Chapter 37

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"Can you put that one over there? Thanks, Tommy" I said as he rolled his eyes. Me and Nikki are moving into our place today. We asked the guys to help us out with our stuff, it's not much so it should go pretty quickly.
"Do you guys even have furniture?" Vince asked, carrying in another box. Me and Nikki looked at each other with wide eyes. We forget to get furniture. "What? Did you think you were just gonna take ours? Ha!" Vince laughs at us and walks away.
"We don't have furniture."
"Oh really? I didn't realize" He said sarcastically.
"We need to get a few things"
"We have a bed. That's all we need if you know what I mean" He smirks down at me. I can't help but try to hide my smile and avoid eye contact.
"We'll go tomorrow." I said walking away.
"Hey Vince!" Nikki shouts as he was walking back out the door "That apartment was mine and so was that furniture!"
"Not anymore!" He said turning back around.
"Fuck you!"
"Yeah get in line sweet cheeks!" Vince shouts back walking away.
We finished moving all of our stuff into the house and now it's my time to shine. Time to decorate. The only problem is that we don't own any house decorations, just this dead plant in a clay pot. The guys left so now me and Sixx are just left alone in this empty, quiet home. Who would have thought I would already miss the chaos and noise I had before?
"What do you want for dinner babe?" Nikki asks, walking into the bedroom.
"Sounds good" he sighs and flops down on the bed next to me. I cuddle up next to him and rest my eyes as I hold onto his torso. He rubs my back as we lay, taking it all in.
"Keep that up and I might fall asleep" I mumble.
"How about I call and order and you take a little nap? I'll have it delivered." He says scratching my head.
"Mmk" I smile.

"Isabelle! Dinners here!" Nikki shouted, waking me up. I stretch and rub my eyes before peeling myself from under the covers. I walk out into the kitchen with an almost see-through tank top, cheeky panties and messy bun. Nikki whistles- "baaaabyyy... is this like some new fantasy of yours or am I just getting a dinner and a show" he smirks while leaning on the counter.
"Keep it in your pants" I scoff.
"Well it's kinda hard when you're not wearing any" He responded making me roll my eyes. "Ya know what else we don't have?"
"A cat?"
"Oh my god we are not getting a cat!" He shouts making my face go pouty. He sighs "Yet." My smile grows wide.
"So what were you saying?"
"We don't have any household enmities... like paper towels, napkins... money" He said quietly.
"We can go to Kmart in the morning, ok?"
"I'm just worried that we already have spent a lot of money on this place but we are about to blow a whole lot more on things we need" Nikki said worried.
"I know this might seem tough, and we might need to cut back on some things, but I know we can manage. I have plenty of shifts next week and we'll have plenty of time to get settled."
Nikki cringed at the thought of me working a lot which I know can be tough but after a night of me playing favorites at the club, he gets over it pretty quickly. Over dinner, we just talked about things that we want to do now that we have our own place. For me, I am excited to cook really nice meals for us and be able to walk around without worrying about if anyone can see my niples through my shirt. Nikki seemed excited to be able to work on music without having many distractions, except my braless self of course.
The next morning we went to Modani Furniture on La Brea Ave to look for things to put in our living room. "Nikki! What about this one!" I said throwing myself on a leather couch.
"It's not really easy to fuck on leather.. ya know your skin gets stuck and it makes noises-"
"Fine. What about that one? Over there." I say getting up.
Nikki sprawls onto the couch "ah babe" he sighs. "you gotta come check this out" he says patting the open space next to him. I sit down and cuddle up on his chest.
"Ooo.. this... this.. is the one" I say relaxed.
"How much is thi- Oh shit, nevermind!" He says getting up off the couch and beginning to walk away.
I go to grab the price tag "Why how much is- oh yeah, neverrrrmind." I get up and chase him down. "Nikki! Wait up!" I say catching up to him.
He grabs my side, pulling me in as we keep walking before he stops us and whisperers "babe.. how are we supposed to afford this kind of stuff.."
Beats me! For once, I honestly don't really know. "I'm.. not really sure.. Is there any other ideas?"
Nikki thinks for a moment. "Oo!" He snaps his fingers. "He can just go rob the guys while there out one night! I bet they'll never notice either!" He scoffs.
"Nikki" I sigh
"Nah, I'm serious! We can take the kitchen table too! And maybe some toilet paper..." he grimaced. "Plus Vince was being an asshole about it so I think we raid his room first" He rolls his eyes.
"Oh come on Nikki! We'll find something, even if it's not that comfortable." I say trying to console the situation. "Plus, like you said, all we need is a bed" I winked and walked away.
"Hey wait now Isabelle, hold up!" He shouts, chasing me down. I turn around and walking backwards while pulling my finger at him.
He catches up to me and I put my arm around his waist "Come on. Let's go to Kmart and get some food."

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