Chapter 59

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Happy New Year's Eve! Can you guess what we're doing right now?
     "Grab the keys!" we shuffled through the house.
     "I don't have the keys!"
     Tommy intervened,  "I have them!"
Ding-ding-ding! That's right! WERE A FUCKING MESS!
     "Isabelle, grab that case!" Nikki shouted. I grabbed his guitar case as we scrambled to throw everything they had into the back of Tommy's van. At this rate, we could have our own television show: Mötley Crüe vs. professional movers (and I think we would win too). I run back into our bedroom to grab anything I may have forgotten.
      "Vince what are you doing!" I let out heavy breaths watching him riffle through my dresser.
     "Do you have any condoms?"
     "Get the fuck out of here!" I yell "Not like you use them anyway" I roll my eyes.
     "Oh, that's right, 'cause you would know" he smirks down at me while passing me out the door. I swear to god I will kill that man one day.
     "Let's go!" Tommy shouted, closing the car door and starting the engine. I cram in the back and the tires spin as we race to the Troubadour.

     Pulling up, the sidewalk was already lined with people around the corner; rockers, punks, valley kids, and even some women I wish weren't there. Pulling around back, hopefully sneaking into the place, everyone's hearts were racing. Mick kept his quiet, preparing himself with his riffs while everyone else prepared with alcohol and lots of it. I noticed Nikki was pacing, signaling he was nervous. I tried not to disrupt him so that he could get in his zone. That was until David Lee Roth appeared in the dressing room. "Holy shit" I whisper in pure shock.
     "Someone pull the fire alarm 'cause it just got real fucking hot in here!" He exclaimed emerging through the door.
     "Dave!" Tommy shouted welcoming him in. "What are you doing here?"
     "Just swinging by, I couldn't miss the biggest show in Hollywood tonight! Did you see the fucking line out there?"
     "It's wrapped around the fucking block man, this is crazy!" Tommy responded by practically bouncing off the walls.
     "Hey Dave, what do you say about joining us up there for Jailhouse Rock, aye?" Vince asked.
     "Yeah man sounds good, let's do it!" He responded by slapping Vince's arm. I stood by Nikki not sure if I should say anything but lord knows that's all I wanted to do. Nikki didn't really acknowledge me next to him, as he was honed in on his bass until Dave came over to introduce himself to me. "Hey there little lady" he smirked.
     Fireworks were exploding in my stomach and I was beyond star-struck. Nikki on the other hand was beyond protective. He glanced over at Dave and then back at me, his eyes narrowing. "You better keep your hands off her, Dave," he warned, his voice laced with a hint of aggression.
     Dave chuckled and raised his hands defensively. "Relax, man. Just being friendly. I know she's with you." He gave me a nod of acknowledgment before turning his attention back to Nikki. "But I gotta say, you've got one hell of a talented lady by your side."
     Nikki's protective stance softened slightly, and he nodded back at Dave. "Yeah, she's something special," he admitted a touch of pride in his voice. "Wait what the hell are you talking about?" he snapped back into his head.
     "She's quite the talented dancer if I do say so myself" he smirked again, shifting his eyes at me.
     "Ohhhh nooo" I smiled nervously.
     "You're dancing now?" Nikki turned to me with a stern voice.
     "No. No. No. No." I said in all different tones. "No." I said more seriously.
     "Mmhm." He nodded, not exactly taking my word for it.
     "Take a chill pill man, it's all good." Dave tried easing the tension. "Either way, wouldn't mind seeing more of you." he seductively suggested.
     Oh mama, yes, please. "I'm very flattered, I mean really- you have no idea, but based on the way Nikki is staring at you, it may be the best decision for both of us if uhhh, well... you may want to come back later when he doesn't want to kill you anymore." I smiled nervously.
     "Oh, I'll be back." He winked and walked away.
     Once he's out of ear shot I hold onto Nikki's arm, bouncing up and down saying "Oh my god David Lee Roth was trying to hook up with me" I cheer.
      "Yeah. I know" he says looking back at him with tight lips and rage in his eyes. Nikki turns his head back to me and whispers "Honey maybe you should go change."
     "Change? What why?" And now my buzz has been killed
     "I don't know how I feel about you standing alone with him on the side stage while I'm out there. And when you're dressed like that." I furrow my eyebrows at his statement then he defends "Not that I don't think you look beautiful, because you do but there's a lot of other people here who think you look beautiful too."
     Standing with his hands on my arms, I try to think of a way for me not to have to change but still make sure Nikki's not distracted. "Ok, here's this, Dave is going to stand on stage left, waiting for Vince to announce him for the last song so how about I stand on stage right, by you instead so that you're not worried about me and I can watch you even better" I suggest running my fingers down his chest. He eventually caves and agrees.

     Throughout the night, the crowd roared with enthusiasm, singing along to every word and embracing the raw energy that the boys  delivered. Ready to perform Jailhouse Rock with Dave as an encore, the disc jockey, the lady that the band's manager is having an affair with, hops on stage and sings it with Vince instead, just as Dave was making his way onto the stage. As the final notes faded away, the audience erupted into thunderous applause and cheers. Sweaty and high on adrenaline, they stood there soaking in the moment. Nikki looked to the side where I was standing and smiled right as they were ready to get off the stage.

     I stood by the bar with Nikki by my side but heard yelling out of the corner of my ear. I turned my head to see the commotion "You know what fuck you and your ducking fag friends!" I saw someone yell in Vince's face. The next thing I knew, Vince's fist was in their face. The bar "oow'd" as a fight broke out. Not long after police raided the bar, dragging Vince to the curb.
     "Son-of-a-bitch. Are you fucking kidding me!?" I said as we watched Vince get thrown into the back of a squad car.
     "I'm actually going to kill the bastard" Nikki voiced.
     "Can we take turns?" I ask, looking up at him with a smile.
     "Sure but you need to bring your own weapons," he responded cheerfully.
      "Seriously Nikki what are we going to do? They just arrested Vince!"
     Nikki sighed in annoyance "Well I ain't getting that fucker, especially not tonight."
     I finish the rest of the drink in my glass. "Whaddya say Nik, wanna hit it?"
      He finished the rest of his drink as well "Only if we go home and have sex"
     I blush and glance down for a moment. Smiling I whisper in reply "I already told you yes."

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