Chapter 31

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6:54 PM
"Ok boys, good luck with your show tonight. I wish you all the best of luck" I give all four of the boys a quick hug and Nikki and kiss on the cheek.
"You really can't make it?" Nikki says with puppy dog eyes while resting his hands on my hips.
"I'm sorry sweetie, the hotel is running low on staff. We still have our date on Sunday so we can spend the whole night together" I whisper, walking my fingers up his chest.
"Get a room!" Tommy yells from the kitchen.
"Bye guys!" I walk out the door with my bag.
"Byeee!" They all say back.

I got in my car and headed towards The Body Shop. Chills overcame my body and butterflies filled my stomach as I tried to pep talk myself into thinking that everything is okay. "HOLY SHIT I'M FREAKING OUT" I scream while driving down Sunset Blvd. All this nerve has been built up but it's all about to fly out the window. This 5-minute drive feels like fucking hours. I ended up sitting in the back parking lot for ten minutes, trying to convince myself that this isn't an insane idea. I finally built up the nerve to walk inside. I took my bag and shyly walked in the back door. I immediately saw Ashley and already felt a whole lot calmer. "Ash!"
"Isabelle! Hey, come on, let's get you all prettied up" She eagerly grabbed my arm and took me to the dressing room. Ashley helped me with my hair and makeup so it will look its best in the lights and gave me many tips and warnings about working in this kind of industry. If I wasn't nervous before, I am now. She told me to take a shot to get comfortable, so not only did I take a shot, I took three. And I'm still worried.  By 8 pm, I was ready to head out onto the floor. "Iz, just follow me. Walk tall, keep your head up, swing your arms but not too much, use your hips, gotta pop the booty, and most importantly, your facial expression. You need to walk in there like you own the goddamn place. Smile- but not like you're happy, more like you're horny and you want to fuck some rockstar you see in the back of the room. And we have a few of those every now and then so."
I sigh and smile "David Lee Roth".
"He's been in here too." Ashley responds. My eyes go wide with no response. "Walk for me. Show me what you got." I begin to walk in a line from the back of the dressing room to the front. "Gotta use more hips girly. You need to POP those bitches." I attempt my walk again and when I turn back, Ashley has the most mischievous smile on her face. "You're ready." I follow behind her and strut my way across the floor to behind the bar, getting looks and smiles from the men that I pass. "Ok even if you don't know what you're doing, make it look like you do." We start taking orders and disturbing drinks and it turns out to be much easier than I thought. I make small flirtatious conversations with men sitting at the bar which is working out great in my favor. I just got a $20 tip on a $50 bill! After about 2 hours Ashley told me to go out and start taking orders from the tables. "And remember, don't refuse service. you'll get fired."
I strut over to my first table of the night."Evening gentlemen, what can I get for you" I smile.
"Are you on the menu" one of them smirked at me and shifted forward.
"What do you think" I liked my teeth with a wide smile. I took a few more tables and was heading to one until I saw my worst fear: The back of Motley Crue's heads sitting in the booth in front of me. "Shit shit shit fuck!" I whisper scream. "Ok.. just act normal" I breathe out. I walk past, not even turning my head and pretending that they weren't even there. I get 5 feet from the table before I stop dead in my tracks.
"Hey baby! How much for a dance?" I hear Tommy yell.
"Damn it!" I whisper to myself. I slowly turn around with worry written all over my face. All the boys' eyes go wide. They can't even say a word and I know that I'm so fucked right now. Nikki is going to kill me.
"I- I.." Vince stutters. Nikki's jaw is dropped by this point, and not in a good way.
"Isabelle-" Tommy said in disbelief.
Nikki shoves his way out of the booth and grabs hold of my waist and pulls my body close to his, trying to cover me up. "Isabelle. What the fuck are you doing." He whispers harshly.
"I- I'm sorry, Nikki" I whisper back.
"I thought you said you were going to work. At the hotel!" He said a little louder. I look over to see my boss looking my way.
"Nikki, I PROMISE I will explain everything but my boss is looking my way so you need to hand me a 20 and I'll take you to the private room so we can talk." I tell him with fear.
Nikki angrily ruffles through his pockets and slaps the bill in my hand. "Here. Let's go. Now." He looks at me with wide and angry eyes.
"Just... smile" I say with a fake smile. I slide my hand down his arm and grab hold of his hand so that I can lead the way to a private room.
"Sit down." He says harshly. I plop down with pursed lips.
"Nikki please let me explain-"
"When I said the body shop what hiring I DIDNT ACTUALLY WANT YOU TO GO AND WORK THERE!" He yells.
"I NEEDED the money! I'm broke. I have $30 to my name right now. THAT IS EVERYTHING IN MY BANK ACCOUNT!"
"But you have a job! Why on EARTH would you ever work here?"
"I-... I got laid off the other day. Ok? I took this job while I still had an offer."
"How long have you been working here!?"
"This is my first day."
"Well, it's going to be your last!"
"You don't get a say in where I work!" I shout standing up.
"I don't want you going around, acting like a whore to a bunch of sleaze-balls who want to get in your pants!"
"You know what- we're not talking about this right now. We'll finish this at home. So if you'll excuse me, I have to get my to my shift." I get up and leave, leaving Nikki alone in the booth. I sneak my way back into the dressing room to take a minute for myself. I begin to breathe heavily, on the verge of tears. I drop my head into my hands "fuck..."

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