Chapter Twenty Sixx

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     Me and Tommy got this shitty cheap ass wine and some snacks and headed back to the apartment. "Ahhh" I sigh as I relax back on the couch with a poured glass of wine in hand.
     "What shall we watch tonight?" Tommy says handing me a bowl of popcorn then sitting next to a cabinet filled with movies.
     "What we got?"
     "uh alright, we got Saturday Night Fever, Grease-
     "Caddyshack!" I cut him off. "We're watching Caddyshack."
     "Caddyshack it is.." Tommy took the tape and placed in the VCR
     "Micheal O'Keefe's kinda hot" I say while taking a sip of my wine.
     "Oh so that's why we're watchin this movie huh'' Tommy asks, mocking me.
     "Whaaaatt? Noooooo" I responded and rolled my eyes playfully. "Plus, everyone loves Chevy Chase"
     "Ok that's true-" we both laugh. "So, Iz. What's goin on with you and Nikki" he asks kinda seriously.
     "Nothing" I say shortly.
     "Oh come on! We're all rooting for you two!"
     "What do you mean?"
     "Me, Vince, Mick- we all think you guys would be cute together!"
     "Jeez, Tommy I don't know.." I say shyly. "I mean me and Vince slept together and you weren't telling me stuff like this so why are you now"
     "Because Vince fucks everyone! It's different with Nikki. Not that he doesn't fuck around either- but thats not the point!"
     "I mean, it was just sex.."
     "Nothing else?" Tommys pushing to get something out of me.
     "Well he did ask me to watch the Rams kickoff next weekend at the bar so" I shrug my shoulders nervously
     "WHAT DID YOU SAY!!??" Tommy asks with excitement
     "I said yeah"
     "WOOHOO!" he shouts and stands up in celebration.
     "Calm down there tiger, it's just a football game!"
     "It's a date! That is a date!"
     "It's not like we're going to the actual game. Now that's a date!"
     "Honey.. Sweetie.. We're poor. This is the broke version of going on a date."
     "Ok yes- it's a fucking date. He asked me to go on a fucking date now drop it-. We all went to that fancy ass restaurant when I first moved in, it's not like that was a date."
     "Uh first off, yes it was because you were on a group date with all of us and I'm offended that you don't think so- Second, it's not like he was paying for your dinner or anything."
     "Well.. he actually offered" Tommys mouth dropped open. "BUT I switched our cards at dinner and paid for his too. He still doesnt know that- and you better not fucking tell him either."
     "That. Is. Adorable."
     "Yeah but he then paid for my drinks that night so I honestly think we're even"
     "Oh come on, you didn't drink that much, did you?"
     "I let you do cocaine off my boobs and I ended up sleeping with Vince. I think I had more than enough to drink that night."
     "Ha yeah- that was fucking awesome" He laughs and I glare at him. "Sorry"
     "Anyway..." I roll my eyes
     "What about the sex though?"
     "Oh my god what is this- a girls night or something where I spill all the beans about boys?"
     "Yes. This is wine night. We watch movies, drink wine, eat junk food and talk about our feelings about guys we like... well for you. Me, about some chick I saw in the third row a few weeks ago- woo!" Tommy exclaims while I laugh. "Vince first."
     "Well Vince.. He's pretty experienced to say the least. He does what he wants, he does what he likes and knows exactly what those things are. It's pretty face-paced, we don't really take our time with anything but that's not always a bad thing."
     "Good though?"
     "Oh yeah, no doubt about that. But I've said this before, he's good when you need a quick release. Like a stressful day? Just go to Vince and he'll take your mind off things. But only for so long."
     "What about Sixx"
     "Nikki-" I smile "hes... caring. He likes to take it a little more slower and really get you feelin... I don't even know how to describe it. It's like... like-"
     "Like loooove" Tommy says in a childish voice and batting his eyebrows.
     I couldn't even respond but just smile because yeah.. it felt like actually making love. Not just sex. "I mean- no- maybe. It's just different. He can be really sweet and he makes sure I'm okay and he holds me and ughh" I get lost in thought.
     "Your smile is so big right now- and your cheeks are all red too. Just thought you should know that." He says with a wide smile himself.
     "He knows exactly what I like to hear too- which caught me off guard but DAMNIT- it was so gooood."I practically moan.
     "I've known Sixx for a while man... i've heard of some freaky stories- all i'm saying is watch out"
     "I went to fucking strip clubs with you morons, and you're worried about freaky shit I might do in bed? PLEASE- Tommy." I sarcastically scoff.
     "You do anything with Vince?"
     "Ha- ughh probably, but honestly it was just more of a few quickies every few days rather than full blown sex each week, but when it was- IT. WAS." I widen my eyes and look to the side.
     "Oh yeah- I've fucking heard you two. No need to tell me."
     I laugh "whoops- Honestly... i'm really excited to get something goin with Nikki. I think this is going to turn out well. We'll see how it goes I guess" I shrug my with a smile.
     "Awww" Tommy happily pouts
     "Plus he said "eyes on me princess, or I stop" so that fuckers got me locked in!"
     "Oh damnnnn" He dragged out.
     "So, tell me about that girl in the third row" I smirk and lean my head on my hand.
     "Brown hair... big tits.. pretty nice ass too." He shrugs and takes a sip of his drink.
     "That's it?"
     "You didn't sleep with her or anything??"
     "Nope... that's why I remember her" We both laugh.

     We finished the movie and cleaned up our stuff and both went out separate ways. After flipping through a few magazines I shut off my light and drifted off to sleep, of course with Nikki still in my head.

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