Chapter 50

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     "I am twenty-three and there ain't nobody who can drink like me!" Nikki cheered. We clinked glasses and took our... well I don't know how many shots down we were but this hangover is going to be brutal. "Mick- The Man! My Mickey Mouse!" Nikki drunkenly said as Mick rolled his eyes. "You are the most badass guitar player I have ever met, and this band wouldn't be jack shit without you! You're like a real cool uncle!" he slurred. "Vinnayyy! You blonde-haired motherfucker" he smiled and wrapped his arm around his neck and said "You fucked my girlfriend dude. Not Cool." Vince stood there wanting to slap Nikki and I bet so did everyone else at this point. "T-bone! My ride or die! Please don't let me fuck this thing up that I got going on with that lovely lady over there" he tried to whisper.
     "Too late!" I shouted over the music. "I'm kidding" I mouthed to Nikki.
     "Isabelle. My love. You are the most beautiful, humble, hard-working women I have ever met. You've stuck by all my bullshit and you deserve better than that, yet you're still here. I promise things will get better, and I promise I will give you everything you ever wanted in life." Oh my god is he going to propose?? "I love you almost as much as I love garlic bread" Nope he's just drunk. And who's to blame? Garlic bread is divine. "And I want to marry you one day, Isabelle." That got the heads turning and the jaws dropping. I tried to keep my cool but my breathing picked up.
     "How about we get you some water?"
     "I love you babe" He smiled. God damn he's just so cute.
     "I love you too." I pecked him on the lips and actually went to go get those waters. As I made my way to the bar to grab some water, I couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed. Nikki's drunken words of love had caught me a little off guard, and even though I  know deep down that he was just intoxicated, I can't help but wonder if he actually meant it. As I waited for the bartender to pour the glasses of water, I heard someone clear their throat beside me. Turning my head, I saw a man at least in his 40's with light, slicked-back thinning hair, and blue eyes. He wore a gray suit and had a cigarette hanging from his mouth.
     "Mind if I join you?" he asked, gesturing to the empty stool beside her.
     I really didn't feel like talking but I just wanted to be polite. "Sure" I replied, smiling.
     The man took a seat "You know, I couldn't help but overhear your friend's little confession earlier," he said, taking a drag of his cigarette.
     I felt a knot form in my stomach. "He's actually my boyfriend. So..."
     He chuckled. "Oh, I know that. But what if I told you that I could make his words come true?"
     Isabelle's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Excuse me?"
     "Everything you ever wanted in life? I can make that happen."
     "I'm not looking-"
     "I mean.. that I have connections in the music industry. I know people who could help Nikki and the band get to the next level" he explained. "All I ask is that you give me a chance to prove myself."
     "How do you know his name?"
     "I know a lot of things. For example, you work down on sunset at The Body Shop, Nikki changed his name, Tommy wanted to graduate high school but Nikki wouldn't let him, Vince has a kid, and Mick.. well truthfully I don't know much about him."
     "Wait what did you say?" my heart dropped.
     "I don't know much about Mick?"
     "No not that-"
     "Vince has a kid?"
     "No! Nikki..."
     "Oh yeah, that Nikki changed his name? Figured that's something he would have told you."
     "What do you want from me.."
     He leaned back in his chair, a sly grin on his face. "Just your trust," he said. "And a little bit of your time."
     "I don't want to sleep with you, creep"
     "Slow your roll there, just think about Nikki's future! Think about your future! Do you really want to work as a stripper your whole life?"
     "I'll have you know that for one they are already signed with somebody under their own record label and I don't need to sleep my way to get them to the top! They are good on their own and don't need me getting in the way and putting my relationship at risk just because you think I'm some gold-digging, greedy, slut who would put herself in a situation like this."
     "Why don't you just take my card?" he said, pushing it towards me on the bar.
     "Why don't you take this?" I said, splashing my drink in his face and walking away. What an asshole. Why would he tell me those things... did Nikki change his name? And Vince has a kid? I cannot do this right now.
     The rest of the night went on as if nothing happened. No one saw that we were talking so I decided not to ask anyone about anything that freak said to me. But I have to know... but if I tell Nikki I was sitting with somebody else at the bar he would kill someone, starting with me. I woke up sore the next morning for a couple of reasons, let's just say Nikki's not exactly gentle. But that's okay. That night at the album release, everything went smoothly. No one had the slightest idea that I couldn't even look at my boyfriend the same way knowing that he's lied to me this whole time. Maybe he did lie about everything else last night too for all I know. Their performance was good but I couldn't even focus on it. Once we had packed up the gear and said our goodbyes to the bar owner, I found myself wandering off toward the parking lot, lost in my own thoughts. Suddenly, a hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. It was Nikki.
     "Hey babe, you okay?" he asked, concern etched on his face.
     I looked into his eyes and found myself nodding. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."
     "About what?"
     I hesitated- I wanted to ask so bad but I couldn't. "Nothing.." I smile
     "Okay... " he said unsure.
     The next day, I woke up with a headache and a sense of unease. I couldn't shake off the conversation with the man from the bar. I need to find out more about Nikki's past but I can't ruin my relationship with him. So I decided to reach out to someone who knew Nikki way before I did, his old friend Blackie.

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