Chapter 12

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Note: Some of the music mentioned in this chapter is modern music because it fits my story line. All Motley and other rock will be according to the time period. Also please point out any spelling errors!
Isabelle's POV
     "I uhh- don't have one yet"
     "Lies." Nikki said staring into my eyes with a sweet, subtle smile. The kind of look that makes you fall in love.
     I scoff in denial and leave my mouth hanging open for a second. "and how would you know huh?"
     "Because." He said smirking
     "That's not an answer" I said trying to hide my smile
     "Well who's you least favorite then?"
     "Well right now it's you!" I said pointing my finger at him still smiling uncontrollably. I take blankets off my legs and begin to get up.
     "Whoa whoa whoa" he says getting up on his knees "where do you think you're going!" he said with a laugh
     "I'm going to bed"
     "Isn't that what you came in here for?" he said with a smirk in his voice
     He left me speechless for a moment. I turn my head away "i don't even know what I came in here for" i said with denial. I stand up and begin to take a step.
     Nikki grabs my arm from across the bed "Wait!" He moves his hair out from his eyes and looks into mine. "Stay" he said with a serious voice.
     "Why" i said sweetly.
     "Because" he said with glimmering eyes and a sweet closed lip smile. He moved his hand down to hold mine. "and i'm not going to take no for an answer"
     I look into his eyes for a second "fine" i say caving in. "can you put on some music though?"
     "anything you want"
     "Ya know country is actually how I got into music"
     "really? country music is how you got into rock and roll? that's actually pretty shocking" i say sitting down back on his bed.
     "Yeah! Big Bad John by Jimmy Dean. That's the song."
     "I've heard that song... doesn't really seem like the kind of music that would get you to look like... this" I said looking him up and down noticing he was only in boxers.
"Well it was. Music is all I ever wanted to do. The second I picked up a guitar and played a string, I knew this is what I had to do with the rest of my life."
"Awww that's actually really sweet"
"Sweet isn't exactly how i'd put it but thanks. Anyway what do you want to play. You better have a tape or record cause I don't own any country."
"hold on" i excitedly jogging out of his room and running back in holding a mix tape. "Here play this."
"What's on this?" he said looking at the back of the tape at the song titles i've written down.
"It's a bunch of songs that I like to listen to when it's late at night, or watching a sunset. Basically when I need to relax"
"Cool" he said getting up and walking to the tape player he had on the floor. He pressed play and the first song started playing. "what's this song?"
"Thought You Should Know"
"Hmm" He said with no expression. The words started to play. "It's neat"
We grabbed snacks and drinks and sat there laying, facing each other. We talked through the next three songs just talking about things we like to do, things we don't, people we look up to and what we want our lives to be.
"Where do you want to live" he said throwing a pretzel in his mouth.
"Wisconsin. Or Wyoming." I said smiling at him.
"Why?" He said with a laugh
"I love the sunset. I have hundreds of polaroids of them."
"You can't just watch the sunset here?"
"I love watching them on the lake. They're just not the same in the city."
"Yeah... I know what you mean. I've lived in a bunch of places. San Francisco, Texas, Mexico, Idaho, Seattle... I've seen the sunsets and they are not the same."
"Where'd you live in Idaho?"
"Uhhhhh just this small town" He avoided eye contact.
"Try me" I said mimicking his response from the previous night.
"Ya know... i don't even remember. It was such a long time ago and for just a really short time." He said nervously
"Mhm" I said not really believing him. "What about you? where do you want to live?" Before Nikki could even start talking I cut him off. "*Gasps* I love this song! It's The Kind of Love We make." I laid my head back on the pillow and closed my eyes, shaking my head back and forth and humming along to the rhythm. I then sung the chorus, my favorite part of the song. "Ahhh I love this song" I said softly and smiling. I opened my eyes and turned my head, looking at Nikki, who was smiling right back at me.
"Yeah" He said with a giggle and smile. He stared into my eyes for a few more seconds before he leaned into me. he put his right hand on my cheek and pulled me into a kiss. After a second I kissed back and put my left hand on his cheek lifting my head up to deepen the kiss. The music, the lighting, the moment is so perfect. I take my right arm and wrap it around his neck. He puts his other arm under my back and sits me up. I then warp both arms around his neck and he rested his on my hips. I run my hand through his hair and  rub his head. He started to slowly move his hands lower down my back reaching what he could feel of my butt. He pulls them forward and runs then back up my waist. I pull his head even closer to me the push my weight slowly on him, pushing him down on the bed. He then agains runs his hands down my butt again.
     I pull away still straddling Nikki with his hands on me "*gasp* i... i uhh" I look to the side and Nikki then snaps back into reality as well.
     "I- i'm sorry Iz I... stepped over the line" he says starting to get up. I then get off from Nikki and roll over to the other side of the bed and swing my legs off the edge. I begin to put on my slippers as Nikki falls back on his bed and rubs his hands down his face. I get up and begin to walk towards the door. "Isabelle wait!" He yells sitting up.
     "I think I should just go back to sleep" I say with a shake-y voice. "Thanks Nikki" I then walk out the door and shut it.
      "Fucking damn it" Nikki said after she left and falling back onto his pillow again.

     I walked back into my room and closed the door. I turned my back to it and slide down the door with my hands over my face. I didn't know weather to cry or laugh in that moment. God! Why did I stop? Why did I kiss back? WHAT THE FUCK! That moment was perfect! The music was playing, the dim lights, the energy we were giving off to each other! IT WAS ALL TOO PERFECT. god i just want his lips again... maybe i should go back. No! Just stay here.. and go to bed. Fuck it. I stand up and open my door to see Nikki standing there about to knock on it. "Oh hi."
     "Isabelle" I paused for a second and as just stared at each other blankly. "I just wanted to say i'm sorry..." Nikki begins to get flustered and I couldn't help but smile at him.
     I cut him off "Nikki- Nikki... it's ok." I took a deep breath. "I didn't mind it." I say looking down at my feet.
     "I didn't either..."
     I look back up at his eyes. "What if- if i w-want.. this"
     "I uhh" He smiles "I don't really know"
     "I know you don't know me super well but i've hard a hard time with... things and i've never been good with stuff like that- you could even say i have attachment issues even but-"
     Nikki grabs my face with his hands and cuts me off with a kiss. He lets go and i put my head down with a big smile on my face. "We could keep this just between us... if that's what you want"
     "I uh.. i don't know what I want."
     Nikki laughs and grabs my hand. "Just say what your thinking"
     I look down at our hands and pull mine away "I don't think this is exactly a good idea.. i mean we just met AND we live together it would just get very..."
     "Yeah yeah yeah totally" He said changing his tone and taking a step back. Fuck.
     "Wait Nikki" I take a step forward "i'm not saying no... but I can't say yes."
     "No yeah I get it. We're roommates." He said with a bland tone, like he was at our first dinner. "Night Iz" He walked away and closed the door to his room.
     "Fuck!" I whisper scream to myself then close my door. I get back in bed and get under my covers. I glance at Nikki's shorts that I left on my floor and clench onto shirt that smells like him. I lay and stare at the clock for what feels like hours, just thinking about everything and nothing at the same time, till I eventually fall back asleep.

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