Chapter 8

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The Boys POV
      Nikki was sitting on the couch while Tommy rambled about god knows what.
     "Can you talk about something interesting please? You're killing my brain cells." Nikki said in annoyance.
     "What Isabelle isn't an interesting topic to you? Guess we know who she won't be dating then" Tommy said back.
      "Oh.. oh shit. I wasn't listening- didn't know you were talking about her." Nikki looked down and rubbed the back of his neck.
     "What is up with you man. Seriously"
     Nikki just looked at Tommy confused. "What do you mean?"
     "It's like one minute you hate her and don't want her here and the next you become nice and... helpful."
     "It's just... i've never had a women actually stick around in my life before. I'm trying not to get attached to her because if I do i'll become addicted." Nikki said sighing and stressed.
     "Dude do you like her or something?" Tommy said with a laugh.
     "What? I-... No no of course not!" Nikki said avoiding eye contact. "You know im not like that." Nikki said defensively.
     "Then what are you exactly"
     Nikki took a second to think. "The kind to fuck something up"
     "Aren't we all" Tommy said rolling his eyes then changing the topic.
      Not long after, Isabelle walks through the door coming home from work. They see her standing there with makeup smeared across her face, almost no clothes on, heels in hand and tears running down her face. Nikki frantically puts down his drink and rushes over to her. She drops her shoes and cries even harder when she falls to her knees in Tommy's arms. "Shh shh Isabelle it ok. It's all ok. Im here. Im here now. Shh sh sh, its all ok now." Tommy says as he rocks her in his arms on the floor almost on the verge of tears himself. Nikki stands there over them looking down at her in complete and udder shock. Nikki kneels down to put his hand on her shoulder; she flinches at his touch. Nikki shots up and steps back from her, still with a horrified look on his face.
     "Come on let's put her on the couch." Nikki says crouching down. "Ive got you Iz."  He picks her up off of Tommy and carries her bridal style to the couch.  She clutches to Nikki for dear life. Nikki can't put her down and leave her so he sits down in the corner of the couch with Isabelle in his arms. She shifted herself and continues to cry into his neck. Tommy walked over to them and could barely stand the sight of her in pain like this. "Well don't just stand there! Go get a blanket or- or a towel or something!" Nikki told Tommy.
"Oh yeah right!" Tommy said as he rushed to get something to cover Isabelle with. Meanwhile Nikki scanned her body for bruises, cuts or any marks. Luckily he found nothing. Tommy ran back in with Nikkis comforter and pillows from his bed. "Here here here! "Tommy said rushing to cover Isabelle with the blanket. Nikki sat up with Isabelle still latched to him so that he could wrap her body completely. Tommy put the pillows up against the armrest of the couch. Isabelle fell right back onto Nikki's chest and lied back down. She tucked her arms under Nikkis and held him by his shoulders. He tucked his face into her neck and stroked her hair. Tommy sat down on the other side of the couch and gave a sad smile at the sight of Nikki caring for Isabelle. Nikki looked up at Tommy and gave him the 'what do I do' look. Tommy responded by throwing his hands up with a 'how am i supposed to know' expression. After laying there for a minute, Isabelle calmed down and the boys continued to sit there with her. Vince then walked in whistling with a Walgreens bag in hand.
"Aloha boys! Guess whos- oh my god." Vince drops his bag and rushes over the couch. He sits down on the coffee table and looks at Isabelle wrapped up in a blanket. "Isabelle what's wrong?" No answer from her. "What the hell happened" Vince said looking at Nikki and Tommy back and forth. They shake their heads and shrug their shoulders. Vince gets up and grabs a drink from the fridge in frustration. Isabelle is still breathing heavily into Nikki's chest. Vince stands from a distance and throws his arms out still looking at the boys. Nikki and Tommy look at each other.
     "Isabelle... can you tell me what happened?" Nikki asked softly to her.
She couldn't answer and just kept crying into his chest. "It's ok Iz... you're safe here. Can you please tell me what happened?" Nikki asked again. She just tightened her grip around his chest. Nikki rubbed the back of her neck and behind her ears with both of his hands. "Vince can you grab me an ice pack?"
      "Yeah" Vince went into the fridge and pulled out a bag of peas and walked it over to Nikki.
     "I said an ice pack"
     "Dude were poor. we don't have an ice pack."
     "Oh but we have frozen peas!?" Nikki took the bag of peas and moved Isabelle's hair off her neck. She tenses up as the cold touches her but does immediately calm down. Nikki looks at Tommy, then Vince and nodded his head towards his room hinting them to go in there. "Hey Iz I will be right back." He says sitting her up. Nikki tries to let go but Isabelle doesn't budge.
     "mm mm" Isabelle says and Nikki try's to let go of her again.
      Nikki laughs "Come on Iz. I've got to get up. Pleaaaase." Nikki said continuing to laugh. Nikki can feel Isabelle's smile on his chest. She unlatches from him and plants face first onto the pillow. She then takes the blanket and covers her head with it. "Here." Nikki turns on the TV and flips through the channels. "Heyyy Scooby doo!" Nikki removes the blank from her head and places the peas back on her neck. "Here. Ok you're gonna watch Scooby Doo and i'm going to be right back ok?"
Isabelle just sticks out her arm and gives him a thumbs up. "Ok" Nikki said smiling down at her and immediately drops it when he turns around to go to his room.
The boys follow him and he closes the door behind everyone. Nikki puts his hand to his lips and the boys sit down his bed.
"Sooo..." Vince says. A moment of silence.
"What. The fuck." Tommy says still staring at the floor. Nikki just shakes his head.
"What.. happened to her?" Nikki says confused.
"Ok so i missed everything so can some one please get me up to speed? Please?" Vince asks. Nikki and Tommy just sigh before explaining what they know. "Oh. my. god."
"I know." Tommy says.
"So what are we going to do?" Vince asks
"What can we do?"
"Well she wouldn't answer to Nikki so... we'll you don't you try, Tommy? You guys seem pretty close." Nikki just rolls his eyes at Vince's statement. "What?" Vince says looking at Nikki.
"Oh uh nothing nothing. It's just she doesn't seem comfortable telling us. I mean she barley knows us." Nikki responds.
"Yeah well that's why I said maybe Tommy should go talk to her because they seem to have gotten closer to her than you or I."
"Yeah fine whatever. You can try."
Tommy sighs. "I'll be right back." He gets up and walks past Nikki out the door.
Nikki walks over to his bed and lies down on it. "Fuck."

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