Chapter Sixx

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Isabelles POV
     I turn on the water to the shower and wait for it to get hot. I strip down and let my hair fall, folding my clothes on the counter. I pull back the shower curtain and step in. The hot water covers my body and steam rises to my face. I run my hair through the water and let the excess run down my shoulders. "Shit. I forgot my body wash." I go to grab my towel but I don't have one either. "god damnit Tommy!!!!" No answer "Tommy!!!" I hear the door crack open.
     "Tommy left. What do you need?" Vince asked as i'm still standing in the shower.
     "I left my shampoo, conditioner and body wash in my bag, could you go grab it for me please?"
     "Yeah no problem" Vince responds about to close the door.
     "Oh wait Vince!" I hear the door open again.
     "Yeah" he says popping his head back in.
     "Could you also grab me a towel?... please?"
     "Yeah i'll see if Nikki has an extra"
     "Thank youuu!" I say as he closes the door. I sigh and lean my body against the wall of the shower. "I hope he doesn't really go through my bag... oh my god Vince is gonna go through my underwear isn't he. damnit." About two minutes later the door opens back up.
     "Hey I got your shampoo, conditioner, body wash, shaving cream and razor. Didn't know if you needed that too or not." Vince said walking in the door.
     "Great thanks! Could you hand it to me?"
     "Yeah. Here you go" I stick my hand out the shower curtain and he gives me my stuff.
     "Thanks Vince"
     "No problem. And I'll come back with that towel.. I still gotta ask Nikki for one."
     "Ok" I respond and then hear the door close.
The Boys POV
     Before Vince left he wrote a note on the mirror that read:

Meet me in my room ;)

Vince closed the door then snuck into Isabelle's room to grab something from her bag. He slowly and quietly opened up Nikki's room. "Heads up!" Vince shouted.
"What the fuck?" Nikki said picking up what stemmed to be Isabelle's panties that were just sling shot-ed to his head. "Oh my god you fucking perv." Vince just stuck his tongue out and laughed.
Vince was about to walk out the room but remember to ask Nikki for a towel. "Oh wait, you got an extra towel? Isabelle needs one."
"Yeah I got one around here somewhere, i'll get it to her." Nikki responded looking around his room.
"Thanks" Vince said walking away. Nikki got up and started looking around his room for a clean towel. After looking for a couple minutes he found one in the closet. Nikki left his room with the towel forgetting he left Isabelles panties on his night stand.
     Nikki knocks on the door and walks in. "Hey Iz, I got you a towel" he said laying it down on top of her other clothes.
     "Oh thanks Nikki, I appreciate it"
     "Yeah of- are you fucking kidding me?" Nikki said in the middle of his sentence.
     "What? What's wrong?" She responded to his little outburst.
     "Uh, never mind it's nothing, sorry." He said looking at the mirror.
     "Uh ok then." Nikki took the folded up towel and wiped down the mirror erasing the message Vince left on the mirror. He then walked out and closed the door a little harshly.
"That mother fucker" Nikki spoke to himself.
Isabelle's POV
After I finish my shower, I step out and grab the towel Nikki left for me and begin to dry off. When my body is mostly dry I take the towel and wipe down the steam on the mirror. After I throw my hair up in the towel and begin to get dressed I take my body wash and such and go back into my room. I set the bottles on the dresser and grab my toiletries bag and head back into the bathroom to get ready. When i'm done I put my stuff away and walk out to the living room where I see Nikki sitting with a bass guitar and a notepad. "Whatcha doin Sixx" I say taking a seat next to him.
"Just writing some songs. or trying to at least." He said slapping his pen down and leaning back on the couch. "Hey what's your last name?"
"Oh it's Helter"
"Helter? Like that Beatles song?"
"Yeah" I say laughing. "I get asked that a lot"
"Huh.." He said looking at me as if he was trying to look into my soul. "What's your middle name?"
"Laura.. why?"
"I just.. don't know a lot about you I guess..." he said looking down and scratching his head.
     "Well you would if you would've stayed for dinner." I say giving him a short stare. "What about you, what's your middle name.."
     "I.. don't.. have one." he says shortly
     "What do you mean you don't have one?! And what kind of name is Sixx? *Gasps* is Nichols your full name?!!" I say with an open mouth smile.
    "What n- why do you ask so many questions?"
     "Well you asked them first." I say tilting my head.
     "Well i'll never ask you another question. That's for damn sure" he says setting his bass down and getting up.
     "Oh come on Nikki!!" I whined.
     "Why are you so whine-y!"
     "Ha that was another question!" I said getting up and walking to the kitchen barstool. Nikki just rolled his eyes and popped open a bottle of beer.
     "GOD DAMNIT WATCH WHERE YOURE GOING ASSHOLE!" Me and Nikki heard someone scream from the hallway.
     "What the hell was that?" I ask raising an eyebrow and looking at the door.
     "I have no idea" Nikki says walking towards the front and me following behind him. He opens the door and we peak out into the hallway.
     "Hey losers! I got you a mattress!" Tommy yelled from 20ft away from the door.
     "Oh my god Tommy what the hell are you doing?" Nikki yelled back. Tommy and Vince kept walking to the door.
     "Getting this little lady a mattress" He let go of his side and grabbed my forehead and kissed it.
     "Oh uhh. thanks?" I say almost dazed and confused.
     "Come on let's get this thing in there!" Tommy said flipping the mattress on its side. "Ok everyone out of the way." Me and Nikki take a step back. We follow Vince and Tommy into my room and they throw the mattress on the ground. They both take a deep breath.
     "Ok I got you two pillows, bed sheets and a comforter." He says throwing the bag of stuff on the bed.
     "Aw thanks Tommy" I tell him giving him a side hug. "So how's this gonna work?"
     "Ah shit. Ok we're going to have to move this into Vince's room." Tommy says with his hands on his hips.
     "The whole thing?" Vince whines
     "Nah just the mattress" Tommy replies
     "Whoa whoa whoa  hold up now- you're not giving me that bed frame are you?"
     "Well I was going to-"
     "No! You've done enough! You're keeping your bed frame!"
     "Well I don't want you sleeping on the floor-"
    "Uh uh uh. No. Everyone take off his mattress and bring it into Vince's room." We all gather around the bed.
    "Ok on three. one. two. three." We lift Tommy's mattress and bring it into Vince's room and throw it on top of his.
     "Ok we gotta push Vince's bed over so there's room for mine." Tommy says throwing his pillows.
     "This is such bullshit!" Vince whines.
     "Shut the fuck up princess and move your fucking bed!" Nikki shouts causing me to laugh a little. We all go back into my room and flip the bed frame on it's side. Nikki and Tommy are pushing while me and Vince are pulling. Luckily Vince's room is straight across from what was Tommy's so it wasn't too bad. Vince and Tommy set up their room and Nikki helps me with mine.
     "Thanks Nikki." I say smiling at him.
     "Yeah whatever" He says throwing his arm out and sounding like he just wanted to go to bed. I walk into Vince's and Tommy's room and almost crashing into Tommy as he walks out.
     "Hey Vinnie" I say sitting down on his bed.
     "Oh no we're not starting with the nickname already"
     "Why? Do you not like it" I say giggling
     "Well it's better than Vincent" he says fixing some stuff on his dresser.
     "*Gasps* Is Vincent your full name!!" I says kicking my legs.
     "Damnit.. I shouldn't have told you that."
     "Yeah. Big mistake" I say to him smiling. He walks over to his bed and sits down near me.
     "So did you get my message?" He says with a smirk.
     "What message?" I look at him confused.
     "Oh shit was it not there when you got out?"
     "Wait what are you talking about?"
     "Oh it's nothing i just left a little message on the mirror during your shower."
    "Oh the steam must've covered it up. what did it say?"
     "Nothing. It's nothing. Not important. Anyway what are you doing tonight?"
     "Ah got it. How bout dinner when you get off?"
     "Sounds good. I'll meet you back here and then we can go." I say getting up smiling.
     "Oh i'll be waiting" he says with a smirk while I leave.

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