
"Heyyy its nothing to worry about. Just use the hairspray and the lighter and burn the fuckers."
"Oh so thats what all those weird carpet stains are."
"It's really nothing to worry about, unless you're not wearing socks. Then maybe start to worry."
     "Good to know. Thanks Sixx." Isabelle said sarcastically , tapping his leg.
     "So what's going on with you and Vince huh?"
     "What do you mean what's going on with me and Vince?"
     "Ya knoooww, you guys are getting dinnerrrr and going to his room after your showerrr-"
     "Whoa whoa whoa. Who said I was going to his room after my showers?"
     "Well... Vince mentioned... something." Nikki said starting to feel guilty
     "I went into his room after I had gotten ready for the day." Isabelle said defensively. "Did Vince say something happened between us?"
"No no no no no. nothing like that I swear" Isabelle just looked at her window. "I- i'm sorry"
     "No need to be." She looked back over at Nikki. "You didn't do anything" She smiled
     "Oh. Ok. Then i'm.. i'm gonna go to.. i'm just gonna go." He said getting up and walking backwards towards the door. "If you need anything just scream"
     Isabelle smiled at Nikki as he was about to close the door. "Wait!" Nikki peeked his head back through the door. "Thank you. For everything." Nikki smiled back
     "No problem Iz. Goodnight."
      "Goodnight Nikki."
     Isabelle smiled at the door thinking about Nikki. Little did she know he was still standing outside her door smiling back.

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