Chapter Sixxteen

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Isabelle's POV
I woke up the next morning to the sun peeking through the blinds. Through the night we must have shifted because now I'm lying on Nikki's chest and both of his arms are wrapped around me tight. I lift my head up and try to slip out but every movement I make, he tightens his grip. I decide to lay there with him until he wakes up so we can talk. He needs to know that I didn't mean to push him away. Last night was rough. I hated seeing him in that state, he looked like a depressed drunk, which he probably was. As long as I can be here for him, I think everyone will be happy. Vince told me when we first met that me and Nikki would have a lot in common... still waiting to see what it is exactly. *Nikki groans* "hey sixx.." I say in a morning voice. He groans again and rolls to the side a bit pushing his chest more into me. Being in his arms feels right. It might just be the fact that I can fall for anyone who shows me any attention or affection but truthfully, I never wanted to get up.
"Oh hey Iz" Nikki said, letting go of me and running his hands over his face. I sit up and rub my eyes.
"How'd you sleep?" I asked, still tired.
"Apparently well" he said motioning to me sitting in his bed.
I blush and look down "we uh- didn't actually do anything Nikki"
"Oh.. uh.. Ok then." He sat up and leaned against the headboard. "I just figured, since you're wearing my shirt and ya know." he says awkwardly.
"Do- do you remember anything from last night?"
"Uhh" he thought for a second "nooo.. Not really"
"Well, do you want to know?"
"Uhhh how bad is it?"
"It was... rough. More of a rough sight but it was still.." i trailed off
"I thought you went to get drinks with Tommy.. How'd you end"
"Well I did go out with Tommy. We went to the Whiskey, got a few drinks and then.. You kinda stumbled in. really really drunk. I could have sworn you were on something else because I think you were going in and out of consciousness. Anyway, you were completely out of it so me and Tommy took you home, put you in bed, got you changed and when I was leaving, you asked me to stay... So here we are!"
"Oh jeez, I'm sorry Iz. I didn't mean to ruin your night."
"I didn't mean to ruin yours either..."
"What are you talking about?"
"I know why you were drinking yesterday"
"I drink every day" he defended
"Tommy told me you left after yesterday"
"You were drinking because of me.."
"And how would you know that" he asked crossing his arms
"You kept shooing me away last night but you let Tommy help you and..." i trailed off
"And what?"
"We.. may.. Have kissed..." I gave him a awkward smile
"Oh- I uhh. That's it though, right?" he said, needing to reassure himself.
"Yeah that was it, then we just went to sleep.."
"Ok.. ok. Uhh. Cool" he said, not really knowing what to say.
"Ya know what, I- i should go" I said, getting my things together.
"Isabelle wait!" Nikki said getting up and going behind me
"I need to get ready, Nikki," I said, turning around to face him. He had plead in his eyes.
"Iz" he paused, "it's not a mistake..." He put his hand on my arm.
"I never said it was." I smirk at him.
"Then please.. Iz. You're driving me crazy! I swear.. Everytime I look at you."
"But-" I look away for a second. "Don't you think it's too soon for this? What if-"
"Ah ah ah- no 'what ifs'... you know what you want and I know what I need. Listen, I already broke my promise to myself so I might as well break the rules too" He looked like he just wanted to crawl back in bed.
"I think you're cool Sixx. You're not very open but you're not all that closed up either. I think you're really fun too. I mean, I already know you could probably drink me under the table but I could still challenge you if you gave me a chance."
"Wanna bet?" He moves closer to me with a smile on his face.
"I wanna be friends, Nikki." His smile then dropped and he rolled his lips in. "I want to get to know you as a friend before I jump into anything new. I mean everything else in my life has already changed and I want to get used to that. I may seem like some lost girl but I like to have fun too. I'd rather be your best friend now and then see where it goes. I want to go on motorcycle rides, late night drives, get drunk, play card games in the living room with a bottle of wine in my hand. Hell, I'll even go to strip clubs with you guys! I know you'd wanna see me get a lap dance." I raise my eyebrows at him with a small smirk on my face.
"You.. are officially.. the coolest chick ive ever met." he said with a lighter mood.
"See! Now if we had something going on, you wouldn't want to see that!"
"Well, don't make too many assumptions now... you don't know that." he says smirking at me
"Oh, I see how this is. How about this, I have work at 1 and I get off at 6. You come pick me up, we get ready and as a group we go out tonight. Show me the Motley ways." I propose.
"Oh so you wanna take a ride on the wild side now, huh?"
"That's a good song title" I say still smirking. I backed up towards the door and left him standing there looking at me. "6pm Sixx!" I shout from the hall.
Nikki's POV
"6pm" I whispered. I smiled at the thought of her and sat down on the edge of the bed. I laid back and ran my hands over my face. "6pm" I whispered again. "6pm." I need to tell Tommy. I got up out of bed and knocked on Tommys door. "T-Bone, open up" I continue to knock. Tommy eventually opens the door.
"What's up Sixx" Tommy says tiredly
"Tonight we're all going out. I'm talking Rainbow, Whiskey, Starwood, Seventh, Body, Roxy, Troubadour, all of it!" Nikki says listing things on his fingers.
"Uh cool... why"
"We're getting the gang and we're taking Isabelle out on the town."
"You want to take Isabelle, our female roommate, out to strip clubs?" Tommy questions
"She said, and I quote "I want you to show me the Motley ways"."
     "She gonna do coke too?"
     "Probably not, but she's gonna do everything else."
     "So she's gonna bring a couple chicks back here? Cause that would be pretty hot, not gonna lie"
     I pause for a second "we can only hope T-Bone" I slap his arm and walk away. "6pm Tommy!" I shout from the hallway. "6pm.." I say again to myself. "I should probably take a shower"
     "Ahhhhhhhhh!" I hear Isabelle scream.
     "Isabelle?!" I run towards the bathroom and burst through the door. I see her sitting on the bathroom counter in fear. "Isabelle!"
     "Cockroach!" she says pointing at the floor.
     "Ew.. ok." I pick her up and bring her to my room. I place her down on my bed and head to the kitchen. "I gotta lure that fucker out here" I say to her from the hallway.
     "What are you gonna do?" She asks
     "Im gonna light that fucker up like a roman candle" I say with blasting the flame with hairspray for a second. After trying to get it out of the bathroom, it eventually crawls onto the hallway carpet. "Got you now fucker!" I say as I light the thing to death. "Got it" I tell Isabelle as I walk back into my room.
     "Thanks Nikki" she gets up and plants a kiss on my cheek.
     "Oh uhh. Yeah you're welcome Iz" She continues to smile at me. "Alright. I am going to take a shower" I say walking backwards to the door.
     "What no! I was going to take a shower!"
     "I kill the bug, I get the shower"
     "That's not fair!"
     "You can always join me if you want" I smirk at her. She tries to contain her smile but isn't doing too well.
     "Just... hurry up, will ya" she says pushing past me.
     "Oh, anything for you princess" I look at her as she walks down the hallway. She shoots me a look back but can't stop smiling. Honestly, neither can I.

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