Chapter 54

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     "Oh look at that, 'Welcome to Twin Falls'! God, I haven't been where in forever." I happily sigh.
     "Yep." Nikki responds rhythmically patting his leg.
     "Why so jittery?"
     "Ya know, just the coffee."
     "From 7 hours ago?" I ask.
     "Caffeine hits me a little late" He says, voice shaking.
     I questionably chuckle at Nikki's caffeine-induced anxiety as we drive through the familiar streets of Twin Falls. The town hasn't changed much since I last saw it, with its quaint houses and cute small downtown area. Being one of the last couples of people still on the bus, we quickly make our way to the exit, eager to stretch our legs. As soon as we get off, I hear the voice of an older man. "Well, I'll be a son of a bitch!"
     "Heyyyy..." Nikki said reluctantly greeted.
     His grandpa walked up to Nikki and engulfed him in a tight, manly hug.  "I didn't think you were actually coming." he said.
     "Well, I'm here now.." Nikki half-smiled.
     "Look at you... I missed you, son"
     "I missed you too Tom." Nikki admitted. "Tom, this is my girlfriend, Isabelle Helter. Isabelle this is my technical step-grandpa, Tom Reese."
     "Nice to meet you, Mr. Reese." I shake his hand.
     "Likewise." he replied with a raised eyebrow and a smile. "Well, let's get your bags and get going. Your Nona held up dinner for you two and I'm starving." We follow Tom to his ole pickup truck parked nearby, where he helps us load our bags into the back. The truck has seen better days, with a few dents and scratches, but it's more than we have now, and truthfully I'm head over heels for it. We pill into the one bench seat, with Nikki in the middle. "How was the ride in?"
     "Not too bad. Tommy got me a Walkman for my birthday so that made the time go by a whole lot quicker." Nikki responded.
     "How about you dear?"
     "I slept most of the way." I respond.
     "Well, I hope you're both hungry. Nona made pot roast."
     "Oh, I used to help make the best pot roast with this neighbor I had when I was living in Idaho!" I comment.
     "You were living in Idaho?" Tom asks.
     "Yeah, I lived in this town not too far from here when I was younger. I moved around quite a bit but I was temporarily living in Jerome with my parents."
     "Get out of town!" Tom cheered.
     "I'm sorry?"
     "Helter, right? John and Linda Helter!"
     "Yeah.. how did you know that?" I ask very, very confused.
     "My, do you not know where we are going?"
     "Oh shit.." Nikki whispers.
     "I- I guess not... Nikki never told me exactly what town. He just said a town outside of Twin Falls, so I was assuming some place like Eden."
     "No, wear headed to Jerome!" He cheered. "I remember your parents. Your Dad was one hell of a soldier but I think being in the army messed with his head too much. He started drinking more heavily around the time y'all moved away."
     "I don't mean to sound rude right now, but I don't think I remember you."
     Tom chuckled softly "Well, you were still a little nugget back then. Must have been around twelve or thirteen when you left. But your parents, they were good people to us. You didn't live that far from us and your dad and I used to have a drink every once in a while."
     My mind was racing, trying to piece together this information together. Nikki never mentioned anything about growing up in Jerome, even when I told him where I was from. I turned to him, grinning, and through my teeth, I said "Nikki..." he turned his head slowly towards me with guilt plastered all over his face.
     "Yes darling?" He said with a worried smile.
     "We're going to have a talk later" I say continuing to smile.
     "Or.. we could.. Not" he smiles, filled with guilt again.
     "I'm sorry, Tom," Nikki finally spoke up, his voice filled with remorse. "I mean to keep it a secret. It's just... complicated."
     Tom patted Nikki's knee gently, his expression softening. "Son, I understand. But that was kind of shitty."
     "Nice language pops." Nikki tightens his lips in defeat.

     As the truck rumbled along the road, I recognized so many places I used to see, making me question everything I have ever said to Nikki since the day we met. The truck rolled down the dirt driveway to a doublewide trailer home I was a little too familiar with. Nikki carried my bags into the home for me as followed behind. I heard music softly playing from the kitchen and the sounds of pots and pans clanking. "Honey, I'm back. And I brought a present!" Tom shouted.
     "Ah, mi amor! My Frankie is back-..." she gasps emerging from the kitchen. My jaw hangs low when I see her.
     "Miss Emma?"
     "Is that.." She stutters in disbeilfe.
     "Honey, you remember the Helters, right?" He says to her.
     "Oh my goodness, is that little Isabelle?" she says on the verge of tears. Tom smiles and nods, causing her to embrace me in a hug. "Look at you, all grown up!"
     "You know I'm here too right!" Nikki comments on the other side of me.
     "Ohhh. Look at you... it looks like a crow's nest on your head, what happened!" She says hugging him as well.
     "Thanks." he replies seemingly annoyed.
     "I thought I'd never see you again" she whispered in his ear.
     "I'll always come back for you, Nona." His reply was muffled by the hug.

     We were welcomed into the dining room, the smell of pot roast filling the air. As we sat around the dinner table, stories of the past flowed freely, mingling with laughter and joyful tears. Nikki and Nona playfully argued about how far away he is from her and how much he has changed. I listened intently, feeling like an outsider in this deeply personal reunion. Yet, there was a sense of belonging that surrounded me. I was in a place that I have been in so many times before but I never knew who they really were. Despite Nikki's name change, his grandparents tended to call him 'Frankie', which I get since that's how they knew him his whole life but I could tell Nikki was getting annoyed. I was almost uncomfortable calling him 'Nikki' since no one else here does.
     As the evening wore on, and the plates were cleared, I couldn't help but want answers from my so-called 'boyfriend'. As much as I love him for who he is, I am livid. He really had to wait till we were ten minutes away that we were coming here. I deserve answers. Not only do I deserve answers, but I also deserve the truth. The real one this time. But I don't want to fight, especially in the presence of his grandparents, my old cooking buddy. Settling into Nikki's old childhood room which clearly hasn't been touched since he last left, he stood against the bedroom door waiting for me to speak. I sigh "Do you want to do this now or would you rather fight about it over coffee in the morning?" I remark.
     "I just want to talk. Not fight." He says quietly.
     "And sometimes I just want the truth-" The door handle rattles and there are loud knocks on the door.
     "Frank Carlton, open this door right now!"
     Nikki opens the door "Please.. Don't call me that."
     "The door stays open- five inches minimum! The only reason I'm not making you skinny butt sleep on the couch is because I know she's a good girl!"
     "Well, that's not always exactly true" Nikki smirks.
     "I refuse to let you have unwed relations under my roof mister! As a matter of fact, I don't even want you sleeping in the same bed in my house... but I love you.. And I miss you."
     "I'll be a good boy, I promise." He responds, causing me to chuckle from the bed.
     "Goodnight darlings!" She begins to walk away.
     "Goodnight Nona!" We both shouted as Nikki re-closed the door.
     "Five inches!" She shouted. Nikki laughs and opens the door only about an inch but it surely didn't stay that way for the rest of the night.

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