Chapter 4

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The Boys POV
     Nikki went back to reading his book when Isabelle left. About 10 minutes later the door slammed open and Vince and Tommy stumbled in. "Assholes" Nikki mumbled under his breath. "What do you two want." Nikki said annoyed.
     "We want you to get up and go with us. Ya know, have a little fun on strip and maybe watch some ladies do the same thing" Vince said with a smirk plastered across his face.
     "What are just going to leave her hear? With all my stuff?" Nikki said motioning to his room
     "What you think shes gonna do? Raid your room? Cmon get your shit let's roll!" Tommy said enthusiastically.
     "Well no Nikki has a good point. Are we seriously just going to leave her here all alone?" Vince asked
     "Well then let's bring her along with us. Show her the Motley ways!" Tommy said
     "Bring HER? with US? to the strip clubs? HA please Tommy. She's not that kind of person." Nikki said as if he was dumbfounded by Tommy's comment.
     "And how do you know that?" Tommy asked defensively crossing his arms.
     "I mean really? She's more likely to be the one on the pole than to one tipping the girls on it." Nikki responded back
     "Whoa there Nikki. I wouldn't talk too hastily now." Vince defended. "When were talking earlier she literally said she is not the kind of person to sell herself for cash."
"And you believe that?" Nikki asked staring at Vince.
"How the hell did you even end up talking about that?" Tommy asked
"I can get a girl to talk about anything and everything with one. simple. look." Vince responded looking at Tommy. "And yes Nikki I do believe her. And you would too if you heard that conversation."
"Yeah whatever." Nikki said coldly.
"Ok let me go ask her, then we can go." Tommy said throwing his hands up and slapping his legs before walking out of the room. Nikki gets up from his bed and follows Vince to kitchen.
Tommy goes to check on Isabelle to see if she wanted to join them on their night of debauchery. When Tommy lightly knocked on the door and there was no answer, he slowly opened to door to see a beautiful girl holding onto his pillow sound asleep. He just looked at her and smiled for a minute before leaving her be. "Goodnight Isabelle." Tommy whispered while closing the door. He walked back to the kitchen to see the guys standing around. "She's sleeping. I don't want to wake her." The boys just nodded their heads.
"What if she wakes up and we're gone?" Vince asked.
"Uhh here. We'll leave a note in the fridge" Tommy said grabbing a piece of paper and scribbling something down. "Ok let's go." They grab their jackets and walk out the door. The boys walk down the Strip and go into Rainbow Bar and Grill for a few drinks.
"3" said Nikki to the hostess. They followed the girl to a booth in the back and they all took a seat.
"What can I get for you tonight." The waitress came over and asked.
"Are you on the menu by any chance baby?" Vince asked smirking at her. She just blushed and looked down.
"I'll have a Jack and Coke, boys?" Nikki said motioning to Vince and Tommy.
"Budweiser please" Tommy said
"Me too" Vince told the waitress before walking away.
Nikki sighs "I don't know about this chick"
     "Who Isabelle? What do you mean she's great" Tommy said defensively.
     "Yeah i'm surprised you don't like her. You two have a lot in common" Vince added.
     "We have, what? Maybe one thing in common? Hardly." Nikki responded.
     "What are the chances you guys grew up in the same town though Sixx!" Tommy said slapping Nikki's arm.
     "We did NOT grow up in the same town. She barely lived there." Nikki said taking his drink from the waitress.
      "You don't need to be so harsh man. She's a good kid. She's probably really fun too, just give her a chance." Vince said taking a sip from his beer.
"Why are you so opposed to her living in the same place? If anything that would be cool! What if you knew each other as kids?" Tommy said trying to lighten the mood.
"That's exactly what I don't want to happen! That was not a good time in my life and I don't need her knowing that" Nikki said annoyed.
"Just be nice ok? She needs a place to live and you're not going to be the one to make her feel like she's not wanted in her own home." Tommy said sincerely
"MY home." Nikki said looking at Tommy
"OUR home." Vince said sternly.
Everyone went silent for a second. "Well on the bright side... she's really hot" Tommy said shrugging his shoulders. Nikki just nodded along.
"Yeah tell me about it" Vince scoffed and took another sip. "Who's gonna get her first" Vince smirked and raised his eyebrows.
"Whoa whoa whoa hold on now.. we just had a talk about how we're supposed to make her feel at home and now we're trying to figure out who gets to bang her first? Listen to your own lectures guy." Nikki said looking slightly pissed off and confused.
"Oh so now you're getting protective huh? What you jealous Sixx?" Tommy said smirking at Nikki.
"Jealous? Over what?" Nikki said with furrowed eyebrows. "You both said to make sure she feels like her home can be her home and now you're going to lead her on, fuck her, ditch her and break her heart. Who's the asshole now?" Nikki said with wide eyes and tiling his head. "All i'm saying is maybe we should keep her off limits"
"Off limits? We got this hot ass chick living with us who's basically laying out right for us to have and now she's off limits?!" Vince said acting offended. "Tommy?" Vince asked looking at him. He just looked at them back and forth not really wanting to be part of the conversation. "Oh come on man, you know me, and I know damn well both of you would bed her too!"
Nikki cracked his neck "It's not about whether we want to or not it's about... it's keeping the peace."
"Ya know what. Fuck off limits. Let's make a deal." Vince said slapping $100 in 20s on the table. "hundred bucks. each. whoever gets with her first gets the pot."
"Loser?" Tommy added intrigued by the amount of cash.
"Loser buys booze for a month?" Vince said.
"I'm in." Tommy said ruffling through his pockets.
"Nikki?" Vince said looking at Nikki.
Nikki looked to the side and sighed. A second later he looks back. "This is fucking ridiculous" He said slamming down $100.
"Aight a man Sixx!" Vince said happily taking another sip of beer.
"So what are the rules?" Tommy asked leaning back.
"Uhh ok. Got 'em. You actually have to sleep with her. Not just head or making out. You gotta go all the way. And she's got to be sober, or at least not drunk. I don't care if she's had a drink. And of course you can't drug her- not trying to go to jail here. Other than that, you can use whatever tactics you want." Vince said leaning back in the booth.
     "And please don't lead her on and make her think you're there to stay. We don't need her heartbroken and hating us." Nikki said sincerely looking at the two back and forth.
     "Deal" Tommy said smiling.
     "Deal" Vince said putting up his drink. They all cheers-ed and continued on talking. After about an hour and more drinks they were about to head out and on to the next place. "Wait wait wait before we go i gotta get this waitress chick" Vince said standing up and lightly jogging away.

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