Chapter 57

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     "Say cheese"
     "Cheeeeeeeeese" me and Nikki smile.
     "Now do one under the mistletoe, then one outside in the snow!"
     "Oh come on Nona, we took like thirty pictures already!" Nikki whined
     "Come on, it will be cute" I say, making my eyes big and pouty lips.
     Nikki breaks "Fine, we'll do the one under the mistletoe. But this is the last one." I smile and drag him to the door frame. "Come here" he whispers, taking me in for a deep kiss with his hands on my face and mine on his waist. The camera clicks and he still doesn't pull away. When he does I take a big breath from which I lost during the kiss. I hide my face by my shoulder trying to hide my smile.
     "Awe, you made her blush" Nona points out.
     "I'm just a little flustered that's all." I cover my cheeks with my hands and look up to see Nikki smiling down on me. "Ok let me give you your present now" I say as I walk to the decorated tree.
     "I don't know how anything can top my birthday present." he smiles.
     "I don't think so either, but this one is pretty good."
     He opens the envelope and his jaw drops "Isabelle! Where did you get these?"
     "What is it son?" Tom asks.
     "Three nights  to AC/DC  at The Forum!" He excitedly showed him.
     "I got enough for you and the guys so that covers everyone's gifts." I smile.
     "How did you afford these?" he asks
     "I know a guy. It didn't cost me a dime." I smile.
     He comes close to me and whispers in my ear "how many dicks did you have to suck for these? I wont be mad, i'm just genuinely curious.."
     I laugh at his assumption "None, actually. Ashley on the other hand made her way around the strip, so I owe her one."
     "I love you"
     "I lov-" he cuts me off by slamming his lips onto mine. He pulls away to let me catch my breath. "Damn. That's.. Nice'' I blush.
     "Here" he says, giving me a wrapped box "Not going to lie, my original gift idea for you was just going to be the Motley record but then Nona yelled at me." I smile at his explanation. "Plus youre really hard to shop for. We like the same things so being totally honest, this is mostly from Nona"
     I pulled out a brand new Louis Vuitton bag. "Wohoho-ly shit!" I cover my mouth "Sorry Nona." I apologize for my language. "Nikki..."
     "I just wanted to get you something nice.. Since you've always done things like that for me. It's certainly not worth as much as a bass or AC/DC tickets but it's something." he smiled
     "This bag is over three thousand dollars! What do you mean it doesn't compare? Nikki this is.. Awesome. Where is there even a store around here?"
     "There's not. So. Please just look at the effort put into this." he begged.
     "I love it" I give him a big hug and a kiss on the cheek.
     After exchanging gifts with the rest of the family, we settled down in the cozy living room. The crackling fireplace casts a warm glow, and the scent of tonight's dinner begins to fill the air. As the evening progressed, we made ourselves look presentable and joined Tom and Nona at the dinner table. "Dig in!" Nikki made me a plate and then one or himself.  Suddenly the phone rings.
     "Who in the world would be calling at this hour? On Christmas!" I ask.
     "We're about to find out" Tom excuses himself from the table "yellow!" he says answering the phone. "Mhm... Yeah sure he's right here. Son, it's for you." Tom motions the phone in Nikki's direction.
     Nikki stands up, taking the phone from his hand "Yeah.. uh yeah you too whats up" he speaks, clearly annoyed. "Really?" he said more quietly. "Yeah, we'll see you then." He hangs up the phone. He doesn't say a word as he sits back down. He continues to eat as if nothing happened and we all stare at him in silence. He looks up with confused eyes "What" he says with a mouth full of food.
     "What do you mean 'what' you idiot? Who was it?" I said to him.
     "Oh yeah, we got the New Years gig at the Troubadour" he says casually and continues eating. We all gasp and congratulate him "Nikki, why aren't you more excited? This is going to be huge for the band!"
     Nikki smiles, "I know, I'm just trying to be humble about it."
     "Screw humble! Come on Nikki, this is awesome!" He smiled, stood up, picked me up in a hug and spun us around in a circle.
     "Ok yes, I'm very excited" he admitted.
     "Oh I have something for you!" Nona runs to the kitchen. She comes back with a bottle of champagne and says "Get your coats on, we're going to pop this sucker!"

     We scrambled away from the table and grabbed our jackets. We stand on the front porch where Nona handed the bottle to Nikki. He grateful;ly accepted it with a smile, shook it and shouted "Merry fucking Christmas!" the cork popped, champagne spewing out. He sips what he can off the side of the bottle and tries to pour the rest right into my mouth but I run away from him, not wanting to get waterboarded with booze. Nikki chases after me, his infectious laughter filling the air. Eventually, he gives up and takes a sip from the bottle, offering me a mischievous grin. "Alright, alright, I won't force you to drink it," he says, still holding the bottle. "But you owe me a New Year's toast!" I nod, smiling, and take his hand as we make our way back inside. The warmth of the house envelopes us as we relax at the table.
     "Well congratulations Fran-... Nikki" Nona smiled.
     Nikki looked taken back as this seemed to be the first time she actually referred to him as 'Nikki' since we got here. "Thanks, Nona" he said sincerely.
     I leaned to Nikki and whispered in his ear "Congratulations mister rockstar." I smile
     He pecked my lips "Thank you missus rockstar."

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