Chapter Sixxty

725 21 4

1982 Los Angeles, California

"You hit a woman?!"
"That wasn't a fucking woman, it was a dude!" Vince defended.
"Then why did the cops arrest you for hitting a woman?"
"Because all guys look like chicks! Hell, some guys hit on me last week!" he replied in anger.
"Then why didn't you fucking say that when they were arresting you?"
"Not like they would give a fuck anyway" he mumbled, rolling his eyes.
I sigh, sick of all the bullshit I have to put up with all of these boys. "You're one lucky son of bitch that I'm here to bail you out by the way. Nikki said "fuck you" and rolled over when I was getting ready to leave."
Vince sighed "I'll pay you back."
"No you won't. Get your shit, I'm leaving."
"Isabelle wait up!" he scrambled. He hurriedly gathered his belongings, stuffing his wallet in his back pocket and slinging his jacket over his shoulder.

I drove Vince back to his apartment and stopped at the store on my way home before they closed for the holiday. I came back to find Nikki still in bed, hungover as hell. I walked into the room and shook my head at Nikki's state. "Seriously, Nikki? You're still in bed?"
Nikki groaned and slowly sat up, rubbing his temples. "Remind me when I said it was ok for you to be my mother? And a friendly reminder, I don't like my mother." He snarled.
I sighed, used to Nikki's snarky remarks. "Well, someone has to take care of you since you can't seem to do it yourself," I retorted, rolling my eyes.
Nikki groaned again and swung his legs over the side of the bed. "Fine, fine. I'll get up. But only because I know you won't shut up otherwise," he grumbled.
"Well that's kind of mean" I said quietly.
"Oh but you saying that I can't take care of myself isn't?" he retaliated.
"Ok Nikki, cool down, this doesn't have to be a fight.."
"Remind me where you were this morning?" he said with a quiet rude tone.
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"Why did you bail him out?" Nikki began screaming.
'Why are you yelling at me?" I screamed back. Nikki's outburst caught me off guard, and I took a step back, feeling the tension rise in the room. I could see the anger in his eyes, and it mirrored the frustration building up inside me. We stared at each other for a moment, our heavy breathing filling the space between us. "I bailed him out because he's my friend, Nikki," I replied, trying to keep my voice steady. "Just like I would for anyone else. Friends help each other out."
Nikki scoffed, crossing his arms defiantly. "You know you're never getting that money back, right?"
"I don't care about the money, I was just trying to help." I begin to walk away
"He's not worth it. You always take care of everyone else, but what about yourself?"
"What's that supposed to mean?" I turn back around.
"Forget it. Nevermind." He turns away.
"Nikki, get back here!" I scream. He stops in his tracks and slowly turns around. "Tell me what you meant by that.."
"Your feelings will just get hurt so it's better for both of us to drop it."
"No! You started this and now you're gonna finish it!. Tell me what you meant." Furry starts to take over my entire body.

Little did I know how unprepared I was for what came next.

"Fine, you want to know? You don't care about yourself. You have no pride or self respect! You degrade yourself, parade yourself around for a bunch of jackasses to stare at! A lot of the time it seems that you don't even care about how I feel in this situation. And what I think hurt the most is that you were more that willing to take advantage of fucking David Lee Roths advances on you! God if I wasn't right next to you, i would have suspected you were somewhere fucking him! I mean WHAT THE FUCK was that!" He laughed through his scream.
I was taken back for a moment, shocked that he would tell me something like that. "You.. have NO idea what the hell I put myself through being with you!-"
"Oh so being with me is making you miserable? Am I too much? Am I a burden to you? Is spending all these nights with me the most horrible and difficult thing in your life? Ya know since I can't take care of myself, you need to do everything for me, right?" He cut me off.
"I make myself sick every night so I don't have to worry about you leaving me for somebody else!"
"When have I ever given you the impression that I would leave you for someone else? Because I'll tell you right fucking now that if anyone gave that impression, that person is you!"
"I see you looking at those fucking playboy magazines, going to strip clubs all the damn time, and I've seen the look you give to some of the WHORES in the crowd at your shows!"
"You think I care about any of those fucking girls? Its for fucking show business!"
We stood in silence and a tear fell down my cheek and a painful lump was stuck in my throat. I couldn't hold it in anymore and more tears began falling down my face. Nikki may be a tough-guy but he has a little space in his heart separate from the rest. That piece is divided into two- one piece for his Nona and the other for me. He opened his arms and clapped his fingers to his palms "Come here." he said with sincerity.
I crossed my arms over my chest and mumbled "no i'm mad at you"
"Sweety" he laughed "please come here" I stepped slowly towards him but he just walked up to me and wrapped his arms around me instead. "See? It's all ok... I still love you baby." He rested his head on mine.
"I don't like when we fight." I cough out through my silent crying.
He sighed "Me too honey.. Me too"
"I love you... almost as much as I love garlic bread" I said, smiling into his chest.
'He-ey" he laughed "That's my line!"

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