Chapter 47

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     "Tommy! Tommy! Open the damn door!" I continue to bang on the door.
     "God damn, dude! I was taking a piss, chill the fuck out!" He said letting me into the living room.
     "Damn.. it's weird sneaking into this room and Nikki not being here." I sighed walking into Tommy's room Nikki previously occupied.
     Tommy laughs and opens his closet revealing the present I got for Nikki. "He's going to lose his mind when you give him this."
     "I hope so. God, I am so excited! I told him lets stay in tonight so we can all go out late tomorrow, but he's all "I can go out both nights, I'll be fine" blah blah blah."
     "What time do you want us over?" He asks as we walk to my car.
     "Come by at 10. We are going out for dinner and we should be back around then. Just make sure you're there before us."
     "Great! We'll see you tomorrow then"
     "Don't forget cash!"
     "Yes Mom" he sighs and laughs. We part with a la bise and I make my way home, arriving a little past 11. I leave the bass in the trunk of the car and am careful to not raise suspicion as I walk into the house. Nikki is set up on the couch with a bottle of dessert wine, two glasses, and my favorite dessert, cannolis.
     "Heyyy, what's all this?"
     "Though we could celebrate early" he smiles beginning to pour the wine.
     "Italian wine, Italian dessert, Italian boyfriend? Seems like I have a particular taste." I chuckled and took a sip of the wine.
     "I just know what you like." Nikki leans in for a kiss and I get lost in ecstasy. "Figured we can ring in 23 with just you and me." he smiles.
     "Are you also going to sit in a tree... And count to three.. Buy a jet-ski, or maybe talk to somebody named Marie?"
     "Actually we will flee from the tree and go to Tennessee where we will hope not to get stung by a bee, but that is no guarantee."
     "Was that really necessary? Wait that wasn't even intentional" We both start to laugh.
     We spend the night cuddled up on the couch, watching a movie, and talking about the plans for the weekend. 

     The next morning, I wake up early and wish half-asleep Nikki a very happy birthday, eager to start the day. I've got a list of errands to run before tonight's festivities, and I want to make sure everything is perfect. By the time I get home, Nikki is up and about. "There's the birthday boy!" I cheer.
     "Good morning, love." Nikki smiles and gives me a kiss.
     "So, I have a surprise but I don't know when we should leave for the surprise. The worst part is that you would know when we should leave but I can't ask you without ruining the surprise..." I awkwardly smile as he repeatedly blinks.
     "When do you think we should leave.."
     "Based on what it is, I would guess the sooner the better"
     "You're making this really difficult right now."
     "Should I just tell you?" I grimace.
     "Just tell me" he sighs.
     "I wanted to get tattoos together" I playfully frown.
     Nikki's face lights up "Really?!"
     "Yeahhh.. Sorry for ruining the surprise"
     "Are you kidding me? Im stoked! Let me get dressed and well go to the shop on the strip. Im so excited hunny!" he grabs my face and kisses me deeply before jogging off to the bedroom. Nikki drove us to the tattoo shop and discussed what we might want. "Im thinking something not too big, not too small. Maybe on my bicep."
     "I don't know.. I kind of what something small, super subtle, maybe even hidden." i laugh nervously.
     "Oh, come on" Nikki whined. "Have some fun with it!"
     "Im only doing it because I love you."
     "And I love you too. But you know what id really love?"
     "What's that?"
     "A big sexy spine tat while I'm fucking you from the back-"
     "Nikki! Oh my god!"
     He laughs "What?! I think it'd look great" he smiles with a mischievous smirk plastered on his lips.
     "I'm not getting a spine tattoo..."
     "Maybe not today but I will get you someday!"
     I giggle at his confidence. "I always thought angel wings were kind of cool"
     Nikki moans "Aghhhh you would look so fucking hot with angel wings- I can imagine it now, looking at those wings in between your shoulder blades as I move your hips- ughhhh!"
     "Jesus Christ, Lord have mercy.." I sigh.
     "Ooh! I know where you should get them- a nice set of wings right above your vagi-"
     "Noooooo!" I cut him off. "I will not get ANYTHING near... that."
     "Fine. But I do think wings would look very cool on your back" he says in a more serious tone.
     "Probably... but I don't want something that big. I really want to keep it simple, at least for my first one."
     "Well take a look at the wall when we get there. Don't feel pressure either. I know you've always been skeptical about doing something like this to yourself."
     Finally arriving at the shop, the walls are lined with various designs, from simple symbols to intricate images. The artist greets us and asks what we're looking for. Nikki goes first, getting in the chair and discussing what he's looking for then settling on a rose design for his bicep. The artist begins to work, and Nikki doesn't even flinch as the needle punctures his skin. I watch, feeling nervous and overwhelmed.  As the artist finishes up with Nikki's tattoo, he turns to me and asks what I'm interested in getting. I take a deep breath and finalize my decision. "I'm thinking a very small three to four-inch snake wrapped around a rose."
     "Aww damnit! I was thinking about a snake too!" Nikki screams from the chair. "Should have fucking gone with that" he scoffed.
     I giggle at his response "What were you gonna get Nik?"
     "A fucking snake going around a sword or some shit!"
     "Well get that next time, then my tattoo will be like a combination of your tattoos."
     "Also, me and the guys are all thinking about getting Motley Crue tattoos together, maybe save some room on the snake's body and get the words written on that." Nikki says, then looking at the tech.
     "I can do whatever you. Just gotta tell me."
     "I'll just stick with the snake and rose for now, thanks" I smile.
     The artist sketches out the design and is ready to place the stencil after my approval. "Where ya thinking?"
     "Right here" I say pointing to the side of my ribcage on the left.
     "Alright, no problem. Take your shirt off and unclip your bra. You can get settled on the table while I finish wrapping up his arm."
     I nod and Nikki shoots a look at the guy for telling me to take off my shirt as if he wasn't hell-bent on angel wings down under where the artist would have to be all up in my biz. My heart races as I watch him prepare the needle. I hate needles. Like you could not believe. "Take a deep breath, relax. It will be worse if you stress yourself" he tells me.
     He begins and I cannot help but blurt out "Motherrrr fucker! Shit..." causing Nikki to laugh. I hold my breath and curl my lips hoping the pain subsides, which it eventually does.
     After what feels like hours, the artist finally finishes. I admire the small design on my side, feeling proud of myself for loosening up for once. Nikki comes up to admire the work as well "Looks great babe! So, when are you getting those wings?" We both laugh, but secretly, I know that I'm already thinking about my next tattoo. And yes, it will be angel wings.

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