Chapter 29

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The Boys POV
     "What?" Nikki asks as Tommy stares him down with a grin.
     "You loooooove her"
     "Oh please- since when was the last time you asked someone out on a real date?"
     "How'd you know I asked her on a date?" Nikki says, crossing his arms with an annoyed tone.
     "Because she told me"
     "Last night dude! We have decided to do a monthly wine night from now on" Tommy says proudly.
     "Wine night? More like chick's night" Nikki rolls his eyes.
     "Damn right it is! At least she tells me how she actually feels about your relationship."
     "What!?" Nikki shouts sitting up straight "what did she say?"
     "Well you know, she talked about youuu, about Viiiince, and what yall dooooo"
     "What did she say Tommy"
     Tommy's grin grew into a genuine smile "she's... pretty crazy about you Sixx.. I wouldn't let her go if I were you. And don't fuck this up either!"
     "So it was all good things?"
     "To say the LEAST... yeah it was good things"
     "What'd she say about Vince?"
     "I'm not going to tell you that!"
     "Did she say that he was better than me?"
     "I never actually asked that specific question so I couldn't tell you an exact answer"
     "Ok but what did she say"
     "Yall were both good"
     "Not good enough"
     "Well, that's what she implied." Tommy shrugged his shoulders
     "Did she say anything about the night..  Me and her.. Ya know"
     "She said she liked the way you held her and talked to her... whatever that means" Tommy looked off to the side while Nikki grinned.
     "So she didn't anything about before the sex?"
     "Nah... wait why... what did you do?" Tommy asked in a fatherly tone.
     "Nothing!" Nikki said with a high-pitched voice
     "Just leave it alone T-Bone"
     "I'll make sure to bring that up during our next wine night"
     "Whatever man" Nikki stood up
     "And thanks for breakfast by the way" Tommy said with a full mouth of eggs. Nikki just shooed his hand at him and then closed the door to his room.
     "See ya Tommy, gonna run to the laundromat. Be back in a bit!" Isabelle says as she walks about the door with a bag of clothes.
     "Bye!" Tommy shouts back. *Phone Rings* "Dick's hotdogs.. If you like hotdogs, you'll love dicks! This is Tommy, how can I help you?" Tommy answers the phone.
     "I may have the wrong number, but I'm looking for an Isabelle Helter?"
     "Who's this?"
     "I'm John, she had an interview with me"
     "Oh shit, sorry man. Yeah, she's my roommate, she just walked out. Can I take a message?"
     "Yeah sure, just let her know that she got the job, if she could come down to the club to pick out her first uniform sometime today, i'll run her through the floor and get her some training as well."
     "Wait? Club? I thought she was interviewing at a bar to be a waitress?"
     "Yes, she was interviewed asking just to work the floor."
     "What bar exactly?"
     "The Body Shop, on Sunset."
     Tommy went speechless. "uh .. yeah I'll pass it along- thanks." he quickly hung up the phone. "WHAT THE FUCK?" Tommy shouted.
     "WHAT!" Nikki shouted from his room
Isabelle's POV
     I stopped at Turners, the liquor store down the street from the apartment to get some drinks for the boys, then headed home. "Hey Vinnie" I set everything down.
     "Hey Iz"
     "I got you a little present" I say smiling
     "Ooh I've waited for this" he says, closing his eyes and puckering his lips.
     "Old news Vince"
     "Well it was worth a shot"
     "No, I got you this"
     *Gasps* "A six-pack!" he says like a kid just got candy for Halloween.
     "Your favorite, of course"
     "What else you'd get"
     "Smirnoff for Mick, Bud for Tommy, Jack for Nikki, and Jameson for myself"
     "You tryin to get us wasted tonight? What's the occasion"
     "Just drinking away my money" we both laugh
     "Oh hey Iz when did you get back?" Tommy asked walking into the kitchen
     "Just a minute ago- I got you something!" I pull out the case of beer for Tommy.
     "Aww, thanks!" He puts the case in the fridge. "Can you help me with something for a sec"
     "Yeah sure" I follow him back to his room. "Whatcha need Tom"
     He closes the door. "I need you to explain" he said looking me in the eye
     "Explain what?"
     "Your interview to be a "waitress" was actually stripping? Are you fucking kidding?"
     "Wha- I... Tommy"
     "Some guy named John called. He said you got the job."
     "Wait really?"
     "Yeah. So."
     "Tommy I did interview to be a waitress... it's just happened to be at a strip club"
     "You're working the floor. That means lap dances too." He said sternly.
     "Tommy it's not that big of a deal. It's not like I'll be taking my clothes off or dancing on stage!"
     "You don't need to parade yourself around like that Isabelle!"
     "Oh, but people like you will still pay big bucks to go watch those girls "parade themselves around"! I need the money, Tom.."
     "This isn't about me! Iz.. take it from me. Strippers- whether you're on the pole or not!- get involved with drugs."
     "I don't do drugs."
     "I'm not talking about taking them. Especially the waitresses.. they get into dealing. The tip money you make, most of it ends up going to the House- so what's the other way to quick cash? Drug dealing. Because at least you get a bigger portion." he says starting to get quieter. "That's what the clients ask for."
     I stay quiet for a minute. "What else did John say..."
     "He wants you to come down and pick up a uniform and do some "training" which I doubt is actual training by the way!"
     "No I fucking serious! Don't let him trick you into anything!"
     "He said he was going to have one of the girls train me to bartend since they are short-staffed."
     "Well I still don't like it"
     "I need a job! This is quick cash"
     "Just please be safe ok? If you ever feel not safe, call me and I'll come get you. Make sure someone walks you out to the car too."
     "Okay.." I say softly then get up to leave
     "And if you do start dealing you better hook us up with some blow!"
     "Not gonna happen!" I shout from the hall.

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